OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by pegasi1978 »

I have a request regarding adding games to the site...if they are added, please offer an assortment of flash and non-flash based games. I primarily access the site through my phone and flash is not supported in any browser available. (I've looked more times than I can count.)
2024 Crystalwings, Diamond Koi, horse-y things and Cypheles Crystalwings please!| Wishlist in profile | Avatar by Munin!
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ShadowDragon07 »

Reima wrote:
ShadowDragon07 wrote:Can't remember if anyone posted item gathering from their creatures, so i'mma post this anyways. lol

- Had an inspiration from a Harvest Moon game I play. As an avid player of HM games, I like the concept of collecting items from the animals to complete a quest. It would be kinda neat to have quests where we collect items from a creature, say...every three days like how the breeding is set up, and once you gain enough of this item, turn it in to the quest giver/area to get a new creature. Or even get an older one, based on what items you collected from whichever creature.

example 1: a frozen egg from each type and color of crystalwing, along with a 'gem' from each as well. Get all of these and you get ONE '09 crystalwing. May or may not be re-doable, probably not, since it's such a rare creature. lol

example 2: Gather 8 direwolf claws, 4 (living) eggs from an albino direwolf, and 10 fangs from a dire core...and you get some awesome new wolf creature.
Are you sure 4 LIVING Albino Eggs won't be too much for the newer users to handle?
Some new members also struggle with their gold earning and for example I am kinda sad when I look at the prices of some things and when I go to the auction house and people instantly add a ton of gold in there so that the newer users are pushed out right away with the thought: "I shouldn't even try..."

I like the gold earning from games~
I'm not requesting flashgames or anything, but at least some other way on getting gold than just clicking (and getting 1 gold per creature) and posting (which sometimes only gives you 6g no matter how long the post is)

But yes, I'll stop my rant~
I was just throwing out ideas, not being serious about what creatures to use. I more-or-less fall under the category of 'new users' with earning gold. The only creatures I can afford are stream ones. Most of the things I get are from give-a-ways or gifts from friends. It takes me a month to get 5k gold, if I'm lucky. My browser can't handle gold mining. Besides, most people are giving away so many creatures in some fashion, that near everyone has or can get a hold of one creature or another. I never go to the auction section, because I know I'll never win anything. There's a million other people way better at it than me.

@Ayakashi Omg, that would so be awesome. I have a lineage myself that I want to keep from being inbred. Accidentally picking someone's parent or sibling would be horrible. Even if there was a filter to weed out ties would help, definitely designating mates would be helpful too.

@pegasi1978 I agree with the phone issue. I don't even try to go to the stream on it, wigs out every time. lol Having the option of flash or no flash would make phone users be able to participate as well.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ertdf »

I can't be sure, if this is already mentioned, but I'd love some kind of automated keep shop feature. I mean that you can put several creatures for sale and add price. Once one wish to buy something, he need only collect the creatures and the shop feature calculates the total. Then the buyer adds the gold and clicks 'buy' and all gold and creatures go their new owners without needing to use a trade. There could also be a PM note which is sent to both members what was bought and what price.

As for earlier suggested, the new (difficult) quests would be very nice. :D

//edit: typos...
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Feuerfresser »

ertdf wrote:I can't be sure, if this is already mentioned, but I'd love some kind of automated keep shop feature. I mean that you can put several creatures for sale and add price. Once one wish to buy something, he need only collect the creatures and the shop feature calculates the total. Then the buyer adds the gold and clicks 'buy' and all gold and creatures go their new owners without needing to use a trade. There could also be a PM note which is sent to both members what was bought and what price.

As for earlier suggested, the new (difficult) guests would be very nice. :D

that sounds great, would reduce so much work

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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ShadowDragon07 »

On a previous mention, there should be an 'official' forum for newbies. As Reima has pointed out, and I agree....newbies have no luck with buying things or winning auctions. I know it doesn't take long to gain up enough gold to buy stuff, but what about newbies with, no offense, utterly crappy browsers. Mine, for example, freezes if I even dare try to open up a hundred tabs, even with an auto close add-on. or Auctions...I just don't go there. I never have any luck, most of the older magi win all the auctions, so newbies who don't exactly know what they're doing don't stand a chance at winning. There should be a forum, with sub sections, for only people who are new, or can prove that they have browsers/computers unable to handle mass mining.

- SB or gen creatures are like...around 100g or lower.
- auctions...start at 10g with 10g adding.
- raffles/give-a-ways more often in there.

As for who's considered a newbie...or when they're not...say....after a month? Or two? By that time, most magi would have found an older magi to befriend and help explain the workings of MagiStream. Or they figured it out themselves and have gotten a good supply of critters. They can then move to the 'main stream' of the forum. lol
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Feuerfresser »

ShadowDragon07 wrote:
- SB or gen creatures are like...around 100g or lower.
- auctions...start at 10g with 10g adding.
- raffles/give-a-ways more often in there.

As for who's considered a newbie...or when they're not...say....after a month? Or two? By that time, most magi would have found an older magi to befriend and help explain the workings of MagiStream. Or they figured it out themselves and have gotten a good supply of critters. They can then move to the 'main stream' of the forum. lol

SB can be catched by everyone, there are also some really nice give-a-way hidden in some shops in the Mercado subforum. I have also seen quite some free or 1 g auctions. And who should offer those you mentioned? if it is only for newbies, there is no one who could supply those give-aways. Also there are some give-aways in the Zocalo section which are specialized on newbies

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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ShadowDragon07 »

Feuerfresser wrote:
ShadowDragon07 wrote:
- SB or gen creatures are like...around 100g or lower.
- auctions...start at 10g with 10g adding.
- raffles/give-a-ways more often in there.

As for who's considered a newbie...or when they're not...say....after a month? Or two? By that time, most magi would have found an older magi to befriend and help explain the workings of MagiStream. Or they figured it out themselves and have gotten a good supply of critters. They can then move to the 'main stream' of the forum. lol

SB can be catched by everyone, there are also some really nice give-a-way hidden in some shops in the Mercado subforum. I have also seen quite some free or 1 g auctions. And who should offer those you mentioned? if it is only for newbies, there is no one who could supply those give-aways. Also there are some give-aways in the Zocalo section which are specialized on newbies
But hatching rate is so ridiculous, you'd never hatch one unless you had yarolds, some kinda click thing, or knew of the daycare, or of the threads for egg hatching. I actually still have my welcome message from when I joined MagiStream, it only mentions introducing yourself, faq, the rules and where the stream is. Maybe they could mention the daycare forums, or those give-a-ways for newbies, or that free/1g auction? ""no one who could supply the give-aways"" ? That would be other magi, of course. I know MightyOak gives newbies three starting creatures for introducing themeselves. There's others who have continuous give-aways that can run/supply a newbie give-away. Newbies are just that They don't know where everything is like older magi. I don't mean hold their hands the whole way, but help direct them to useful threads and forums, or to a group of magi who mostly help newbies get up on their feet. Heck, if it were not for my best friend, and Tinni, who were on MS long before I was, i would have quit out of frustration, because I couldn't hatch my eggs fast enough, or figure most other things out.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ApprenticeCrone »


Have you seen Bunny's "Beginner's Guide" in the Introduction section? You could take some of those tricks you learned and type them up and ask Bunny to add them to his Guide. Like a link to the Image Free Magistream Nursery, and the Temple Nursery.

Or whatever else you wanted to link to.

That's something you don't need to wait to make happen. The ability to do so is already here.
Last edited by ApprenticeCrone on September 18th, 2013, 10:39:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Myrin »

I believe Feuerfresser was pointing out that if we had a newbie-only forum, there wouldn't be giveaways or 1g auctions because the only players able to post there would be newbies. Those with the knowledge of the site to help folks and collections of creatures to share couldn't post there.

I think there's also a major problem with only allowing vetrans who "can prove that they have browsers/computers unable to handle mass mining." - prove how? Is the site periodically going to run speed tests on every user online? That'd be a huge resource hog for the site and would strain those people on slow comps or connections even more. I also suspect there'd be ways to simulate a slow ping, though I don't know how much trouble it'd be, or if it'd be worth doing.

But I think the biggest problem with a newbie-only area is that newbies are not going to learn about the site from other newbies. They'll learn by browsing the forums, talking to more experienced players, interacting with the larger community. A revamp to the welcome letter might be an idea. It's been a while since I've seen it, and maybe some pointers to places like free-creature shops or the IFN would be helpful - except for the possible accusations of playing favorites with official endorsement, not to mention constantly updating it as shops or fan sites close down and new ones open. But we really want to encourage new players to join the community, not isolate them in their own little area, only to kick them out as soon as they hit an arbitrary "you're not new" date, regardless of how much they've integrated on their own initiative.


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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ShadowDragon07 »

I see your point. Though what I mean by daycares and stuff...maybe just a general link to the daycare forum. I can't look at the FAQ anymore, so i don't know what all it says. There is a link in the rules for the reigndeer games, but maybe a small note saying 'help grow your eggs faster' or something, other than just 'forum games are here'. Little hints for the newbies so they know what each may contain that will help them. I looked at the Bunny's intro thing and it looks helpful, haven't fully gone through it. maybe a link in the welcome message to it. Maybe a link to the MS chatroom too? And an advisor or someone cycles through at a certain time or something and helps.

Here's what the welcome email says.. there's a text link for 'introducing yourself' 'rules' 'FAQ' and 'The Stream'
Thane wrote:Highest regards, -magi name-,

You have entered the order of magic wielders and explorers. You may wish to begin by introducing yourself to your fellow Magi. You should also consider reading the rules and FAQ. Many adventures lie before you, exotic lands and mystical beasts never encountered. Start your journey into the arcane with a unique egg, plucked from The Stream and ready to be nurtured into adulthood. These creatures, fierce and magically endowed, will be powerful companions as you set out to roam lands unknown. Be wary of the dangerous beasts that dwell outside the keep, and take care to remain watchful of the ever-shifting world around you.

Hail and farewell on your travels,
High Archmage Thane
Last edited by ShadowDragon07 on September 18th, 2013, 8:47:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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