The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Leskychuchu »

New post here
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Sparky70144 »

Looking for a Roleplay Partner

About me
- I'm prone to replies between 1-2 paragraphs, but chances are I can usually match what my partner puts out
- I really like romance, even if it's just a tiny sprinkle of it in the form of flirting with a passerby in the roleplay-
- I'm a person of practicality, sure I love fantasy, but practicality also fits in even with fantasy roleplays
- I don't tolerate god-modding (when you control my character(s))
- I'm quite busy with school, but I do try to reply to my roleplays at least once a week, usually on the weekends.
- I really need someone with good grammar/spelling...
Roleplay Ideas I really like (bolded means more interest)
- Medieval <<<<< this one especially
- Fantasy
- Steampunk
- Werewolf/Vampire/Etc.
- Horror ( like having a creature in the woods hunting you down, but you don't really know what it is, kinda horror )
- Post Apocalyptic
- Anthro/Furry
- Fandom-Based (Anime/Manga/Movie/Etc.)
- Romance! - I'm all for gay, lesbian, and heterosexual romances and with that the more mature things that come with it, which we could always take to PMs or an other roleplay site I frequent known as Quotev, if not even Email, Kik, Skype, or Discord.
- OC x Cannon character - In fandoms
- OC x OC
Fandoms I roleplay
- Anime/Manga - Blue Exorcist, Inuyasha, Baka and Test, Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple, Slayers, YuYu Hakusho, Big Windup!, Naruto, Yuri on Ice, Free!
- Web comic - Starfighter, Knights Errant, Homestuck (usually with homestuck I need an AU of somekind)
- Movie/Book - Twilight, Priest, I am Legend (if you've seen this movie you know the theme and that kinda post-apocalyptic thing with monsters and stuff I like)
Roleplay Ideas I really don't like that much
- Modern (unless we got a really good romance plot or it goes into a fandom I roleplay or includes some kind of fantasy that I think would go well, nahh..)
- Pairings - Cannon Character x Cannon Character - I'm really picky with these
Spare any clicks? Pretty please with sugar on top?
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Hope »


My name is Hope, and I have just returned to magistream for the who-knows-which time. I was quite in to this site around two years ago, and found my way back again. I've been roleplaying for a very long time, and to be honest I feel I'm quite good, this may have changed a bit since it has been a while since I roleplayed.
I have quite good vocabulary and always do my reasearch about whatever I'm roleplaying.

What I'm in to at the moment would be:
- HP, OC after Harry's time.
- Animals, almost any animal actually.
- Dragons, yes oh yes please tell me I'm not the only one! Like, dragonriders or just the dragon part (already drooling about this kinda rp)
- Pirates, I'm writing a story about it so my research-part is quite okey about this ;)
- Fantasy overall..
What I'm not doing, and never will be doing:
- Vampires, not my thing...
- Werewolves, sorry still not my thing...
- Spacey things.
About my writing:
- I will probably customise my writing according to my opponent.
- If you write like 5-10 sentences, I will probably too, maybe even more to push you.
- I will always tell you if I am going away for a longer period, or if I can't answer for a day or so.
- As I said earlier, my vocabulary is quite strong. I have great hopes of it.
- I love "old" english, or writing as if my characters are talkin' with strong accent, ya know what I'm sayin'?
- As I am writing this I have had a long break (since 2012 I guess? I went to 8th grade and have now graduated secundary school)
Any questions? Feel free to PM!
About the place to roleplay? Forum or wherever you feel comfortable!

Have a nice day!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Kayliee »

Hello. I am in search of some roleplays.

About me
I took a break from roleplaying after a very long roleplay died off when my roleplaying partner disappeared from another site. My attempts to start new roleplays all ended in a non-responsive partner after three pages, or someone who claimed to be literate only writing two very poor sentences, full of chatspeak.

I am now looking for new roleplays (probably only 1-3, as I prefer to not lose track or mix plotlines).

I am not sure what I would classify myself, but I am definitely literate and can write anywhere from 1-10 paragraphs, dependant on the story - I will not force out 10 paragraphs in a casual scene needing only one, and likewise I will not spit out 1 paragraph if it is a busy scene, or I am trying to describe something that calls for 10.

I am from Australia, and as such my timezones usually don't match up well. Ideally, I would like to have some overlap with my new partner, as one post every 1-2 days due to wrong timezones is excruciating. I am, however, a night owl. At time of writing this it is 8:25pm, which I believe is UTC +10, if that helps at all. :derp:

What I will play
I will only play as female (human/humanoid/mainly human) characters, with any romantic ties being heterosexual (MxF). Sorry if this knocks you out, but I have found playing male characters is not my strong point, not being one and all, and I find FxF relationships difficult to to write, not being attracted to women myself.

I am generally open for any plot, I am a sucker for the traditional/"overused" plots, eg. Prince x Pauper etc. but I try to keep them fresh with new ideas.

I do like to have my roleplays have romance in there somewhere, but I do not like it as the main plot - it just gets old, quick. If two characters are to fall in true love, it can't just happen three posts in. There can be infatuation, lust, arranged marriages or attraction - but they aren't going to be hearing wedding bells two posts later - well unless it's an arranged marriage, I suppose.

Roleplay Ideas
I'm pretty open to suggestions. I don't have any real solid starting stories, but as mentioned earlier, I do love some cliche' plots. I have been wanting to have a mermaid x pirate/prince/pirate-prince/etc. (or genders switched) for a while...

So send me a PM, i'd love to hear from you :)
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Akuneko »

Hello potential role-play partners!

I'm Akuneko but you may call me Vivi cause I'm more used to that name. I've been role-playing since I was 15 so I'm pretty much used to writing long paragraphs. Honestly I would prefer it that way since I can't really come up with anything to reply to a one-line post. Anywho, English is not my native language so I may make grammar and/or structural mistakes, or my character's speech may sound weird to a native writer. It's totally fine and appreciated if you point them out for me when we roleplay! Here are my likes and dislikes:

What I like to role-play:
- Animals! Especially human who can turns into animals (and vice versa)
- Supernatural (Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, etc.)
- Sci-fi
- Superpower (people with superpower and stuff)
- Horror (Though I find zombies kinda lame, I'm still up for it if we can come up with a good plot!)
What I'm not comfortable role-playing:
- Romance (I suck at this genre so you may have to take the lead when things get kinky xD)
- Elves, Orcs... in other words, Medieval theme (dragons are fine tho).
What I will never role-play:
- Incest, twincest, any kind of sexual relationship between family members...
What fandom I'm in/things have decent knowledge of
Harry Potter, Dragon Ball Z, Animorphs, Naruto, Super Sentai, Tokyo Mew Mew, Card Captor Sakura, the Marvel Universe, Final Fantasy (7 - 8), Kingdom Heart, Keroro Gunsou, Junji Ito's horror mangas

There might be more but those are the ones I can remember right now
As for role-play ideas... Currently I'm in the mood for shapeshifting or survival role-plays, or a dragon ball related one but I have no good ideas for a plot yet.

So, there ya go. If you wanna discuss role-play ideas with me, please send me a PM!

Have a nice day <3

P/s: My timezone is GMT +7 in case you wanna know. I'm online most of the time (unless powercut or no wifi) so no worries though.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Evermore »

Evermore wrote:Hello everyone! :wave:
Still Looking! (Updated: 1/31/1)

About Me:
I am a third year university student. I am a very busy person, but I can reply usually at least once a day. I like to write in a mature style, with mature themes. I'm able to write long, multi paragraph posts, as long as you work with me to keep plot and dialogue going. I love romance, blood, gore, and don't mind going into the PMs to write stuff that is above PG-13.

What I'm Looking For:
Someone who can reply once a day, can write maturely, no writin liek dis, no excessive grammar or spelling mistakes, can help move plot and dialogue along, preferably someone a little older (not that I have a problem with young writers; I just feel weird/creepy writing mature stuff with someone who is years younger than me :derp:), someone who likes to write romance, and someone who is comfortable writing either female or male.

Black Butler (what I want to do most right now pleeeease! <3)
Game of Thrones
Harry Potter
Host Club
Shape Shifters
...and more I can't think of right now!

Definite No Nos:
Anything having to do with schools
No strictly animals as characters
No shallow, rushed romances

That's about all I can think of. Please feel free to PM me! :bounce:
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Looking for a Few 1x1s

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

Looking/Not Looking

Whoo, classes over! Totally have more free time and I could use some RP's because they're awesome!

Classes are on again, but I'm still interested in RP's, things just may get hectic x3.

I tend to, generally, be semi adv/lit-adv/lit if I start a post, but generally just match my partner's posts once the ball gets rolling.

Also, please try to let me know if you plan on disappearing, or don't want to/can't continue, and I'll try to do the same! =3

It's been about ten pages, and I've been a bit bored so I guess I can 'bump' this x3. Just looking for maybe one or two RPs I think... Thank you~ :wave:

About Me:
I can posts to the best of my abilities, though my first posts tend to be long, and fluctuate.
I can play male, or female characters equally and enjoy writing for both.
I can play multiple characters, in fact I quite like playing more than one character :3.
Swearing and the like is A-ok with me. I, personally, don't swear very much, or at all really, but quite a few of my characters do and I find it completely inoffensive.
Gore doesn't bother me, I live and breathe horror films so I have no issues with blood and gore, or dark themes in general.
Sexual situations don't bother me. Anything above making out can be taken to PM-s, I'm just not sure how well written or good it will be because I've only RP-ed characters who have gone that far with one person.
Basically, I'm alright with almost anything honestly, I'm super hard to offend, and if a character says something offensive I understand that it's the character and not the user, so yeah.

What I Will Do:
Supernatural beings (Vampires, werewolves, demons, elves, whatever- can be just about any setting (not particularly interested in futuristic RPs though)

Anything fantasy related, world building is totes fun, and coming up with awesome characters and plots is like, the greatest thing ever, yeah?

Romance (M/F, or M/M) Slice of life, SoL with Fantasy elements, whatever. Doesn't need to be the main plot, but I like to include it, not going to lie. I do want it to be a natural progression though, and not too forced owo.
I wouldn't mind something with a dark undertone, but no particular plots in mind.

What I Won't Do:
Anything with an animal POV. I can have a character with a pet, but the whole...thinking like humans. I tend to just give them way too many human characteristics so I don't like doing it .-.
Not particularly interested in any fandom based RPs at the moment. At least nothing taking place within a specific pre-existing universe.
Not really comfortable with RP-ing F/F at the moment.

What I'm Particularly Interested In:
Supernatural contracts and/or body guards (demon, vampire, what have you), acting as a guardian for a human character (this can be played with, perhaps the supernatural being is a slave, or something... No particular plots in mind owo).

Slice of Life with supernatural elements (can be paired with human, or two supernatural beings, dealing with the problems that arise from being in such a relationship, again, no particular plots, but some small ideas that can be discussed).

Maybe some urban fantasy thing with supernatural gangs (I think there's a pattern o.O).

Maaaaybe something where there's people who 'hunt' various mythological animals (like bounty hunters), or something... Yeah...

If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them, I honestly don't have any particular plots in mind at the moment.

Note: When I say 'supernatural' I mean any and all kinds of mythical-y, magical-y humanoid creatures from elves to demons or something you make up, it's cool .-. For vampires I have my own lore that I use when I RP as them, but that all can be discussed in PMs owo.

1x1s I'm In:
Fantasy 1x1
Pirate 1x1

Feel free to PM with any questions, ideas or if you want to RP :wave: !
13/25 Presents, thank you!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by MoonandDew »

Akuneko wrote::D
Hello potential role-play partners!

I'm Akuneko but you may call me Vivi cause I'm more used to that name. I've been role-playing since I was 15 so I'm pretty much used to writing long paragraphs. Honestly I would prefer it that way since I can't really come up with anything to reply to a one-line post. Anywho, English is not my native language so I may make grammar and/or structural mistakes, or my character's speech may sound weird to a native writer. It's totally fine and appreciated if you point them out for me when we roleplay! Here are my likes and dislikes:

What I like to role-play:
- Animals! Especially human who can turns into animals (and vice versa)
- Supernatural (Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, etc.)
- Sci-fi
- Superpower (people with superpower and stuff)
- Horror (Though I find zombies kinda lame, I'm still up for it if we can come up with a good plot!)
What I'm not comfortable role-playing:
- Romance (I suck at this genre so you may have to take the lead when things get kinky xD)
- Elves, Orcs... in other words, Medieval theme (dragons are fine tho).
What I will never role-play:
- Incest, twincest, any kind of sexual relationship between family members...
What fandom I'm in/things have decent knowledge of
Harry Potter, Dragon Ball Z, Animorphs, Naruto, Super Sentai, Tokyo Mew Mew, Card Captor Sakura, the Marvel Universe, Final Fantasy (7 - 8), Kingdom Heart, Keroro Gunsou, Junji Ito's horror mangas

There might be more but those are the ones I can remember right now
As for role-play ideas... Currently I'm in the mood for shapeshifting or survival role-plays, or a dragon ball related one but I have no good ideas for a plot yet.

So, there ya go. If you wanna discuss role-play ideas with me, please send me a PM!

Have a nice day <3

P/s: My timezone is GMT +7 in case you wanna know. I'm online most of the time (unless powercut or no wifi) so no worries though.
I'll roleplay with you!!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Gem2690 »

Alright... Hello there to one and all.

Please call me Gem.

I am interested in possibly doing a 1x1 here. Looking for just one partner to begin with so I can find my comfort zone so to speak.

I would much prefer a modern time role-play. It can be dragons, werewolves, fairies/fae, or any sort of... Mythical type thing? I lost the word I was looking for there, sorry. I don't have any specific plot in mind so I am open to any suggestions.

I can do male or female, I don't care one way or the other. I can do two characters or just one. I personally try to get out at least one good paragraph if I can and I'll apologize if I have less than that. I am a first time mom and my boy is 8 1/2 month old soon to be 9 months. He does take up the majority of my time so I might not be as active as I might like to be, but I will try to check in at least once a day, if not every other day.

And please, I beg you, nothing from books or movies if we can help it. That will loose my interest immediately. (As well as School based/type role-plays.)

I think that's all I have for now. Uh, time zone... I believe I am central standard time.

I look forward to role-playing!
Last edited by Gem2690 on May 11th, 2017, 4:15:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Oh my gosh! Thank you so much to those who have gifted me eggs! I didn't realize I had any gifts until now. Quite unexpected, but most appreciated. So thank you again to all!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by GlitterEnthusiast »

►I currently have enough partners and am no longer looking! Thanks!◄

►►about me
  • I'm an extremely active person and can get out many quality posts out in one day. I loooove to write! I've also been writing for ten years, and doing good, quality roleplaying for the past seven years.
    I also write a lot, I don't write short posts unless there really is nothing going on,
    or unless our characters are interacting with each other. My posts generally consist of five paragraphs, sometimes far more depending on inspiration. I really like to write. I consider myself decent at writing, and I enjoy adding in details to everything.
    I'd really prefer to roleplay someone that is at least eighteen years old. I tend to curse a lot, and prefer gore and the like in my roleplays, and am uncomfortable with a younger partner. Like wise,
    I also generally prefer to roleplay in Google Docs, as it gives far more freedom. I don't mind roleplaying on MS however.
    I crave drama and plot twists! I love anything drama related, anything that's action heavy, anything sad and heartbreaking, just everything. I don't really find a normal average day to be enough to hold onto my attention.
    I can play either male or female characters. However, I do prefer males over females.
►►partner qualities
  • I'd really like to meet someone just as active as I am, at most I'd like a reply every other day or every two days. Please don't only reply once a week. I understand things happen, and I will always gladly await your return, just let me know!
    Someone who can write long, juicy posts! I want you to be able to write at least five paragraphs and someone to challenge me to write more, and vice versa. Short posts happen, I understand it, but they don't need to happen constantly. And even if the post is short, let me know! We might be able to make it longer!
    Someone contributing to the roleplay with ideas, helping each other brain storm,
    etc. I don't want to be the only one coming up with ideas, and I don't want to be the thing keeping the roleplay alive.
    I want to see in depth character interactions and deep relationships. I want it to feel real, and really don't like when characters instantly fall for each other. I want the longing, the sweet moments, the things that make the characters realize they need each other. Arranged marriages and the like are fun! Doesn't mean they have to instantly love each other though.
►►what i will do
  • Romance driven roleplays - my favorites! I will always, always happily accept a romantic roleplay!
    Anything horror related, gorey messy details are some of my favorites too!
    M/M is my favorite pairing, but I will gladly do M/F as well. I generally play male characters however!
    Fantasy - I love old time-y roleplays with mythical beasts and warring nations and the like.
    Supernatural - I love werewolves and dragons. Vampire's are fun as well! I love a good fantasy plot around the supernatural. Cults? Yes please! Evil shadow monsters? Pbbbt, sign me up!
►►what i won't do
  • Anything animal related unless it's shapeshifter related.
    I really dislike magic play. I don't mind it in small doses, but I cannot get interested in a in depth mage roleplay, I like brute force more.
    Anything superhero/villain related. This is a lot like magic play, it just doesn't interest me.
    Fandom based. I don't watch popular TV shows or read popular books often so I can't be certain how the world works. This also goes for canon characters. I don't like using them often,
    as I can never be sure if I'm doing it right.
►►roleplay ideas
  • Random ideas;
    • Master x slave, Royal x Bodyguard/Peasant, Angel x Demon, Angel/Demon x Human, Slice of Life
    • Romance and action heavy - Male character preferred!
      The boss of the local mafia has one shred of his family's legacy, short of the mafia itself. A simple bar that's small and is often rather crowded. He has decided to live in the upstairs apartment, and is what most would consider a workaholic. He hires a girl desperate for work as a waitress, and begins to form a relationship with her, only she wants nothing to do with him due to his womanizer personality and the fact he's constantly working. (This one I have a really sweet moment planned!)
    Falling in 'love' with a celebrity - I was just doing this for the money!
    • Romance and drama heavy - Male or female character, doesn't matter!
      A person looking for extra cash to pay off school loans gets the offer of a life time. Play as the significant other to a local celebrity who hasn't had the best of luck keeping one around themselves. They're usually too busy with work, partying, whatever it is that they love to do and generally don't care for love. Their manager hires someone to play as their SO at parties and events to make them look more human. Only there's something more to the celebrity than meets the eye, and the hired person begins to fall in love,
      and maybe, just maybe the celebrity feels the same way?
    Random AU's I found (all are free to use);
    • I won't be editing these, just copying and pasting pretty much.
      -A prays to the love god for assistance in finding someone, and the love god literally decides to come help in physical form (ooh how great would it be if the love god and A fell in love)
Last edited by GlitterEnthusiast on August 14th, 2017, 9:36:16 am, edited 7 times in total.
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