The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - SURVEY ADDED

Post by Zeilera »

Edit: I'm not looking for RP partners at the moment.

I prefer someone who would be able to reply in around three days. Of course I understand that people have a life but if it starts to take like a week to reply I'll start losing my enthusiasm... Please use correct grammar and no text talk! English isn't my mother tongue so keep in mind that it's not perfect! I'll try to write at least one paragraph per post and I wish you'd do the same. My timezone is UTC + 2.

I love fantasy and I'm willing to do anything related to it! RP based on a book, like Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, would be awesome. I also like the Hunger Games a lot. Vampires and werewolves are also okay, but nothing related to Twilight, please! I'm open to ideas so if you have something in your mind, feel free to PM me! ^_^
Last edited by Zeilera on February 5th, 2012, 5:34:36 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - SURVEY ADDED

Post by Evermore »

*Edit: 8/22/13*

Hey there guys! :wave: Looking for a few partners again. :D

Just a little intro about me:
I LOVE to RP! I prefer romance; I'm such a sucker for the mushy stuff. I would like my RPing partners to be be mature, literate, able to do their best with spelling and grammar, and on at least once a day, or every other day. I understand life gets in the way sometimes; just make sure you try to let me know when you'll be absent for a while, and I'll do my best to do the same. :)

A list of things I REALLY wanna do; I'm willing to any, or all! Just PM me with suggestions, questions, or if you wanna join me! (These are really, really broad for a reason; I'm pretty much up for anything! I have some idea, but we can try just about anything.)

  • * Phantom of the Opera
    * Master and Slave
    * Arranged Marriage
    * Medieval
    * Salem (witches and stuff)
    * Greek Gods
    * Farm
    * Anyyything <3
Last edited by Evermore on August 22nd, 2013, 6:21:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - SURVEY ADDED

Post by Ashleygal »

Why have I only just discovered this thread now?

Anyway, I'm looking for partners to do yaoi rpgs with.
I'm up for:
- Vampires/werewolves/centaurs/demon rps.
- Based on a book or film we both have read/seen.(Not as much, but I'm willing to give it a shot.)

I will not do:
-Warrior cats/wolves/[insert species name here]
Just, no.

Also, the romance doesn't have to be the first thing in the rp, so long as there's a good, strong plot in there somewhere. If you have any ideas, just PM me.

My conditions are, first and foremost, literacy. I understand the odd spelling mistake or two in a post, but I love nothing more than good grammar and punctuation and the like. Shoddy posts kill me a little inside, and I normally stop replying to those sorts.
I'm looking for at least a paragraph or two in a post, but I'm not above one-liners either most of the time. I know that people aren't perfect, but I'm hoping to find a lit/adv partner who can contribute to the plot. I can only think up so many ideas by myself.
I'm not too bothered about how many posts a day, so long as there's one every two or three days or something. I'm normally on every day, but I'm relatively patient. If a week goes by and there's no post, I'll nudge the thread up.

Also, my timezone is GMT, for future reference. I'm also fine with blood or violence, and I'm not afraid to go to PMs! XD

So, if you want to rp with me, just leave a message after the beep. ^_^

Edit 1st September 2013 (yep, looking once again!): Looking for a partner to do an original rpg idea with.
Last edited by Ashleygal on September 1st, 2013, 10:57:06 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - SURVEY ADDED

Post by 222buster »

Time to look for a new RP partner! >:D

Literacy: I want at least 3+ lines per post. I know that writers blocks can make us sometimes post one-liners, but don't do it all the time, it makes it harder for me to respond to. And please don't talk in text talk, it irritates me and it makes it tougher for me to read it. Though I do understand accidental spelling errors and stuff, but I don't want every post to be full of text talk. And please, try to use correct punctuation, and try to also use capitalization when it's required.

Genre: Here are some of the Genres I'll do. The ones in bold are the ones I really feel like doing currently.
-warrior cats-
-animals- (I can do dogs, cats, horses, etc.)
-horror?- (Never actually roleplayed horror, but I'm curious about it)
-Multiverse- (I've roleplayed in one and I found quite enjoyable)
-Transformers- (I'll do almost any RP with transformers!(Well except for bay-formers... :t--.-: ))
-Owls of ga'hoole- (I just recently watched the movie and I loved it, that's why I want to do an RP of it!)
Now here are the ones I won't do, no matter what.
-Vampires in general-
-romance- (I just suck at roleplaying it.)
-yaoi/yuri- (Just no.)
-High school- (Why would I roleplay something I'm already doing?)
-Normal day- (Way to boring for me. :t-sleep: )
If you see any that weren't listed give me a suggestion through PM and I'll check it out.

Characters: I don't mind a bunch of characters since they usually help move the story along, or help the main characters get to a totally different area and interact with each other. But make sure to keep track of them and not forget about them. And yes you can make them characters that are just here to get killed in creative ways. And I don't mind playing either gender of character, but I usually prefer to play male characters.

Plot: Probably if we were to do the Ga'hoole one it could be generations after the story, and the Pure ones are rising again and kidnapping young owls to do some dastardly deed. (I haven't figured out the evil they should be doing. :wat: )

But with all the other genres I'm open for ideas so just PM me and we can make the plot up.

If you're interested just send me a PM.
P.S. I can deal with crude humor quite easily, in fact I have some crude humor myself. As for cursing, it's okay, but if you're cursing every sentence then I'm not gonna be having fun RPing with you.
Last edited by 222buster on April 16th, 2013, 3:57:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - SURVEY ADDED

Post by Cassowary »

Looking for someone to do a POKEMON TRAINER RP. Preferably in a universe where each trainer is allowed ONLY ONE POKEMON, because I suck at keeping track of large teams. If you want to RP with me, you must be able to withstand the most INACTIVE RP buddy ever. Things would go very, very slowly. I prefer someone MODERATELY LITERATE, with a minimum of THREE SENTENCES per post.

I have NO IDEA why I'm using caps like this. It seems familiar.

Partner found!

Mod Edit: Please only post once in this thread. Thank you.

Currently: Not actively looking, but willing if you reeeeally want to RP with me!

I expect you to be able to:
  • - Write at least 2 sentences per post. Yes, two. I don't mind less-wordy, faster-paced RPing.
    - Use proper spelling and grammar. I'm not too much of a stickler, but if your error rate is high, I'll get annoyed pretty fast.
    - Help with moving the plot along. I don't mind being the pusher, but if you're all reaction and I'm all action, it can get pretty boring.
    - Deal with foul language and possibly crude humour.

What I like:
  • - Pokemon (gijinka only)
    - Shifters
    - Animals
    - Fantasy (animals or humans or whatever)
    - Apocalypse plots
    - Modern settings
    - Completely made-up settings

What I don't like:
  • - Sci-fi (I just get too nitpicky)
    - Historical-type settings (again, nitpicky)
    - "Fanfic" RPs (yet again with nitpickiness)

What I can deal with:
  • - Romance
    - Gore
    - Foul language
    - Crude humour
    - What the fuck else is there?

This is not a complete list, so feel free to PM me with questions/whatev.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - SURVEY ADDED

Post by Amkorra »

Ok, I'm looking for a RP-Partner (what else? xD)

First about me:
I'm not a native speaker when it comes to English, but up to know I would rate it as pretty good. As I always use a spellchecker, there shouldn't be that many mistakes in my writing. I'm going to work from Monday to Friday, so it can happen, that I don't post everyday, but I guarantee at least one post a week. More if I really get addicted to the story! (which can easily happen)

What I'm looking for:
I love to write much and it should be at least semi-literal. A little description of the environment helps a lot to get a good feeling at the play.
As of a Theme, I'm up to everything, well, nearly. I'm not going to write love-stories with love on first sight. Seriously, this is way too boring compared to 2 characters on a great adventure.
I love Fantasy, and I can come up with very unique characters here. I'm offering you something different then the usual!

Most of my previous characters are shape-shifters, but I can play many different things. Normal Humans, Animals, Dragons, Vampires, Demons, Angles, Everything!

So far about me! :wave:
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Hope »

I'm new with this...think. Where I seek 1x1 rp's, that is xD

I am an 8th grader. From Sweden. But I can role english, and I can role long xD
Sometimes it gets short, because of my low english skills. Hehhe. But now, what I'm here for.

I only seek a HP roler, who is willing to role with me. I'm not good with the english classes' names.
I'm not very good at rping girls, so I would love if you'd rp girl xD

Please do role girl, long and kinda good. I don't say I'm the best, and not the worst either. But I love rping, and I hope that someone responds to this!

Do you wanna know more? Send a PM ;) <3

Partner found ;)

Mod Edit: Please only use one post in this thread. Thank you.

Okey. Second time I'm searching. I'll start with some rping info bout myself.

'Bout Me:
I am an 8th grader. From Sweden. But I can role english, and I can role long xD
I have kinda good grammar, and is one of the best in english in my class. (Everybody else says -.-)
Sometimes it gets short, because of my low english skills. Hehhe. But now, what I'm here for.

What I'm Seeking:
*I seek a HP roler, who is willing to role with me. I'm not good with the english classes' names.
I'm not very good at rping girls, so I would love if you'd rp girl xD
-- Found
*Dragon rp. I'm kinda good. Read all the Eragon books, none in english(all in swedish). I hope that Dragon riders is one option in the Dragon category.
*Cats, in someway. Stray cats I guess. That's the only 'catway' I know about. Hehhe XD
*Dogs, straydogs. Wolves is one option. (They're bloodrelatives). I can rp fantasy wolves, or 'ordinary wolves' without powers that is.

If you have other recommendations, please send a PM.

*You have to be able to rp girl. I'm the worst -.-
*Please write...for atleast 60 Gold. I don't know how much that is in rows, but atleast....4-5 rows, maybe 10?
*Have some kind of action or lead to the rp. I'm bad with ideas. We'll do it together, otherwise.
*You have to know a little about the thing you wanna rp.

Come on now. Don't be shy. Send me a PM. I'll be waiting on my green cloud...:D <3 :wave:

Please click ^^

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Kestrad »

Okay, here goes:

I'm looking for a literate, advanced RP partner. And when I say "literate" and "advanced," I mean as few spelling mistakes as possible and good grammar. (I will make exceptions if you are a good writer, though.) You can write as little or as much as you want per post, though I'd prefer if you tried to do at least three sentences so that I have something to work with.

These are topics I'm interested in:
-Fairy tales

Slash, femslash, het, it's all fine with me, but I don't do explicit smut. (Believe me, you don't want to read smut written by me anyway.) I also don't do incest.

If you want to do a Hetalia RP, my OTP is SuFin, so I'd prefer not doing any pairings that breaks that one up. Other than that, pretty much any pairing is fine, though I do particularly have a fondness for rarepairs and history.

If you're interested, feel free to PM me!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by HopeLions13 »

Edited 8/23/12
About me
Hi I am HopeLions13 but most just call me Hope. I love to write and love to roleplay. I have been on here for years now and absolutely adore it. I used to do all public roleplays but they keep dying so I have just decided mainly to do 1x1 or 1x1x1. I usually write a few paragraphs and can always meet what you put. I am in 8th grade so my spelling and grammar isn't perfect, but it is pretty good.
I want no less that 3 or 4 lines per post. I get writers block, but it is hard to respond to. The more you write the better.
I need to be able to read your posts first time through. I get mistakes, I mess up a lot too. But I don't need this
melodywalked doen thest reet and then liftedthebig doo r andshe sa the vapire looking at he.

I am usually on every night but sometimes I will get grounded. I need you to be on at least 3 times a week. Again the more the better.

If the plot lends to it I will bring in romance, but I need another plot too.

Fan Fictions I like
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Hunger Games
Avatar: The Last Airbender
H2O Just add water
Fallen Novels
Mortal Instruments
Maze Runners
Shadow Falls
warrior cats
Gallagher Girls
Cronus Chronicles
Cambion Chronicles
Lorien Legacys
Dance Moms
American Idol
Iron Fey
Hex Hall
Demon Trappers
Watchers Trilogy
Maximum Ride
Dead Beautiful/Life eternal
House of Anubis
Shapeshifters as long as the plots original
Greek/Roman Mythology
fantasy(modern day)
anything that could never happen
paranormal school
area 51
Olympic rp

Won't do
pure romance
anything way overused
Last edited by HopeLions13 on August 23rd, 2012, 6:29:33 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Perish »

Hello. My name is Perish. I'm looking for a private roleplay of the following kinds-
• Yaoi
• Yuri
• Horror
• Mutants
• Percy Jackson and the Olympians
• Straight romance. If we're doing this, I'd like to be the boy.
• Historical fiction
• Adventure
• Science fiction
• Hunger Games
• Hetalia
• Kuroshitsuji

If it's not on here, I probably won't do it. Feel free to ask, though.

Please note that I can type a paragraph or more with every post, and I am a grammar Nazi. I'd like a partner that knows what they're doing, and can spell. There's really mo text talk involved in my posts, maybe BRB or LOL. You know, average. But despite that, I'm very random. I like to joke around and I'm slightly... Pervy. If you're interested, please private message me. I'm a guy, and I live in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. Although, in the summers, I'll be in Las Vegas.
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