The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Searching for 1x1::: Always Open
What I Look For:::
•Someone who can write at least one good detailed paragraph.
•I love swapping ideas, please don't abandon me in the middle of a roleplay.
•A mature roleplayer, I tend to curse a lot (appropriately) I also tend to push the limit with MS rules nothing too inappropriate I don't roleplay out sex scenes but my characters don't just kiss.
What You Will See From Me:::
•First, I am on almost everyday so expect fast replies.
•I do Male x Male and Female x Male
•I roleplay both genders
•I am usually able to post two or more paragraphs that are detailed.
•I usually end up doing age groups of 16 to 38
Things I'll Do:::
I'll do pretty much anything but here are some specifics.
•Dystopian Societies
•Supernatural Creatures
•Roleplays based off shows (possibly)
What I Absolutely Won't Do:::
•Anime Roleplays (nothing against them I just don't read/watch anything)
•Magistream Based Roleplays
•Warrior Cats
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Emerarudo »

Yeah, I haven't been role playing for three years now, but I really want to get started again! If you think I seem interesting just PM me and we can figure something out.

I am online pretty much all the time in weekends, and at least once a day in normal weekdays. Time is EST (+1).

What I look for in a partner
  • Should be able to write at least two paragraphs
  • Somewhat good grammar
  • Original ideas and a high level of creativity
  • Not for people with a weak heart, my characters are quite intense
  • Good developed characters
What to expect from me
  • Very complex and well developed characters
  • Lot's of creativity
  • Good grammar and very few spelling mistakes
  • 2-6 paragraphs, depends on the situation
  • Quick replies in weekends
What I will do
  • Mythical creature roleplays
  • Magistream roleplays
  • Horror roleplays
  • Psychological roleplays
  • Male x male
  • Female x female
  • Male x female
What I will not do
  • High school/college roleplays
  • Super girly romance
  • Roleplays based on movies, TV series, books, anime etc
Please, someone contact me, I want a roleplay partner really bad!
I found a partner!
Last edited by Emerarudo on March 30th, 2016, 10:43:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Vitek »

I haven't been doing anything for the last few weeks, so here is my little post. I am looking for someone who is willing to RP a few things that might be on the mature side. Death, language, and violence are to be expected. Romance not so much. If it fits, great, but expect it to be kept on the forum, so it has to be appropriate. I'm a furry and will probably play a furry character. I attempt to reply at least twice a day. If you cannot, that is fine, but I would like to keep it to at least once a day so that it progresses and stays fresh, and doesn't drop off of the face of the forum. I can do 1-2 paragraphs normally, I would hope you can do the same. I consider myself quite developed at world building, and am highly creative.

I will do
Science fiction
Super hero stuff
Almost anything that can be kept interesting
I will not
Feral animals
Stuff involving horses
Romance as a center point
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by AliceShadow »

I'm looking for new RP partners ^^
I'm willing to RP basically anything at all
Just PM me and we will figure things out^^
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Misconceptions »

Hello everyone! I'm new to this site, but certainly not to roleplaying. I can write anywhere from just a few lines to several paragraphs. It doesn't matter much to me, though in a typical post I write around 6-10 lines or 2 paragraphs. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to roleplaying. I'm on almost every day, though I am a full time college student, so I may too busy some days to reply right away. However, I will try to reply at least every day /every other day. So just message me if you're interested! If I don't reply to our rp for a little while, please remind me! I can be pretty forgetful.

What I am looking for:
  • -Romance (any pairings)
    -Almost any animal
    -Mythical creatures
    -Mythical creature x human
    -Books/movies I've read/seen with OCs
    (Shiver • Unwind • Uglies • The 100)
    -Teens with powers
    -Summer camps
What I am not looking for:
  • -Equines
    -Human characters in school
    -Warrior cats
    -Movies/books I'm
    unfamiliar with
    -Anything with pre-existing
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by EmLenore »

Updated - 27/04/2016
-Will update with new plots occasionally. Message if you're interested in me as a partner and you have a plot you want to share with me! Also PM with questions!-
-Currently not looking for 1x1-

Information About Me
Hi! I go by Lenore, Len, or Em. I'm a third year college student (almost finished with my third year). Due to this I'm quite busy, a lot of the time. This means I'm not going to be super active or posting a bunch, sometimes I'll have tons of free time and be able to go back and forth on posting, other times it might take me a week or two. So if you're looking for someone super active or if you have no patience, or think that you wont like the role-play in a few weeks to months, I am not your person. Also some helpful information, I live in PST timezone. So if you wanna know what time it is for me, you can figure it out!
What I'll Offer as a Role-play Partner
  • Semi-Literate to Literate: This all depends on my mood and muse. If I can't come up with anything, I'll try to be as detailed as possible but will probably lack emotion. If I'm really feeling it, then expect a book.
    Understanding: As I said above in my quick little bio, I'm very busy. So if you're equally as busy, then I'm gonna understand. If I haven't heard from you in a week to two weeks then expect a small PM about your whereabouts. I expect the same if you haven't heard from me, but I'll try to keep you updated.
    Flexible: We do not have to role-play on magistream if you would prefer email or another site. I know I have a few other places that give me regular notifications that I would prefer to follow.
    Maturity: I'm about to turn 21 and I've been looking for more mature and detailed role-plays. Sometimes delving into topics that go into great detail that are not aloud on here - as in, going into great detail is not aloud. Not just talking about sexual stuff, but gore, death, emotions that are not always welcomed, sometimes even certain controversial topics going around. If you are also interested in that, message me about the flexibility and hopefully we can come to a conclusion on where we can role-play.
    Realism: I love realism. I try to stick to being realistic as I possible can be while still keeping the plot going. So that means no one falls in love at first sight, no super powerful ninja characters from me (unless thats the role-play), no flat or one dimensional characters that are the protagonist. Also, if the realism is based of the world, theme, plot, and so on.
    Multiple Characters: Now, I'm currently burnt out by doing a lot of characters in one role-play, but if it needs it, I'll do some side characters.
    Creativity: I love coming up with ideas and plot twists.
What I'm Looking for in a Role-play Partner
  • Semi-Literate to Literate: I expect someone to match my writing length. If you go over, that's fine. But if the post is significantly smaller than my own, there is an issue. However writer's block is understandable.
    Creativity: I expect someone equally as creative as myself, wanting to come up with additional information for plots and maybe even changing some of my own plots. Coming up with plot twists, and generally fun person.
    Mature: As stated above, I'm looking for role-plays that delve into mature details. I also expect user's who choose to role-play with me are mature in how they approach conflicts and certain details within the role-play. Obviously if you're uncomfortable with something, I'm not going to push. We do not have a super mature role-play. This is mainly here to explore emotions most people tend to avoid, or role-play unrealistically.
    Understanding: As stated above, I understand if you have writer's block or can't post for a while. I expect the same in return.
Genre's I'm Interested In
  • Romance
Specific Plots Down Below

Secrets in an Open World [Found Kali2 for one position!][Found Fang for last position!]
  • Two options: 1x1 where you will play two characters. or 1x1x1 where we each play one character.
    Genre: Romance
    Themes: Secrecy, betrayal, hurt, angst, love, forgiveness.
    Details: This is a polyamory or polygamy relationship (whichever is chosen). Polyamory where two people together date another individual together. Polygamy where an individual is in multiple committed relationships (typically multiple marriages). These individuals will be of varying ages between 21-35.
    What I mean by "sequels": Basically each sequel will be exploring different controversial relationships in this world. By that, what happens when someone isn't loved back, transgendered individuals, those without their love on their sleeve, a-gendered individuals, LGBTQ+, living in an area where these are not accepted - at all, different countries, etc. It'll make more sense when you read the plot.
    Plot: In a world where people literally where their love on their sleeve, what happens to those who do not fit in with the "norm"? Ever since history could be written down, there has always been a name that appears on the arm when a child becomes sexually mature (ages 11-21 depending on gender and other factors). The names do not always appear right away and are not always someone they know. These names lead the wearer to their soul-mate, other half, perfect match. Typically the other half will also have the name of the one searching for them. Now a days, the likelihood of you knowing the individual is a rarity. An additional thing that has happened, that is slowly getting talked about more and more, are names appearing that are not seen as "traditional" or "right". There have been some written papers in the past but most scientists and other like-minded individuals wrote it off as a lie or misunderstanding. That was until more and more cases began to pop up of individuals with more than one name, or a name of that is seen as the same sex, or even those without a name. Even stranger there are those that only have a partial of a name or even a blurred, hazy image of what appears to be a name. Sometimes when they find their soulmate, their name isn't on the other's arm. So what really happens to those who do not fit into the normative? How will they live? How will they find their supposed lover? What happens to those who want to go against the their arm? And those who cannot find their other match?
Hello, I am in my second year of college and am very busy.
I am also an avid roleplayer and have got myself caught up in several rps on three different sites. Not too mention I'm trying to create a guild on Gaia and run a roleplay on here. If I don't RP fast enough, I'm sorry, I have my reasons.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by vampirekisses »

Hello, I'm looking for an RP partner, that can wants to get started as soon as possible. I am very eager to start an RP. I'm in my last two week of school, but aside from that I should be able to get on pretty often. I am willing to RP just about anything as long as I have some type of knowledge on it. However I highly encourage romance to be apart of the rp. It doesn't have to be the main focus though. I also enjoy apocalypse type RP's, but that's not required. If you have any ideas don't be afraid to PM me about them. I'm willing to do just about anything! I hope to hear from someone soon.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by gazaereal »

Looking for a partner who:
- is at least semi-literate, not too many typos
- agrees to some more violent scenes (anything the site allows)
- is ok with cursing IC
- likes longer stories
- is ok with delays in answers

I don't mind rping in any form, though I prefer paragraphs. I do still have school, so I won't always be able to answer right away. If I lost interest, I WILL TELL YOU! Don't assume anything.

What I'll do (we can make a deal for other themes if they aren't in my won't do list, but these are wanted):
- Dragons (preferred)
- Warrior cats (and any spin offs)
- Mythical creatures

What I won't do:
- ANY kind of romance
- Vampire/werewolf/both
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

Currently looking for either 1x1 or group RP partners, I'm not picky! Well, maybe I am, but not about the number of players. Looking for at least semi-literate partners whose characters are unique; no Mary Sues/Gary Stus unless I get to kill 'em off. :devil: Also, I'd really like activity level to be fairly consistent and frequent, like once a week posts from everyone; I'm really bored with the RPs I'm currently in because they're all lucky to see someone post like once a month and I kinda hate the stagnation.

Things I won't do:
-School. I look for things with a developed, interesting plot, and the only plots I've ever seen in ANY type of school setting were... well, actually, pretty non-existent. If you have an idea for a school setting that's unique, I might be interested, but generally no.
-Harry Potter. Same reason.
-Heavy romance. I'm generally uncomfortable with it in the first place, so it will show in my characters, but anything past like snuggling or something is just a no-go.
-Warriors or any spin-offs of it.

Things I like/look for:
-Good, detailed, and interesting plot concepts.
-Anything based off of some book, manga/anime, movie, TV show, etc. as long as I'm familiar with it.
-Been on a Pokemon gijinka kick recently :orly:
-Pretty open to ideas

Me as an RPer:
I generally try to have my post be detailed and fun to read, but I won't have them take up pages and pages in a Word document. In other words, I try to avoid using lots of fluff, because I personally find it tedious to read through. I'm pretty active, and receptive to new ideas and input. I've never actually done a 1x1, though, so please be patient with me in that regard!
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Godspit »

Mysterion wrote:Ahhh hello I'm Dyan! I haven't roleplayed in a few years, but I would really like to start up again!

About me!
I'm on almost every day, but with school I won't be on as much.
I am horrible at coming up with the inital plot, but after that I'll definitely help with everything!!
Most of my OC's are nonbinary, not straight, and furry
I usually use multiple characters

What I'm expecting
I'll do my best to reply with a paragraph or more each time, so you should do that, too!
Please be semi-lit or better
Post in third person
Preferably 2 or 3 replies a week. But if something comes up and you can't write a reply, it's totally fine! I'm kinda experiencing writer's block right now so it's not the best time to rp with me

South Park!!
South Hollow AU
Explorations/ adventures
Monster people in a modern setting
A little romance
M/M or F/F relationships are fine with me! I'd rather them than straight relationships tbh
A little gore
Other fandoms

Anything SuperWhoLock (Supernatural, Dr. Who, Sherlock)
Horror! I love it but I couldn't write it to save my life
Vampires or werewolves
High-school settings
Apocalypse/dystopian (example: no Hunger Games)

well I think that's it, but don't be afraid to send me a PM with any questions! for more of my interests, check out my tumblr /abt! thanks for reading :wave:
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