Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

*hyperventilates and squeals*
So yes, we found out the Cora and Rumplestiltskin do have a child together (because seriously, who else but Rumple could produce something with green skin? On the other hand if it wasn't Rumple who the heck did Cora sleep with? o.O

And I don't care if he seems absolutely bonkers, he's back I'm shaking with excitement I can't even :woo: I can wait for the RumBelle reunion *screams* I am so happy right now ;;___;; I knew he wasn't dead. Ugh so much happiness.


Also I quite like the Robin Hood/Regina ship. Not to Captain Swan or RumBelle levels but still.

HUh, Edit:
I just realized, Rumple isn't in charge anymore. For most of the series he was the one pulling the strings, everything happened because he wanted it to. But he got what he wanted, he doesn't determine what's going to happen. He thought he would be dead, he got his son back, he had Belle, but then he "died"... This...this isn't good :derp:
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Hawktalon »

Padfootsmistress777 wrote:*hyperventilates and squeals*
So yes, we found out the Cora and Rumplestiltskin do have a child together (because seriously, who else but Rumple could produce something with green skin? On the other hand if it wasn't Rumple who the heck did Cora sleep with? o.O

And I don't care if he seems absolutely bonkers, he's back I'm shaking with excitement I can't even :woo: I can wait for the RumBelle reunion *screams* I am so happy right now ;;___;; I knew he wasn't dead. Ugh so much happiness.


Also I quite like the Robin Hood/Regina ship. Not to Captain Swan or RumBelle levels but still.
That was my reaction to seeing Rumple alive. Except he's gone crazy again, which I'm not happy about. I mean, crazy Rumple is a cool character, but he's just not... real Rumple. If that makes any sense.

I don't think the Wicked Witch is Rumple's daughter (which would make her Neil's sister and Henry's aunt and further confuse this whole confusing family tree this show has going on) because Cora pulled out her heart... why would she go back? Unless it happened while she still had her heart.

And I'm convinced that the reason the witch has green skin is some curse. I mean, even if she were Rumple's daughter, Rumple's skin is part of being the Dark One (or at least that's what I took from it, since he didn't look like that before becoming the Dark One).

I did like the chemistry between Regina and Robin... I was half-hoping that she would curse herself and Robin would wake her up.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

Hmm, well Cora pulled her heart out around the time she ended up with Henry Sr I believe, I'd have to rewatch the episode, but WWW said she was born first, so it could possibly be a CoraxRumple...creation ugh... I can't *scrubs brain with bleach*.
Anyway, the only other kid he has is Bae, and he was normal at the time. I'm sure the skin came from the curse (the old Dark One had the same skin as well I think as well) but that doesn't mean it can't be passed on, magic is weird and comes at a price... I mean I don't know if it's the case but as much as I don't want it to, I have a really hard time believing more didn't come out of the awful relationship between the two *shudders*

I'm trying to figure out if wherever he was made him go insane (maybe he's insane, he could be acting right?) I mean he was completely AWOL for a year, maybe with his father, that'd drive anyone nuts... I'm wondering if he's gone back to being the Dark One some how... Or if some how "killing" himself ripped the Dark One part of him away, but sort of messed with his mind in the process?

Oh gosh what the heck are Bae and Belle going to do when they find out Rumple's being held hostage O.o that would be awesome, and oh gosh I can't wait for this reunion ;A;.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

My thoughts on the happenings of the first two episodes. (Can't watch the next one yet, due to Hulu being a pain.)
Okay, I don't think I believe the Wicked Witch is Regina's half sister. I think the Witch is lying for some reason. That or I have found a plothole. Because when the monkey first attacked Regina, we saw that it had nabbed some blood, which the Witch used to craft a potion. A blood potion to break the spell? That's my first thought. But then why would our new green friend want Regina to suffer? It can't be just because she wants suffering, since this show has soon the vast majority of the villains create suffering to exact some revenge. Of course I could be over thinking it, IDK though, why else would the Witch want Regina's blood for a spell?

Also, believe it or not, I'm a little ticked they brought back Rumple, especially so early. I liked what he did to save his 'family', it was so heroic. But now he's alive again and back to his old crazy ways. *sigh* I guess I can't complain too much though, his evil is very entertaining. And, personally, I think he's back to being crazy because somehow his brain got messed up when the Witch brought him back. I don't think he went mad from being in some type of purgatory with his father. Though, it is plausible.

And, my final thought, Regina is slowly inching her way further and further to becoming my favorite character. She's just so evil yet, not. There's just so much depth to her character, she is definitely not just a boring villain, although I don't really think of her as a villain, anymore.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

SheWolfWarrior wrote:My thoughts on the happenings of the first two episodes. (Can't watch the next one yet, due to Hulu being a pain.)
Okay, I don't think I believe the Wicked Witch is Regina's half sister. I think the Witch is lying for some reason. That or I have found a plothole. Because when the monkey first attacked Regina, we saw that it had nabbed some blood, which the Witch used to craft a potion. A blood potion to break the spell? That's my first thought. But then why would our new green friend want Regina to suffer? It can't be just because she wants suffering, since this show has soon the vast majority of the villains create suffering to exact some revenge. Of course I could be over thinking it, IDK though, why else would the Witch want Regina's blood fowr a spell?

Also, believe it or not, I'm a little ticked they brought back Rumple, especially so early. I liked what he did to save his 'family', it was so heroic. But now he's alive again and back to his old crazy ways. *sigh* I guess I can't complain too much though, his evil is very entertaining. And, personally, I think he's back to being crazy because somehow his brain got messed up when the Witch brought him back. I don't think he went mad from being in some type of purgatory with his father. Though, it is plausible.

And, my final thought, Regina is slowly inching her way further and further to becoming my favorite character. She's just so evil yet, not. There's just so much depth to her character, she is definitely not just a boring villain, although I don't really think of her as a villain, anymore.

((Haven't watched ep-3 yet either, waiting for the chance to watch it with mom <3)
Did the monkey purposely take blood, or did it just scratch Regina? Also, remember, WWW was already in the castle before they even knew someone was there, and I don't think she would have spent x-amount of time she had been there wasting it on looking around everything except the magically locked door. Besides, even if the blood was taken purposely, it would take a lot long to make a proper potion to break the spell (plus I think 'Gina said that it wasn't possible anyway, I'm sure it's more than just carrying a little bit of someone's blood...).

Remember there's a lot about Cora we don't know. We know she's Regina's mother, we know she somehow became the Red Queen in Wonderland, we know she had some kind of relationship with Rumplestiltskin both before she ended up with Henry Sr and before Regina was born. And I think it's safe to say it ended before Regina was conceived (could be around the same time but I can't be sure). I get the feeling we would have found out by now if Bae and 'Gina were related (I mean this show loves crazy families, how crazy would the fact that Regina was actually Henry Jr's aunt by blood? Seriously~ Though since the whole "depressed because I can't truly be with my son thing" may play a role I kind of doubt it.

As for evil for the sake of evil, what was Cora doing? She didn't have any real backstory other then "stupid princess tripped me, she must die! And her family must suffer! I'm evil!" WWW seems to be going along the lines of "Mother never loved me, I'm jealous, I must kill/hurt/destroy you!" I think that she might be Cora's daughter... Alternatively, Cora in disguise because she's not really dead, or some random chick who got hurt by Regina in the past and is exacting revenge now... x3.

As for Rumple (oh how I love him <3 my two favorite men back in action (maybe, still need to watch ep-3) I'm glad he's back. I was so anxious that he wouldn't be... Now that he's back I do kind of wish they had waited, but I would never be able to handle it if I wasn't 100% without a doubt positive he would come back.. .And I hate spoilers so I would have to wait, biting my nails praying we'd see him...

Plusplusplus!!! Why would our WWW want to keep Rumple in a cage if they didn't somehow have some kind of past, hmmm? She's totally his and Cora's absolutely disgusting freaky love child *shudders*.

Unless ep-3 disproves this.
As for liking Regina I'm starting too, she finally seems to be coming on her own and isn't being ridiculous like she was in season 1 and 2 <3
Last edited by Padfootsmistress777 on March 25th, 2014, 9:48:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Hawktalon »

There's a conversation between Wicked and Rumple in the latest episode that disproves the theory that he's her father (at least in my mind). No, I think she's keeping him for a different reason. My theory is that since she stole David's courage, that would make him the Cowardly Lion. So maybe Wicked can steal other important characteristics, like minds... I'm thinking she was keeping Rumple for his mind, therefore making him the Scarecrow. (I also think Regina may end up being the Tin Man and Emma Dorothy).

As for the whole blood magic thing on the door, Wicked is shown to be able to open a door sealed with blood magic with only a drop of Rumple's blood, but I don't think that proves anything. She probably had no idea that Regina was even back. I'm guessing the monkey that attacked her was just on patrol, saw some suspicious activity, and flew in to check it out. It was probably from that monkey that Wicked learned about Regina.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

I'm just going to sit here and sob for the next week. :t-corner: Why can't he just be happy? Why why why,? :t-corner:
Why Bae, why? ;A;
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »


And I can't stand to see Rumple like this, jeez writers ;A;

Andandandandand... Uhm... Yeah this was a good episode :d
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

*looks at lonely thread sadly*
*quietly throws little party to celebrate...uhm... Ariel and Eric's love since there's nothing else to celebrate*
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Hawktalon »

Padfootsmistress777 wrote:*looks at lonely thread sadly*
*quietly throws little party to celebrate...uhm... Ariel and Eric's love since there's nothing else to celebrate*
*joins party* This thread isn't so lonely!

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