OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by Paradoxic »

DoomedDaphnia wrote:please let me know if I miss anything in my posts. Sometimes I get my details mixed up :U

I just had Matt ask Hagen and Furtiva to go find Cabs (who is John if that wasn't clear)

Also, the character page is now up-to-date. I am no longer neglecting it
Ok, thanks! Furtiva and Invertias have went to find Cabs.
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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by Chickad33 »

Name: Denise Teigan, also goes by Den
Age: Twenty-one years old
Gender: Female
Appearance: Den is tall and thin and not very strong at all. Hardly 180 pounds to her 6' 1" stature. She has short, curly brown hair that doesn't go past her chin unless it's too cold, then it grows out to her shoulder blades and becomes wavy, until she decides to chop it off again. She simply adores her corkscrew curls and often can be found running her fingers through her hair. She has pale skin that's been tanned from the high winds she faces on her falcon Gryphon, Amory. She has a rather flat chest and few curves, looking more like a pole than a pear. She's quick and light on her feet, having been trained in ballet dancing from her mother.
Personality: Although seemingly thin and delicate, Denise Teigan is hard-headed, sarcastic, and full of verbal venom. She is deeply rooted in her thoughts and bombastic in her actions. She doesn't give much thought to her actions, believing in strength of heart over mind. She is hardly shy at all and will tell you her opinion, whether you asked for it or not.
She can occasionally seem cold-hearted and uncaring but truly she does keep a watchful eye over those whom she cares for. Of course, if they are hurt or sad she never knows what to do so her instinct is to talk to them until they cheer up, sometimes this leads to yelling. She doesn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings (most of the time), she's just brutally honest about what she thinks. She doesn't take kindly to authoritarian figures and will go out of her way to show them that what they're doing could be so much easier if they did it her way. Most of the time this ends in disaster, however she seems to have no humility.
In short, she's loud, opinionated, and an untamed fireball of a human. She doesn't deal well with negative emotion and authority and often gets herself into messes. However, despite this, deep down she does care and just is unsure how to show it.
History: Denise was born into a family that was on the high side of the middle-class scale but not quite first class. She always had everything she could have wanted, there was always food on the table, and there was always a roof over her head. She met many who had very little and parents who were cruel and she learned to take nothing she had for granted. However, when she opened herself up to these friends whom had very little she was hurt, not necessarily their faults though. After this she started taking care of only herself, scared to become attached to anyone else.
Her father passed away when she turned eleven and she was raised by her mother, who taught her ballet. Merely a year after her father passed away, Denise met Amory and began training with her. To this day, Amory is the only one Denise will actively call one of her friends.

Name: Vivo Reo Amo, nicknamed Amory
Age: 13 Years
Gender: Female
Type: Falcon
Appearance: Amory looks very similar to the osprey, with a white belly and chest, but a black back. The black stripe next to her eye, and long, thin legs to catch her favorite food; fish. She has bright, curious yellow eyes and huge, thinly spread wings. She's naturally very fast but not as fast as some of her gryphon type, but she can keep up. She's approximately the size and build of a purebred Arabian horse.
Personality: Amory is very much like Denise; wild, untamed, and led by her heart. She's creative with getting out of situations she does not enjoy and very difficult to keep in her place. She loves children however.
History: Shall be revealed as I play her. AKA I have no idea currently.
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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by DoomedDaphnia »

Accepted! Would you like me to set up a place for you to hop in? Currently the group is split up. Cabs, Apollo, Quill, Sova, Furtiva, and Invertias are over by a glen where a pack of wyrms was recently herded and the native jungle folk are in the process of being rescued by them. The rest of the group is about a mile off where some people have just arrived and several characters are taking care of Barney's leg injury from the wyrm fight. You can either drop yourself into either of those scenarios or I can have one of the characters I control notice yours in the sky
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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by Chickad33 »

It would be absolutely lovely if you could have one of your characters notice Denise. I'll post my first post as soon as possible! If possible, I'd love to help with the rescue mission in the jungle :D
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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by DoomedDaphnia »

Alright, I'll have Cabs notice your characters in my next post!
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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by deb »

Welcome Chickad33! Loved the post! Den and Amory will fit in just perfect!
@Cy...just saying Cy... <3
@Frozensoul, Paradoxic ,Lightning and Crows.. Keep up the great posts ! I love reading them and there is SO much more Adventure in store for for all of us..Courtesy of DoomedDaphnia!^^
This is the OOC thread, so feel free to chime in every once in awhile, K guys? :D
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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by DoomedDaphnia »

Enjoy my exposition dump that raises more questions than it answers, friendarinos :haha:
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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by LightningDragon »

I'm still lurking around, but life has got me in a chokehold right now. :derp:
Maybe once September ends I'll be able to post again.
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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by DoomedDaphnia »

Current plot goings-on will now be tracked on the first post of this thread
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Re: OOC- Gryphon Riders of Etral

Post by Msskanira »

Name: Elyze Kinkairn
Age: 20 years old
Gender: Female
Appearance: Elyze is about five foot ten, with light brown hair and eyes. She has a heart-shaped face, with a rather large nose.
Personality: Elyze is much like her gryphon partner. She is standoffish, but due to shyness and not disdain. Elyze is very quiet and will accept a strong leader, which is what Valia often is to her. Elyze respects Valia and fears her to some extent, which means that Valia can demean Elyze- which she does at times- and Elyze will not fight her, believing that she deserves it.
History: [If this goes against the storyline, I can fix it]

Elyze was about eight when she heard screams in her head. She was abed for three days before anyone could make sense of what was wrong. Elyze herself scarcely understood. The voice in her head, which went in and out of intensity, was like a blisteringly loud scream. It took hours for her to begin to understand, and then she realized whatever it was, the being was in pain and terrified.

Elyze, with the help of her father, found Valia in the foothills of a mountain, her leg broken and herself half-starved. They returned home with Valia, hoping to help her. It took weeks before she would even let Elyze near her, and by then they had to break the leg again to set it properly. Elyze suspects the screaming was, actually, Valia's family and her own screams of terror; however, they have never spoken of it.

Once Elyze found Valia, her power to communicate began to wane, though they can still speak. At times, however, it can fade out.

Name: Valia
Age: 35 years old
Gender: Female
Type: Eagle
Appearance: Very bulky, and large overall. She stands at about six feet, almost two meters, high. She weighs close to a two thousand pounds, almost nine hundred kilograms. Her feathers are dark brown, almost black, close to her body. The farther out on her extremities, they lighten to a golden-brown. Her feline half is a dark tawny color. Her eyes are golden yellow.
Personality: Valia is very gruff and standoffish. She doesn't make friends easily and is not very friendly. Rather Machiavellian in some respects, she can be very sly and is very aware of the politics of a situation. Valia is very good at reading people, but still does not utilize this for anything more than furthering her own interests. She and Elyze do not get along well, and can often be seen at each others throats. She looks down on her much younger partner.
History: [If this goes against the storyline, I can fix it]
Valia was actually the child of unbound gryphons. Her parents are unknown, at the very least she has never mentioned them. She was found half-wild at about the age of twelve by Elyze. She was unfriendly and aggressive, perceiving everyone as threat, like her unnamed parents taught her to be. She repeatedly attempted to return to the wild, but had never been taught to hunt and had to return to survive. She isn't bitter against the cause so much as uninterested: she is of the philosophy to let the humans fight their battles, and the gryphons foolish enough to become involved should be left to their fate. She takes a dim view of humans, and thus does not communicate with even Elyze unless she must. Now that she has the ability to care for herself, she is largely interested in finding her family and waiting for the end of the human threat- namely once they kill themselves off with war.

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