StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Liam stood his ground over Sabrina, blood dripping from the wounds on his back, until receiving orders from Raven. He waited until the pack of wolves flooding in had pushed the werecats back, then he shifted into his human form.
Cringing - not due to his pain, but because he was afraid he might hurt Sabrina - he scooped her into his arms and got up to his feet. He turned toward the village and hurriedly made for it, trying to step carefully so as not to trip.
"Hang on, Sabrina. I'm getting you to safety." He whispered. Inwardly, his heart beat painfully against his chest. He hoped she would be alright. She was probably one of the most important people to him, now.

The werecats shrieked and yowled as they fought with the dogs.
"Retreat, sssssssisters!" The darkest cat screamed. "Doggiessss do not fight fair!" With that, the cats finally turned and bolted further into the trees.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

“Liam?” Sabrina asked a bit groggily as she opened her eyes after a little while as well as after she had felt someone pick her up while she was unconscious before her eyes started to get a bit cloudy. “Mm your natural scent of evergreens, wood and cardamom smells very nice,” she said next as she put her nose closer to his neck and rubbed it against it while also wrapping her arms around it and even letting out a purr-like sound. It was clear from the way she talked that there might be something wrong with her because she seemed a bit out of it. “You know when I told Aisling that I liked you, and she told you that, I meant that I loved you. I’ve felt that way since we were 12. You were cute then and you’re still cute now, especially when you're embarrassed, as well but also handsome, sexy and very strong,” she said next before letting out a small giggle that sounded like it came from a middle school-age girl who liked to gossip about a boy she liked. "Also, I'd like you to fight for me when the spring rituals come around. I've been feeling a bit jealous lately with the other girls in our camp watching you and giggling every time you pass by them." She then started shivering after she said her last two statements before saying while sounding slightly back to her normal self but also might suggest that she was going into shock from her injury, "I'm cold Liam." After she said this last statement, she fell unconscious again while resting her head against part of his neck. Her forehead was also starting to feel slightly warm with fever.

“We should say the same thing about you not playing fair, ganging up on only one wolf with the three of you!” Zoe called after them with a huff before sitting down and waiting for the others so that they could reconvene and head back altogether. “Cowards,” she said under her breath before having her attention go to Brazen and asking him with a concerned and worried expression on her face and asking, “Are you okay Brazen?”
Raven and Aisling joined her shortly after she had sat down and they did the same but Raven laid down beside them instead while Aisling looked a bit crestfallen.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Liam's face turned bright red as he carried Sabrina and listened to her cooing words. His heart skipped several beats, partly out of joy knowing for sure now that she loved him, then also out of fear of losing her. He could feel the fever creeping under her skin.
"Hang on, Sabrina." He whispered, "Hang on, and I promise will fight for you in the rituals."
New energy coursed through him, and he hurried as fast as he could toward the village. As soon as the rooftops were in sight, he cried out for help.

Brazen skidded to a halt a little past Zoe. He snarled and snapped his teeth together with a vicious bark for the cats. Finally, he spun around and looked at Zoe.
"I'm just fine." He snapped. He laid his ears back when he realized that his words had sounded angry and far more harsh than he had meant for them to. "I mean... I'm fine. Thanks." He looked back at where the cats had run off. "Should we chase after them?"
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Sabrina shivered a bit more when he continued to carry her back to their village. She heard what he whispered to her and felt happy but would also feel a bit embarrassed later on when it would register that she confessed her real feelings to him while being delirious and also that he would fight for her. Right now, though she was trying to stop shivering but it was a bit hard since it started to make her shake a bit more violently. She then heard him start calling for help before she heard her aunt approach them.
Tami had organized her supplies while the others went to check on her niece, arranging some of them repeatedly due to her worriment about how Sabrina was and if she was severely injured or not. When she heard Liam call for help, she rushed out of the healer hut and met them at the edge of the village. “What happened?” she asked as she tried to keep her voice from showing her worry for Sabrina. “We can talk about it as we go back to the healer hut but we’ll need to go quickly with how much she’s shaking,” she said before quickly leading the way back to it but made sure to stay near them just in case.

Zoe’s ears went back against her head when she heard his tone but then they perked back up some when she heard what he said next before hearing the question that followed. “I’m glad you’re okay. I think we should head back for now and then if a patrol is needed to go check the borders we can volunteer but I think we should go check on Brina right now,” she said in reply to both his statement and question.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on October 31st, 2019, 2:09:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

The cat scratches on Liam's back began to burn as he took Sabrina into the healer's hut. He ignored the pain, however, and quickly rambled off to Tami what had happened. He laid Sabrina down gently on the healing table, moving out of Tami's way and to the head of the table, brushing some of Brina's hair out of her face.
"The fever and shaking came on her really fast." He said with concern.

Brazen hesitated. He wanted to go after the werecats and track them while the tracking was still fresh. But he was worried about his sister. Zoe was right. They should go back, report on what happened, and let the elders form a plan.
He turned back toward the village, grimacing as he noticed some of the bites he had suffered starting to burn furiously. "Alright. Let's get back. Hopefully those filthy cats won't get away with this." He glanced around at the others. "Is everyone else alright?"
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Tami got to work on healing her niece’s major wound that was on the side of her neck and went down to her wrist after hearing everything that Liam said as an explanation of what had happened and also after he had laid her down on the healing table. “It seems that the neck wound got a bit infected which is why she has a small fever and why she’s shivering/shaking, but it’s not your fault. I appreciate you bringing her back here as quickly as you could. If getting her back here took much longer it might’ve gotten a bit worse,” she said in reply to his last statement before getting a wet cloth and putting it on Sabrina’s forehead in order to help get her fever down. “Get a bucket and bring it down to the stream to get a bit more water. We might need to put a few more cloths on her cheeks and neck as well as her arms to help more with the fever going down. We can also put her in one of the beds here and tuck her in to get her warm,” she said a few minutes later. “Her wounds are healed so that’s no longer an issue. After we get her fever to break and her much warmer, I’ll get your wounds seen to.”

Zoe nodded when she heard what Brazen said before noticing him grimace slightly before seeing the bite wounds he had. Her ears went flat against her head in worry but he seemed to be okay so she wouldn’t worry too much about it for now. “I’m fine,” she said before hearing Aisling and Raven say their replies soon afterward.
“I’m fine as well but I can’t help feeling like this was my fault,” Aisling said in reply after she picked up her head a bit to do so. “I was close to where Brina was on her walk but I hadn’t offered to go with her in case she had wanted company. If I had done that she probably wouldn’t have gotten as injured as she did,” she said with a depressed expression on her face and her ears flat against her head.
“I’m uninjured as well and it wasn’t your fault Aisling. It wasn’t anyone’s fault since this kind of thing happens, but it was unusual for werecats to be on our land. I’ll talk to Aiden and Kieran about the best thing to do when we get back and have your wounds seen to Brazen,” Raven said in reply before getting up and leading the way back to the village with Zoe and Aisling following after her.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Liam grabbed a bucket and ran out, fetching some water and bringing it back to Tami. He helped her with everything she needed, all the while noticing that he was feeling warmer under his skin, and a cold sweat breaking across his skin.
Finally, he stood back, staring at Sabrina. "What do we need to do to break her fever?" he asked.

Blaire moved up next to Aisling, his ears twisted sideways to convey a softness in his face. "My mom is right. It wasn't your fault. If anything, you may have saved her life, being so close nearby."
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

“We need to get some cloths wet and put them on her arms and neck as well as her forehead,” Tami said in reply after Liam came back with a bucket of water. She then grabbed a few cloths and began to wet them while putting them on her arms while he put the cloths on her neck and forehead (sorry for god-modding a bit; just thought I’d move it along some) before she said, “Now we’ll need to get her in one of the beds with the covers over her to get her warmer but before we do that let me heal your wounds. If I don’t, you might end up like Sabrina. I can give you a cloth to keep your forehead cool in case it’s starting to get hot as we continue with getting her taken care of.”

Aisling looked over at Blaire when he came up beside her and heard everything he said, feeling slightly better when what he said registered. “Thanks Blaire. I kind of thought that was the case but then I also kind of felt a bit guilty which took over that other thought instead.” She then moved her head over closer to him before nuzzling against him and then pulling away again afterward.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Liam shrugged his shoulder. "No. Thank you. I'll be fine." He waited until Tami was finished healing him, then he scooped Sabrina into his arms and moved her to a bed, awaiting further instruction.

If Blaire could have blushed under his fur, he would have.
Brazen led the way back to the village, his wounds, minor as they were, growing hotter and more irritating with every step he took. His first thought was that he should go to be healed, but there were other things more important. Already, the village was swelling with the news of what had happened, and everyone was going to see the elders.
"The elders will want to hear our reports before they speak to the village on the matter." He said to the others.
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

“Okay but if you ever change your mind on that I’ll be happy to do that for you,” Tami said in reply before going over to the bed he set Sabrina down on and started to put the cloths on her arms and forehead. She then motioned for him to help her put the comforter and sheets up to her niece’s neck while her arms stayed outside and on top of them so that they wouldn’t get wet. “Now we’ll wait for her temperature to go down. I’ll check her forehead in a little while to make sure of that. You might want to go see the elders to give them your report on what happened. I think the others will be doing the same. You can come back here after you’ve done that,” she said after they were done placing the comforter and sheets where they now were.
After waiting awhile longer and also after she had washed her hands, she went over to Sabrina and checked her temperature to find that it had gone down a bit so she removed the wet cloths from her arms and forehead. She then got up and put the cloths over the sink faucet for them to dry and it was then that she heard a small sound coming from the bed. She turned to see that her niece had wrapped herself up in the comforter and sheets to get warmer, smiling a bit to herself at how cute that still was. She remembered Sabrina doing that when she was younger.

“Brazen’s right. We can go to the healing hut and get everyone’s wounds seen to and check on how Sabrina’s doing after we do that,” Raven said after shifting back to her human form while Aisling and Zoe nodded their agreement and also shifted back to their human forms after they had reached the village. Then they started to head towards the elder’s hut, knowing that the boys would follow so they didn’t look back to check to see if they were.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on January 3rd, 2021, 9:52:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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