The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by SilentHowl »

I may not appear to be on a lot, but I get emails every time I get a pm. When I subscribe to a topic I get emails for that too. So I'll reply~
Updated 11/21/2018

Current Status:
I want to roleplay my characters! I really do, it's been a while and it would be fun to get back into it! I do prefer Discord over this website, however, I am ok with sticking around here haha.

Hullo! I'd like to have as many 1-on-1 rp's as I can x)

Who am I?
I'm an artist, a designer, an rp group manager/admin, an rper, a writer, an anime watcher, an overenthusiastic nerd (like 80% of the time), and a gamer. I have been writing (stories) for about eight years, then rp'ing for about... five years. I've done a lot of different types of rp's, and I'm pretty confident I can adapt to new ones too. I do admit that I'm not the fastest of repliers, however, I can say that if I find the rp fun I'll respond in a decent amount of time. I'd like it if you'd respond at least once a week and I'll try to do the same ^^'. I live in PST... So, yeah.

My skills:
Well, as I said, I've been writing for close to eight years so I hope I'm good by now xD. I like to write in paragraphs, and I'm good at descriptions of characters/scenery. I'm fine with people who write three-sentence replies, and with people who write huge, long, crazy, milti-page replies. I'll likely respond in the 3-6 paragraph range depending on the player. I normally rp guys, but I have girls too. I'm fine with swearing, in fact, a few of my characters swear often. Most of my characters are teens, but they reflect the age of the other character (as in, I have a 18-year-old, and the other person has a 23-year-old, the 18-year-old will reflect that they're about 20 or so). I'm totally fine with adjusting the age of my characters to fit the rp. Pretty much every plot twist and idea I'm fine with. I can -and will- follow a designated plot if you wish, but I prefer a looser, more casual style of roleplay. Tbh though I am cool if you want to do a huge several-arc plot! I think that's be fun to do at least once :D
In terms of fancharacters, the fandoms that I'd be willing rp for are the following:
Danny Phantom, American Dragon Jake Long (loosly), Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir, and Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja (loosely).
The characters I prefer to play in those three cases would be the main ones, though I am able to roleplay Jazz, Dani, and Alya as well.
I'd be slightly interested in a MLP:FiM rp... If only because I have an AU that's been stirring around in my mind for that... Hmm...
Other than that, I proplably won't rp from a fandom... Unless you have a good idea and I know what the show/novel/other is :3
As I said earlier, I tend to write 3-8 paragraphs depending on my state of enthusiasm/writer's block and the other player in the rp! If I'm given 8+ paragraphs I will do my best to match it! Right now I'd prefer to rp with someone who can write at least two paragraphs, if not more.

What I am enthusiastic to rp:
-Vampires (no sparkly vampires from Twilight please :3)
-People with supernatural abilities
-Winged people/angels (fallen or otherwise)
-Humans (I prefer supernatural abilities, but humans that ran away are fine, just prefer no regular High-School rp's)
-Mer people

What I will NOT rp:
-Anthro/Furries (nekos are fine, but the over-sexualized furries are not)
-Insanity scenes (a few is okay, but I don't think I could handle more than 2-4 that come out of nowhere.)
-Mary/Gary sues

What I will no doubt instantly love and rp at the moment:
-Anything involving my character Ashton (Mer)
-Lit (3-6+ paragraphs)
-Original ideas (not in a set fanfiction world, just modern or a warped modern world -sometimes older time frames too)
-Winged people

Prefer not to do (but will if concept/character's good):
-Warriors (Feels like more than just two people should rp a clan, no?)

Tags that I'm okay with (but will always ask you about before an rp if it applies):
-Mature (depending)
-Ask about other stuff! I don't have any triggers, but I do have stuff that I don't want to rp about.

I'm more than willing to provide some examples of my writing, but since my best writing is a part of a large fanfic universe I'm doing I would prefer to share that in pms. Also, a bunch of my writing is scattered about the interwebs so they're a little hard to reach xD
Since I've started up an rp here that I don't think will fall stagnant, here's Ever & Silent 1x1

Roleplay Ideas that I want to do (may be group ideas, but can be 1-on-1):
Warning: These are, once more, ideas, and a lot of them are still in-the-rough and more just notes I took when I first thought of them
I will update this soon with modern plot ideas from mah little brain 83

Don't let all the words scare you, I swear I don't talk in paragraphs typically xD
If you're interested go ahead and contact me ^^. I look forward to it~
Last edited by SilentHowl on November 21st, 2018, 4:54:35 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Hey guys, If you decide to visit me that would be great xD I am very thankful for clicks too.
I also RP, so if you're interested in giving it a go with me let me know!

(1x1 post~)

Also, click my eggies in the spoiler please! I'm positive they don't bite! ^^
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Illithic »

I am currently looking!

Hello there~! I'll
I've been roleplaying on and off in bursts for about 3-4 years, and I roleplay at least semi-literate-ly. My best writing is in describing things or events, although they are also my longest replies.

I mainly roleplay in settings that include at least some fantasy, though my worst genre is Romance. I am not one to go to for anything love related, though if you wish, we can try to work it out for a roleplay.

I am still interested in doing a Magistream-universe roleplay. Still, if none continue, I will usually make my own. I've been in roleplays involving human[oid]s, animals, dragons, really anything, so just ask!

That's all for now, PM me if interested~
Last edited by Illithic on February 15th, 2018, 1:16:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by SwnyTddObsd »

Hello there! :wave:
I am currently looking for a private RP of any size
(in terms of players and characters).

(Dec 4. update: I have a few lined up now, but if you're feeling inspired, hmu :cool:)

You can call me Swny. I started RPing here on Magistream and I'm really, really looking to start up again. Due to a lot of real life things snowballing the last time I posted an ad, I... really dropped the ball... ; -;
I'm hoping to try one more time, having narrowed down what I'm looking for!

What I'd like:
  • fantasy (all kinds, from medieval to urban and beyond) or historical RP (no strong preferences)
  • I'm definitely interested in trying a Magistream-based RP!
  • to start with an idea that you're interested in, and then to world-build a little so we establish and agree on some the IC laws of nature. It doesn't have to be a complicated plot you've already worked out, but I would really prefer to help someone satisfy a specific RP craving or start with an idea and then flesh it out.
    I would be willing to tackle an interesting prompt outside of the genres I listed above.
  • eventually playing multiple characters (preference, not requirement)
  • a partner who can comfortably write between 1 to 5 paragraphs in each reply
  • and I would ask for lit/adv level roleplaying on no uncertain term, referring to grammar and spelling in particular. this can really make or break things for me IC. ; v;

What I can offer:
  • Just as I've asked for in a partner, I can say that I can RP at the adv/lit level myself, and would regularly provide 1 to 5 paragraph posts! If you typically write longer posts, I would be absolutely happy to match your average length; 1 to 5 paragraphs just seemed like a good baseline.
  • If you have any requests about a type of character you'd like to me to play, whether it's a role/class (wizard, assassin, knight, demon, etc.) or a character with certain personality traits, I'd be happy to fill in a character to fit.
  • Uhh, I like doodling sometimes, and if we start world-building, I will almost definitely draw your characters? B')
  • I am perfectly happy to play out multiple characters or multiple scenes if any inspiration strikes and you'd like to start some subplot or a parallel plot. I like the complexity!
  • I'm not against romantic content, though I would prefer if it wasn't the focus of our plot. I'm pretty unequivocally up to RP any combination of characters of any gender, with one note you can find in the next spoiler.
  • I am willing to roleplay basically anything in terms of content. If you can confirm to me that you are also 18+, language, violence and sexual content aren't off-limits to me, but we should talk about how frequently you think we might be breaking the MS rules. Speaking of which...
  • I would be willing to roleplay on another site. I would prefer something like Google Docs that still lets me have some text formatting options, but we can talk about this as well!

Things I won't do:
  • Anything that violates the site rules while we write on this site. Like I mentioned, I am willing to take it off of MS if need be.
  • There are certain attitudes I might be uncomfortable RPing, even in character. I hope you will be open to discussion if there's a character who should hold certain ideological stances on topics we might consider controversial. I'm always happy to discuss things rationally!
  • I am definitely going to have to also list "straight romance" here. I'm just genuinely not comfortable creating that kind of content myself. I'm happy to talk about bi and/or pan characters in MxF pairings, but I have faced enough homophobia and compulsory heterosexuality in my life to be genuinely offput by this subject. I hope you'll understand. ; v;
    I know this may seem strange to list here, but it's a personal matter that's important to me.

So long as my last point hasn't put you off...
tl;dr, this has all been a really long way of saying: if you have an idea already, are a lit/adv RPer who typically writes at least 2 to 5 paragraphs, and like world building to be a part of your RP experience, I would love to hear from you!
Send me a PM with anything, I'd love to chat. :)
Last edited by SwnyTddObsd on December 4th, 2017, 11:06:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Goldenwolfmidna »

Hello, I am Goldenwolfmidna. I am a human. I like roleplays. If you also like roleplays, I can do one with you. But first, you want more detail than this. Right?

- I am a human
- I try to write at bare minimum, a paragraph. If I'm not given enough to go off of, I might write less.
- If having a gay/trans character in the rp would make you uncomfortable, I'm not the right person. Same applies to any and all lgbtq+ people. Me being the pan not-cisgendered nerd I am, it's likely my characters aren't straight or cis.
- I'm a huge nerd who loves worldbuilding, so if that's not your jam, maybe find someone else.
- I prefer to play one character, but I can do more, if need be.
- I would prefer if both people drove the story forwards, and having an even amount of work.
- I can roleplay characters of any and all genders, literally. I can do a pangender character.
- My characters tend to be based off people I know irl, so if you want a 'perfect' character, I'm not one for it.
- I honestly TRY to be on here a lot, but life comes first.

- Fantasy things
- Queer ships (Not a requirement)
- Most magic things
- Well-built world(s) and/or character development
- Honestly, I just read Carry On. I'd love to do something like that, please?

- Fandom things, unless it's something that feels like we need more people (Wings of Fire, Warriors, etc. but I do make exceptions to this)
- Most things- If the plot is interesting, I'll consider it
- 'Real Life' things, if it's interesting
- Purely romance-driven plot. I AM OKAY WITH ROMANCE AS A SIDE PLOT, HOWEVER.
- A murder-driven plot. I would hate to have to make my character an insane killer with a knife. It's also not fun, for me at least.

I would prefer a partner who can write at least a paragraph, and has a good grasp of grammar and spelling. Someone who is fine doing a ton of worldbuilding would be fantastic, as well. Someone who has an idea for the roleplay and what would happen, but is open to change, is preferred. And someone who doesn't make a godlike character for everything, or, as I already said, someone who is not open to having an lgbtq+ character are people who really wouldn't mesh well with me.

PM me if you're interested!
Last edited by Goldenwolfmidna on August 15th, 2019, 3:39:52 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Hullo!^^ I have rules for roleplaying...... Please go over them as i had put effort into writing all of this. My ellipsis are to emphasize speech.. NOT the way i write..... Speech is full of pauses and moments of silences for thinking.. Writing is not. (in my mind)
I have quite a few years of rping expereince being 30 now and having started when i was 15-16... that makes my experience over 10 years..... That said i am semi-literate to literate (these terms have changed drastically when i first started...).
(Keep in mind these rules have nothing against you .. i haven't even met you yet i have NO idea what you rp like... These are just..... things to keep in mind *shrugs*.. kind of like guidelines.... Stuff to heed but not take entirely seriously (meaning i am not so bitter... i don't like biting people's heads off and i love fluffy animals ! :3 ).... and this is the kind of respect i would give someone and would expect in return.... half of this i feel is obvious but i have had problems with it in the past so that is why they are here....)

I am rusty and i feel like there's a lack of interest building which actually makes me sad. I have always had a love of roleplaying and to feel it dwindling is actually quite.... saddening. It could be that i'm just getting older *shrugs*... That means i may not be active for times on end... Life has a lovely habit of taking me away and dragging me....
Currently: I have more time to roleplay!! If you're interested in something please, feel free to message me! I will get back to you as soon as possible *nods*........ Anyway, on with the guidelines!!

Do's and Don'ts of Roleplaying (At least for me)
1. See the rp to it's end
(within reason)
I can understand if things come up, we all have lives outside of rping. It happens...(so does ghosting and i apologize in advance because i do it too.... i don't know what it is that causes me to do that but i am seeking to fix this...).. but please go in wanting to try and see this to some form of ending.

2. Quality vs Quantity
No one liners... I understand writers block.. but even a paragraph is enough. Also i don't mind typos it happens to everyone.. even me... (just not all the time... )
Also.. I don't like carrying an rp... Seriously..... It's equal parts..... Not just me....
I don't like people rushing through events, how the HELL can you have actual story development when after 3-4 posts we're already getting married??? Doesn't work...
In that same kind of respect, i don't want half of the post being what i JUST wrote.... Give me something to work with.......
Lastly: Smooth postings... Don't go from one event to the next in a shoddy way to get things moving.... Smooth transitioning is fine... but rushing to the next event like it's never going to happen is impatient and makes for not so good rping(in my mind).. and you end up skipping over things that i MIGHT of had panned... thanks for that......

3. Brainstorming
cannot stress this enough. If we don't, the entire thing will go through the toilet... If you're not willing to work out an idea between the two of us and simply jump in, do you really think it's going to work?.. I have a few plots of my own circulating in my head. I will add them here in due time... But having your input in it and seeing what we can do with it to make it more interesting is fun in it's own right?.... It's not just my rp... its ours.... since we're rping together. It may be my brain baby but i'm letting you in so we can alter things and to keep this thing going!^^

4. Romance
Let things develop first.... before jumping right in..... though i admit i love a smut fest once in a while XPP (only if you would like.. ;3 )
I can do hetero.... but in small doses....
No yuri! (subject to change.... )
With that said i will add this:
I care not for whiny cry babies, unless a certain part of the plot calls for it sure.. fine... But i don't want to have to deal with someone who is constantly crying over everything, has my character running the show, saving your character's ass because he/she was complaining the whole way through... i don't care for it and neither do my characters( some are shorter tempered than i am).... I like well rounded characters..... Everyone has a dark side, everyone has a soft side..... It happens.... It's called realistic characters.... i DO NOT appreciate there being absolutely no conflict..... Nothing is EVER peaceful... and not everything goes RIGHT... that's not how things work...
On a different note:
Any "fading to black" doesn't quite work for me ( i don't mind it if you find you're not.. talk with me first and then we can come to a compromise.. thank you).... Pm me for details if you like.... (same goes for conflict, gore and swearing)

5. Posting Locations
Private Messages, Emails or Instant Messages(covince me).... No Private threads.... (pm me why if you like or convince me...)

6. Postings/profiles
Any "prettying" of posts i will not look at.... I'm sorry but it doesn't matter how good the post looks, it will not make up for any shortcomings you may have in your writing..... I do not like rl pictures... it kind of bugs me.... you're using a photo of someone else... i just see it as a breech of privacy....... no thank you... If you have any problems with anime pics that's fine we'll just go with descriptions... there is NOTHING wrong with that..... (if you can't make a description of the photo you have then i think you need to work on your writing skills)
Don't like profile sheets... i can do them... i just feel it takes away from the experience.... (also no continual posts of the picture you initially have given me... you show it once, that's all i need i can then refer to it later if i need to, otherwise i shall stick with my imagination.. that's what its there for....

On to plots!!! What i rp and what i don't rp! (i apologize for the length of this ><;; )
Currently Feeling
Wanting to Flesh out Characters!!!
(No matter what the mood i may be in... anything dealing with the supernatural i will want to have in my rps (no not the TV show... look up the word.. supernatural.. I WILL NOT explain it.. )
Also i am sadistic/dirty/crazy.
I love dark atmosphere's be it whats happening or moods.
I love dark XP.
That said i do not mind being in rps that are more upbeat or have absolutely no dark atmosphere... i'm just a sucker for darker rps *nods*

What i won't rp
(lets get this out of the way shall we?)
Twilight (definate no)
anime (this includes naruto, onepiece, bleach (i don't like those anime to begin with... do not ask me).... I love anime... i don't like rping cannon characters... same with TV shows... i just can't do it... those characters belong to someone else.... unless I am an OC i will not roleplay any TV shows or anime......... there are a few.... VERY FEW exceptions..... Gundam Wing being one of them.... but i will include my own OC into that mix as well...)

video games (this goes along with what i just stated above...... with there being only one exception (maybe to.... MAYBE) and that's FF7 or FF10 (you really have to convince me of that last one... there's only a couple of character i actually enjoy in 10))

I'm not into furries..... or anything involving seeing things from an animal's point of view (there's only one exception... but they're not full on animals.... they do have human forms... and those are actually my own demons..... you'd have to talk to me about that but these animals are able to talk with humans... so... again... no)

No RL pictures please... i rp to escape reality... and RL just reminds me of it...... THAT and you're using someone else's picture and face.... no thank you..

~*Plot 1*~: Patient x Psychiatrist
A young boy named Quinn is plagued by night terrors that not only make him scream in the middle of the night but also literally tear him apart... Because of this he has found himself in need of staying up, by whatever means possible. He finds himself the right kind of narcotics to keep him going but in order to keep the money flowing he has to sell his body.
He doesn't do the stand on the corner bit, since he's been there done that and found it to be degrading and rather unsatisfying. So he made himself a site this way he can be a bit picky about his clientele. He can find people who not only needs an itch that needs to be scratched but also pays well to boot... he price range is reasonable giving room for the client to talk it over and if it gets rough he will up it.
He is the adopted son of a lawyer named Evelyn, who is so worried for him she is constantly on the look out for a good psychiatrist that may be able to help her son's problem. Quinn loves her dearly and even considers her his real mother... despite the fact that she is not. Though the constant visits to the psychiatrist weighs on him for he knows there is almost nothing they can do.
Little does Quinn know.. While he tries to live his life, he has a rude awakening coming for him, from his dealer that will alter everything.
(i have a semi plot brewing where i'm the psychiatrist. (this doesn't mean that Quinn is up for grabs.... Quinn is still my character so it just means i have a small idea brewing where your character is the patient sort of deal....).. ask me about it.. maybe we can work something out)
Something i WOULD like to try out is a psychiatrist that ends up doing Quinn more harm than good...(i have an example hanging around if you would like one.. PM me first.)

~* Plot 2*~: Thief x Victim
(rare hetero one)
This one deals with Keero who has once again erased all of her memories of her past. She has no idea that she is a demon, and in the midst of her trying to steal from someone, she gets caught. This person (i have no idea who/what he is... I think a strong sorcerer or something to that effect, possibly more of a magic based demon... something like that) decides to let her go, but knows who she is and despite this, tries to help her with her memory loss. (or something to that effect... I want to develope this idea more.... If there is anyone willing to try it out *nods*..... )

Side note.. and i feel it's an obvious one but the only reason why i put it down is because i have had troubles with this.....
The characters with names are mine.... I am not giving names to the characters for everyone.... that just seems ludicrous... and defeats the purpose of rping in general...... I place the names of these characters here because knowing their names ahead of time was so I could put down what the character looks like... or did when i pulled this from Gaia..... I will definitely rectify this when i get time....

What i WILL RP
Vampire/victim or savior or vampire hunter





i don't mind developing my character i have semi-developed on magistream (see my profile) quite interested

(i have a demon gang leader or rather drug lord i want to use more... so if you can think of something with him please feel free to message me... i want more yaoi than hetero(his orientation is gay... he cares not for romance with women no offense ladies but that's just how he is...))

Vampire PI character i want to develope more (it's set in a post apocalyptic world... you're definitely going to have to ask me about this one...

I want to develop some angels that i have circulating in my head but they are bare minimum there's definitely gotta be a LOT of brainstorming with them

I also have a demon singer who has a bit of a drug problem. There's little about him that i know... i have some ideas but i want to make it more fleshed out... whether i want to go in the direction i have him going in... or not....

(if you don't see something here... ask me)

Song Inspired
(requires brainstorming and listening to these songs... if necessary i shall find out who actually did these songs if you don't know them....)
The Burn
Stripped (mainly the chorus XP )
Louder Than Thunder

With that all said and done please pm me (and to show that you have read through all of this.... what is your favorite color?
Last edited by KeeroTashimi on August 22nd, 2018, 10:27:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Catersail »

Things I love/want to Roleplay:
Wings of Fire!
Dragon riders
Monsters + Creatures
General sci-fi
General fantasy stuff
Flight Rising
Probably zootopia
Apocalypse stuff (maybe.)

Things I don't love to Roleplay:
Playing canon characters
School. I go to school unless it's awesome magical school I don't wanna.
Forced romances.

What I want from a RPer:
Gimme a few sentences like at least three. Give me something to work off of/respond to don't leave boring responses like
"okay." She smiles
Because that is hard to work with

Respond at least once a week, I'm busy during school hours but otherwise free

Don't get on me constantly to respond. I'll respond probably once or twice a day to a few times a week. Chill.

I'm not a stickler for grammar, like I could care less about commas but read through it once or twice so you're sure it makes sense.

Notes: I haven't roleplayed in about 3-4 years so I'm a little rusty. However I am a writer so that just means I'm not completely out of practice!

I rarely have plots pre-planned, pitch me some ideas or put forth a character/genre and we can move from there.

Also, I'm 15. A fairly mature 15 but if you are a grown adult or someone who doesn't want to interact with a minor I suggest you keep scrolling.
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Magistream Roleplay Request : Caves of Nareau Expedition

Post by Vellum »

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone would be willing to go in on a Magistream roleplay with me. My character is Vellum, a pale willowy woman with green eyes and white blonde hair. She is writing a memoir on magical flora, something we don't currently have any information on. She was born and raised in the Ixan Jungle, and fully capable in battle scenarios.

The roleplay is that she's traveling into the caves of Nareau to try and take a bunch of Rewin Dragon eggs, and has posted a request for a companion on her travels to watch her back. Feel free to bring a few of your favorite magical companions that you will find useful.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by DrBeansMD »


Well, its been about four years since I've posted a request here, so I guess its time to revamp and renew it, with updated interests and prompts and such.

Lets start with the basics:

What do I expect from you?
Simple, I just want a reply from you, a paragraph or more (more is always better), once a week minimum. I really like my partners to be literate in the English language, so I don't have to spend excessive amounts of time trying to decipher what you're trying to tell me. I really like my partners to communicate with me too, so if you don't like what I'm doing or you've got a grand idea, I want to hear it!

What do I like in an RP?
Well, I like to play male characters, though I am capable of playing female characters as well. I'm not fantastic at romance, but I'm willing to make an attempt as long as there's something else in the story that'll keep my interest too. I enjoy both fandom RP's and world building, though I have found that the latter can be more time-consuming and frustrating than I would like; I'll add a list of fandoms below. Fantasy is far and above my favorite genre to write, but I can do others as well.

So what fandoms DO I like?
Among the fandoms I love the most are The Elder Scrolls (not just Skyrim, all of it), anything written by JRR Tolkien, Star Trek (TNG and TOS/TOSAU are my favorites), Sherlock, X-Men, and probably a whole host of others I'm forgetting. Feel free to message me and ask about anything not listed, it might be one I'm completely blanking on at the moment. The one thing I can for sure tell you I won't do is anime of any kind. I've just never been able to get into the culture or the style behind it. Lately though I have been wanting to do an RP centered around the world of Magistream itself, and the concept of magi living in a keep with their companion animals. So if this is something you'd like to do, definitely drop me a message and we can talk.

So... what about plot ideas?
I've got a couple of options here. The first is a slough of pairings with suggested prompts, where roles I would prefer to fill myself are marked by an asterisk. The second are a series of starter posts that I had written for other RP's that didn't pan out or were ultimately rejected by other partners, though I would still like to do them.

List of Prompts
Dragonborn/Random Adventurer X Falmer
This is a specific Elder Scrolls V pairing I had in mind. I am willing to play either character, either male or female. Essentially, the Dragonborn is exploring one of the many ancient nordic ruins spattered throughout Skyrim and finds, along with the usual Draugr and loot, a Falmer. Not one of the slimy, blind monsters that lurk about the ancient Dwemer cities, but a living, breathing Snow Elf. Where the story goes from there is anyone's guess.

Assassin* X Target
This one doesn't belong to any specific fandom, though it can if we want it to, and is rather open-ended as well. The target in this case can literally be anyone, in any time period, as can the assassin. This story could turn romantic, or simply dramatic, or whatever.

Mutant* X Human or Other Mutant
This one started out in my head as mainly a X-Men pairing, but it doesn't have to be.

Sorcerer/Wizard* X Human
A bit random, this one is, but the basic gist of it is that the human in this case doesn't know that his buddy is a sorcerer/wizard.

Daedric Prince X Random Citizen of Tamriel
Another Elder Scrolls one, though this one isn't set in a specific time period or location. Rather, depending on the preferences of my partner, it could be any number of combinations. I could be that Mehrunes Dagon is wanting to take over the world again, and this one warrior from nowhere is our only hope of defeating him. Perhaps Molag Bal the Prince of Domination and father of vampirism is seeking to turn someone into a vampire, or Sanguine the Prince of Sin and Debauchery is... well, having a party? Maybe Sheogorath is just spreading madness as usual, or Vaermina is having a grand old time tormenting people with nightmares? Whatever the case, you can be certain that this one will be rife with chaos.

Valar* X Other
This is a Tolkien pairing, and is pretty similar to the above Daedric Prince deal, just with Valar instead of Daedra. The 'Other' in this case can pretty much be anyone: elf, dwarf, human, Maiar, other Valar, etc.

Elven Healer X Other
This one is kind of meant to be another Tolkien one, but it doesn't have to be. Again, the 'Other' could be anyone, just let me know what you'd like to do.

Science Officer* X Other
Finally, something non-fantasy. This is a Star Trek one, and can go in pretty much any of the series/movie settings. The character I would like to use is a xenobiologist (can be M or F) aboard a Starfleet vessel (doesn't need to be a specific one), doing research on the alien life forms that the away teams encounter. The 'Other' in this case could be another crew member (I'm open to both OC's and canon characters), alien, or maybe even something else.

Dunmer Refugee* X Native
A Dunmer Refugee (could be male or female, depending on preferences), arrives in a new place. It could be that they have fled Morrowind after the eruption of Red Mountain, and arrived in another province of Tamriel. Or perhaps on a smaller scale, perhaps they have fled the countryside after bandits raided and burned their farm, intending to move into one of Morrowind's larger cities and start a new life there. The native, in this case, is someone who ends up meeting this refugee before they've really settled into their new home (their meeting can be planned or spontaneous).

Eluréd X Lost traveler
In The Silmarillion, the sons of Dior Eluchil, who were named Eluréd and Elurín, were chased into the wilderness after the Sack of Menegroth by the sons of Fëanor. Tolkien is somewhat vague on their fate, so in this prompt at least one of the twins survived, and happens upon a lost traveler.

Dragon Master* X Other
This one is kind of based on multiple founts of inspiration. Basically, one character is the keeper of a sanctuary, a sort of wildlife reserve for magical creatures (If you've ever read Fablehaven, its a concept similar to the system there), and the other can be... whatever, really. One of the more sentient residents of the reserve, a guest who's come to see the oddities contained within by some special privilege, anything really. Just PM me with your ideas for characters, time period, etc., this one is pretty flexible!

Agent X Target
Quite different from the usual Agent X Target, as its usually put in the context of assassination, I'm thinking this one is more of a "protection" situation. The given example is an agent of some government, or perhaps private, organization, assigned to protect some important figure, perhaps a celebrity of some kind, in a dangerous situation. I'm good with being either character, in most sorts of settings.
Pre-made Starters
It was pure chance really, or perhaps misfortune that had let to Nerrix's current situation.

It was a routine scouting mission: land on the planet's surface, and spend a few months among the natives in order to study them. Of course, he used a Chameleon device that allowed him to be disguised as one of them, and the translator they all had in their brains, so as not to raise suspicions. But just because he looked like the humans on the outside, didn't mean his internal anatomy was altered, which meant he still had to be very careful.

One of the many difficult things about humans was their incessant tendencies to kill each other, or at least attempt it. It was one of the few remaining primitive things about their society, and it was probably going to be the thing that killed him.

Nerrix had been walking through the city streets, intent on documenting human herd behavior, when suddenly the air was filled with fire and he was thrown against a wall, plunging him into unconsciousness. Now that he thought about it, this had probably been one of the so-called "terror attacks" that his superiors had warned him were common in this area of Earth. But it mattered little. Knowing what to call the event was of no consequence now that his body was covered in burns from the heat of the fire, and several of his bones were broken. Luckily the Chameleon still held, keeping his skin from reverting to its natural blue tinge, and preventing the nasal extension from disappearing to show his actually very rounded muzzle. Not to mention the fluorescent purple eyes, and scaly patches of skin around his knees and elbows that would become apparent, should the device fail.

As it stood, he would be lucky to get off the planet alive. He had woken up after the blast to find himself lying in a bed, in quite a large amount of pain. There were tubes running in and out of him, wires everywhere, and some strange beeping sound that had gotten rather annoying rather quickly. This seemed to be some sort of medical facility where they were keeping him, but he had a hunch that they had probably discovered he was not what he seemed.

He was alone, for one, and the door to the room was latched shut. Nerrix had not been in many human medical facilities, but he had come across very few closed doors when he had. There was some sort of tube running into his arm, originating from a plastic bag that was hung from a hook on the ceiling. He would have to pull that out, and peel off the strange stickers on his chest, if he was going to escape this place.

With a grunt of pain and effort, Nerrix pushed himself upright, causing one of the beeping machines to change its tone. After taking a moment to wait for the room to stop spinning, he glanced around, noticing his surroundings were rather barren, and not terribly inviting. Just as he was about to scoot to the edge of the bed so that he could begin his escape, Nerrix froze at the sound of footsteps outside of his door.
The war had been over for years, but evidently that mattered little to these folk. Dalimar had not known that, when he agreed to travel with his nephew to Iragora, they would be stopping in this town for supplies. If he had, the former general would have protested, and to great lengths. Tensions still ran high between the east and west halves of the Asmerian Empire, and even though the western side had ended the civil war over ten years ago, many pockets of easterners still remained, constantly stirring up rebellion and trying to rekindle the flames of war.

Dalimar may have been retired for a good chunk of the past decade, but that didn't mean he had left the military lifestyle behind him. He still kept himself after the standard fashion, and didn't really look that different than he had during the war: perhaps he was a bit grayer at the temples. But that, coupled with the fact that this specific town was very much still in a mindset to revolt, meant that the chances of him being recognized were very high.

Upon riding through the gates of the isolated town in question, it wasn't more than a few minutes before Dalimar was getting suspicious glares and sneers from the natives. It was obvious they knew that he was the one who had led the raid on their city, all those years ago, and resented him for it. His only remaining hope was that they wouldn't be bold enough to do anything about it.

When they reached the well in the crowded center square, the general's nephew left him to water the horses, while the younger stopped by the market shops for food and such for the road. It was probably for the better, considering that no one would do business with Dalimar if they recognized him. All seemed quiet enough, as he filled the nearby trough for their beasts to drink from, until a group of obviously disgruntled strangers shoved their way through the horde.

"You," one of them sneered, knocking the water-filed bucket aside, and jabbing his finger into the man's chest. "If not for you, I wouldn't have grown up fatherless!"

"You razed this city nearly to the ground!" another shouted. "This place would be grand enough to rival the capital if you and your lot hadn't come through here!"

Without any more prompting than that, the mass that had gathered around them began shouting insults at him. Scum. Filth. Villain. Murderer. But Dalimar could not fight back. The emperor, perhaps, might pardon him for the crime, but the local magistrate, who would try him for assault of his own people? They would not rule in his favor, he could bet every penny he had on it.

He did not see who it was who had thrown the first stone, but after that had come more, and more. Still he did not fight back, relying desperately on the hope that his nephew would return soon and be able to defuse the situation. But then one of the stones had struck his head, though he tried to dodge it, and he was knocked to the ground. That was when the kicking started, and from there it was mere minutes before he was fighting to remain conscious through the pain of bruises and broken ribs. One more swift blow to the head, and he was out.

When he came to, Dalimar could only open one of his eyes: the other was swollen shut. He appeared to be in a darkened cell, with walls and floors made of stone and the front barred with black iron grating. It hurt to breathe, and even the torchlight flickering in from the corridor made his head ache. Those thugs were probably able to convince whatever law enforcement that had intervened that he had started the brawl, or was at least at fault for it. Who knew where his nephew was, or if he would ever see him again... Unless the imperial guard became involved, he would probably never see the light of day again, unless it was at a public execution.
While he was not particularly fond of humans, they were at least making it worth his time. A fully equipped laboratory, as many test subjects as he could possibly ask for, assistants, if he wished for them, not to mention the heap of gold they were paying him for his work. Truly, these humans were getting desperate.

Bain certainly felt out of place among them, with his bright blue skin, additional set of arms, and complete lack of hair. The myriad of stares he got every time he went out in public were a curious mix of intrigue, distrust, and fear. He tried not to let it get to him, but he still found himself sending others out for supplies while he remained hidden away in his lab. But that was part of why he was here: There was a plague ravaging the human population in this region, and being of a completely different species, Bain was immune.

This was why they had called upon him. His people were notorious for being geniuses, and although Bain himself was nowhere near the greatest among them, he was still young, and looking to prove himself. Where many of the more experienced researchers had snubbed their noses up at the human's pleas, he had seen an opportunity to gain renown and perhaps finally garner some respect from his fellow scientists.

And so he had made the journey from his home in Divara City to the human settlement, taking only the tools he thought he might need, and telling no one. After all, no need for a colleague to get jealous and attempt to usurp the only position of esteem he had ever been offered. Not that finding the cure to a human plague was particularly glamorous, but it was a start.

Finally, after taking a week to organize the laboratory and start coming up with methods for finding a cure, he was ready to start selecting test subjects. The humans afflicted with the disease had been congregating outside of his lab, once hearing of his purposes there, likely hoping to be one of the first to be cured. Bain felt a bit bad for them, actually. How many would die before he was even close to finding a solution? Granted their limited intellectual capacity made them little more than interesting livestock when compared to his own people, but he still found them entertaining. In fact some of the little ones he even found kind of cute.

The heavy steel doors to his little sanctuary swung slowly open with a loud creak. Several humans were perched on the stairs leading up to the doors, and a few of them lifted their heads at the sound of his entry. It was windy, and Bain mildly regretted choosing not to wear a shirt today. It was colder in this region of the world than it was where he came from, and his people's tradition of going shirtless was more than a little out of place here. But at the same time, having four arms made wearing clothing on the top half of one's body a little uncomfortable. Perhaps he would need to speak with his human liaison about some different clothes; they had said to simply ask if he had need of anything.

After clearing his voice to gain the attention of the diseased who had gathered, he made his request: "I am ready to begin work on a cure, and am in need of test subjects. Are there any volunteers?"
So that's about it. I hope you'll launch me a message if you've found something interesting, or if you have questions that need answered, its been a long time since I've role-played on this site.
Last edited by DrBeansMD on July 10th, 2020, 12:42:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Goldenwings »


Hi! My name is Goldenwings.

About Me
I've been wanting to get back into RPing recently. I started RPing when I joined MagiStream and I've been doing it on and off ever since. Most of my experience was right here on MS and I also did some off site, notably some Mafia games. I've heard my writing being described as obnoxious sometimes; I tend to be long winded with sometimes unnecessarily complicated sentence structures. I find that since I stopped RPing, my writing style has deteriorated. Part of the reason I want to start up RPing again is to find my voice again and improve my academic writing.
I wouldn't look too far into my post history, as a lot of it is probably from my cringey pre-teen days. I promise I have matured since then and can write several coherent paragraphs at a time. You can take a look at my previous RP, which had unfortunately fizzled out.
I'm an 18 year old student, so I won't be constantly available. I will definitely try my best to post as often as possible.
My RP Style
I'm a pretty serious person, so I tend to RP pretty serious characters. I'm not saying you have to RP in the same style--in fact, I would really enjoy RPing with a goofy character! I'd definitely like to do an adventure-style RP, but I'm also up for other genres. I'm really not good with romance, so if you want a romantic subplot or anything, I'm not going to be able to properly reciprocate. I usually RP female characters, but I'm growing to be pretty comfortable with playing male characters as well. Just as an aside--I have a bit of anxiety associated with making wrong assumptions about others. I don't need sympathy or coddling, I just need you to understand I may not take risks you would expect to advance the plot. I will definitely try my best. I do not expect you to carry the whole RP on your shoulders. I just need this to be established in case we run into any problems and I apologize in advance.

To Summarize:
Both Male/Female charaters
All character styles (serious characters, quirky characters, annoying characters, funny characters, misunderstood characters, etc)
Unique Characters (do something cool, give your characters a fun hobby, a weird skill instead of "good fighter" or "charismatic loner")
Interesting flaws and quirks

Probably Not
Perfect characters
Following fandom/canon to the letter
RP Topics
Of course, these are just some suggestions to get the creative juices flowing. I'm completely open to any other ideas you may have!

**Gaslight Fantasy**
Kind of alternative history fantasy. Basically steampunk but more magic. I don't really have a plot in mind, I just really like the aesthetic.
Your typical dragon riders probably, but it would be cool to put a different twist on them. Steampunk dragons? Space dragons? Just throwing some ideas out there.
Fairies and Traditional Fantasy Stuff
I'm totally cool with traditional fantasy, but like with the dragons, it would be interesting to put a cool twist on it, make it a bit more complex or mature, less PG, pastel pink.

Sci Fi
**Time Travel**
It would be cool to do an RP about some time travelers trying to blend in in a different time period while trying to prevent some future catastrophe. Just a thought, of course.
Space Travel
Could be combined with time travel. I'm not particularly familiar with a lot of established science fiction universes, so this one could be a bit tricky.

Fandoms and Established Canon
For the most part, I would like to stay away from doing a fandom-based roleplay, but here are some materials I'm familiar with and we could draw inspiration from.

Stuff I'm Familiar with/Willing to RP
(Bear with me, this list might be a bit short and some of these might be a bit obscure)
Doctor Who (addendum: I really would prefer to do something deviating from the established story if we decide to do this one. Something with similar mechanics but mostly original.)
Bartimaeus (love the sarcasm, love the mechanics)
His Dark Materials (I would need to do some refreshing)
Uhhhh can't think of anything else.

Not Interested/Don't Know
MagiStream (hear me out; I'm not familiar enough with the lore or the mythology, I really wouldn't do a good job)
Most TV shows (particularly a lot of the fandomy ones; I don't watch a lot of TV, and the TV I've watched wouldn't make a good roleplay)
Harry Potter (never read it, but know basics)
What Kind of RP Partner I'm Looking For
I really am not very picky. I'd definitely like someone who has had some experience RPing, and has a descriptive and interesting writing style. Other than that, the usual, decent grammar and command of the English language, doesn't post one single sentence at a time.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Last edited by Goldenwings on February 7th, 2018, 9:50:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Big thanks to everyone that gifted! :D
Posts: 4
Joined: January 22nd, 2018, 11:58:32 am

Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Ravenstag »

Currently looking for RP Partners!
(Literally always looking, even if I shouldn't be. :P)

Hello! I'm fairly new to this site and thought I'd give a little shout out here. I have been out of the RPing game for a long time and would love to get back into it. I currently have twenty years of experience under my belt and classify myself as a semi-lit, writer. However, I do have a rather wonky schedule and do have a life outside of this site (among others) and would like some understanding that I can't be on 24/7 to constantly reply. I will do my best to reply as quickly as I can, and if I become too busy I will give you a fair bit of warning before hand, since I hate dropping RPs because of silly little things like time constraints.

I can play both male and female roles comfortably and usually enjoying having a large cast of characters to play. Meaning, I can double/triple up in RPs with no problems. I love many aspects branching out from adventure/action, horror, drama, romance, etc. Though, I will state that I tend to be wary with romance only plots. I can't do the whole "Love at first sight" type thing and would rather romance, if any at all, could be done with some progression. Speaking of which, I also only have experience with MxF relationships, but am willing to give MxM and FxF a shot. I am also not afraid of mature themes. Though any such things will have to be taken to PMs or offsite.

I do have a Discord. If you'd like to add me feel free to send me a PM and I will gladly give you my contact info there.

Now onto the fun stuff.

Things I will do:
Original stuffs:

- Supernatural (Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, Kelpies, Demons, Angels, etc)
- Fantasy or Medieval settings
- Sci-fi themes
- Animals (Maybe. I used to do a ton of these, but can easily lose interest)

- Magistream??
I would love to just sit around and come up with some fantastical adventure with Magis and their creatures. I don't know, sounds like a lot of fun.

(Only going to put this here because this is what I am used to doing, but I would really like something more original-ish.)

- Supernatural (The CW TV series with the Winchester brothers)
- The Marvel Cinematic Universe (Usually things revolving around the Avengers or Thor movies)
- Dragonball Z/Super
- Dragon Age (Currently playing Inquisition... again... Also have a thing for Qunari. Hehe!)
- Elder Scrolls/Skyrim
- Ark: Survival Evolved (Because being dropped on an island full of dinos is fun, right?)

Things I have no interest in:
There isn't much I won't try, but one thing is for sure, I can't ever find the time or patience to do anything school/college related. Well, you know, may be tempted if it were like Harry Potter. xD

If something catches your eye just toss me one of those PM things. Also, always willing and open to trying new things, so if you don't see anything on my list all you have to do is ask. The worst I can do is say is "no, not interested", right?
Last edited by Ravenstag on February 13th, 2018, 10:07:15 am, edited 3 times in total.

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