The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Skys54 »

I'm looking for 1x1 partner I am comfortable playing both a male or female role but I prefir playing a female role. I consider myself a good writer and I am capable of replying a few paragraphs per reply/post/edition. But you must be able to put up with my spelling errors as I have a terrible time picking up my own spelling errors till after I post. (Don't ask me why but only after I have posted can I pick up mistakes)

I'm pretty comfortable playing most types I'd RP genres but I will not do Spam/Crack RP.

I have a few Ideas for RPs but I'm up for any suggestions.
Medieval day to day life. (I have a few ideas for this one we can discuss)
Fantsay creatures in a war with human
Stargate Atlantas
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by MythicHeart »

I am currently: Looking for a new partner.

I am currently looking for a 1x1 Rp partner. I will role play both genders, and am not usually picky on roles. I am usually on at least 3 days a week. Pm me if interested.

Partners must:
-Have fair characters
-Be active (at least 1 day a week, but I understand if you cannot do some days)
- Write more than 7 sentences each post.
- Have basic knowledge on role playing.
- Not use shortcuts while role playing (etc. LOL)
Things you can expect out of me:
- I am very creative, and will continue a story if it begins to dim, or runs out of ideas.
-I usually write paragraphs up to 7 sentences long minimum.
-I am active; I am on at least 3 times a week.
-I am open to any and all ideas for stories.
Things I will role play:
-Anything fantasy related. ( My favourite )
- Most Sci-Fi themes.
-Fandom roleplays
-Anything else. (PM me for more info)
Things I will NOT role play:
-Fandoms I am not part of.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Lionthrush »

Hi! I am looking for an animal rp, and I would like to be a female. I will play a male, however, if you really want. Contact me and I will start one or join yours!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Dancingstar »

Dancingstar wrote:I'm looking for a sem-lit role play partner, I mostly do romance.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Rileybear »

Looking for a literate RP partner! Please check the spoilers below c:

[ Genres / RP Types ]
(* - *** = what I'm most in the mood for.)
(this is all i want to RP at the moment. if its not on this list, im not interested.)

Warrior Cats/Traditional Clans**
Warrior Cats/Original Clans*
Post-Harry Potter*** (NO Cursed Child influence)
Werewolf x Hunter**
Sire x Fledgling***
Boarding School/Travel Abroad*
Apartment AUs*** (i have a list for these!)
[ Guidelines ]
.: I am online nearly every day. I will try to reply as soon as I can, and I would like the same from my partner.
.: If you're bored, please tell me so we can stop or change whats happening in the RP. The same goes for if you're uncomfortable.
.: Please understand the basic rules of RPing before asking to RP with me.
.: I flip-flop characters if we take on more than one for whatever reason. I don't want to be stuck playing all males, and I wouldn't want you to be stuck with that, either.
.: Plot suggestions are always welcomed and encouraged!
.: [ please help my darlings grow! ] :.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Solbrekt »

Hello. Pseudo-MMO?
Thought for an RP being one based around 'playing' a nonspecific medieval fantasy RPG, playing mostly 'IC' by way of the usual sellsword schtick of games, with arbitrary game mechanics attached. The game itself would be something entirely made up on a whimsy(I haven't been current on any specific mmo lore in quite a while and hey it's fun to just make crap up sometimes?)
So maybe there could be made up quests, dungeons, 'leveling', faction grinding, doing really stupid things for nonexistent achievements, borderline metagaming(in that things like lfg or those gawdy /General arguments would still happen, but the 'OoC' would still be game based?) and really weird glitches all over the place for laughs.
An abundance of humor would just be awesome.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Greirat »

Last Updated On: 02/21/17
Currently Looking For 1x1 Partners

What You Can Expect:
I’m looking for a roleplay partner to partake in an Action/Adventure plot, with undertones of romance. If romance does happen, I want the characters to build a respect and trust for one another before real romance starts.

I also would greatly appreciate it if your character has at minimum ONE significant flaw. Characters are not gods. They are human. Humans have flaws, typically more then one.

I don't normally do roleplays with anyone who is below a Semi-Lit person. But if someone happens to peak my interest with another roleplay idea and they happen to be below what I am comfortable with for an Rp level, then I would be happy to roleplay with that person!

Any roleplay will be over threads. I will NOT do PM roleplays, But would love to do OOC chat in PMs! I also need a partner who is patient. I easily get wrapped up in my school work/life and sometimes am not for a day or two at a time but I still greatly enjoy roleplaying. I will come back on to answer your reply in due time, but real life comes first; for both partners. I will also be understanding if something pulls you away and you cannot get on for long periods of time. I also would like a partner who is creative. If I'm the only one coming up with ideas for the roleplay I'm most likely going to get bored with the roleplay and also fed up. If neither of us can come up with something individually to throw in on our own, we can always brainstorm more ideas.

Plot 1: It's Only You And I, Detective - Original Rp By DaedAir
What I was thinking is that maybe there are kidnappings in the town of Havenport. Because these disappearings have a connection dealing with the supernatural; the FBIS or the Federal Bureau Investigation of Supernaturals has been called into help. Originally, the FBIS sent a a PI to investigate a kidnapping of a college prodigy. But when the PI finds out that it is actually connected to a larger group of kidnappings in Havenport, he finds himself along side the of the Havenport police; investigating further into the matter.
Plot 2: Steam Through
Master gets an order or a mission from the Lord of the nation. And the Master knows he can't go at it alone. So he takes his students along with him. But along the way and with dangers they have to get by, they perhaps start form a close relationship with each other. At first just good friends.
Plot 3: Of Dragons And Men
There's an unstable peace between humans and dragons. Muse A got an order from his/her King/Lord to see how dragons fair on humanity, meaning if they see humans as a threat or not. And along the way or shortly after Muse A gets the order, they run into Muse B who tries (and ultimately succeeds) to convince Muse A to let them join Muse A's journey. Unbeknownst to Muse A, however, Muse B is actually a shape-shifting dragon. Muse B's task is to see if dragons can trust humans without having to break the unstable peace that is currently brinking towards a war.
Plot 4: Oathkeeper
When Muse A summons Muse B to a contract as bodyguard, Muse B accepts. But unbeknownst to Muse A, Muse B is a demon.

Demons are forbidden to have contracts with humans. Humans are bound to earth afterall, demons are not. Demons can only stay on earth for a limited time before their concealing magic wears off. Once the magic wears off, they must either travel back to their plain of existence, or seek shelter elsewhere on earth so that they me revert to their normal form and recharge their magic ability(s).

When Hell itself finds out about Muse B's contract, Hell sends out a bounty for Muse B. Hell also sends out assassins to try and take out Muse B or otherwise convince Muse B to revoke the contract.

Muse A then confronts Muse B and reveals that Muse A is actually a knight who is hiding from Demons. When Muse B realizes who Muse A is, Muse B must choose between revoking the contract and starting a war or protecting Muse A and preventing a possibly life enhancing war for demons.
Other Ideas/Genres:
`Royal X Bodyguard
`Dark Souls
`Noble x Noble - MxM Only
`King x Noble - MxM Only
`Pokemon Gijinka
`Super Heroes
`Angels and Demons
`Post/Pre - Apocalyptic
`Pacific Rim
Last edited by Greirat on February 20th, 2017, 11:25:56 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by vampiric »

hey, getting back into ms has reignited my love of roleplaying.

looking for a semi-lit partner!!

about myself:
my grammar is atrocious when talking but dw, i do my best in rp replies. the length of my replies tend to vary; it depends on my motivation at the time. i also tend to mirror write.
my motivation comes and goes, but i do my best with replies.
im most comfortable when writing for one character at a time. im usually not that great when handling three or more ;;
im pretty active, im on at least every day.
what im looking for:
semi-litness, ofc im okay with the occasional short reply bc i understand, and it also depends on the situation. if its dialogue-heavy i understand if the reply is shorted but im hoping for nothing under a paragraph or two.
general activity - this is very flexible lmao, dont worry about it too much.
not a requirement per say, but someone i can converse with. whether in ooc, or planning the next part of the rp, i like partners i can talk easily to.
also not a requirement, but i havent roleplayed in a while and im just getting back into the swing of things. so forgive me if im not at my best aaaa
things i like/dont like
+romance - but as a subplot, not the entire focus. also i prefer playing female characters ahah;;

-really any fandom rps tbh
i dont have any plots on mind, but id love to work something out together!!

thanks for looking :bounce:
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by UmbraFear »

After several years, I've decided to return in hopes that I can restore my interest in roleplaying. For anyone remaining here who might remember me, I'd like to begin by saying that I've matured a lot since I left.

About myself:
I am seventeen, and as that implies, I will be graduating in June. Due to an illness that's been persisting since April, however, I do all of my schoolwork at home. Because I'm usually feeling sick, my posting will probably be limited to once a day, and occasionally I'll have to take some time for myself and disappear for two to three days.

I tend to keep my grammar and spelling error-free. I try to avoid repeating myself and attempt to keep my sentences flowing, but sometimes my mind gets fuzzy and I forget certain words, so I haven't been able to put out the quality of work that I normally would. And as for the length of my posts, they really vary depending on the situation.
In a partner:
Now, this is what I'm looking for in a partner. I'm not too picky, but I just want to get this out of the way.
Good grammar and spelling is a must. I will tolerate small errors, but not in every sentence. I'm not too worried about post length as long as I don't have to carry the plot myself. And I would like to be able to discuss the roleplay beforehand. As far as personality, I'm not going to judge, but I do expect repectful to casual conduct in any OOC.
What to roleplay:
I enjoy fantasy and science fiction themes, usually together. I don't mind experimenting with settings around foreign cultures either, as long as they have a bit of that aspect. Ancient Japan, particularly with samurai, are one of my favourites.

As far as fandoms go, I've been looking for someone willing to do Bleach. I'd also be up for Zelda or Gintama, though I'm not quite as enthusiastic about them.

On another note, I only play as male characters. Yaoi is alright, but I don't want it to take over the plot unless there's a really good idea behind it.
I'm not going to lie to myself, or anyone else for that matter. I'm not into romance.
If you're interested, shoot me a PM. I'm pretty much up for anything.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by PossessedPotato »

Hello ^^ I am looking for anyone that is willing to do a lit/semi-lit roleplay to help me develop an o.c I have for the Rise of the Guardians/Childhood series (or I could use an existing character!). I typically do a paragraph or more depending on what I have to work with, and I am flexible when it comes to having 'mature content' or not, wich obviously needs to be in pm only. I have been interested in the darker side that can come out of the stories for a while now, and I would adore being able to play a story out that is more violent and 'gorier' (a little bit? o3o) than the movie and book series.

If you're interested, feel free to message me!~ As long as your semi-lit and able to write at least a paragraph, I am sure we can work something out :)
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