The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by DrBeansMD »


Well, its been about three years since I've posted a request here, so I guess its time to revamp and renew it, with updated interests and prompts and such.

Lets start with the basics:

What do I expect from you?
Simple, I just want a reply from you, a paragraph or more (more is always better), once a week or so. I really like my partners to be literate in the English language, so I don't have to spend excessive amounts of time trying to decipher what you're trying to tell me. I really like my partners to communicate with me too, so if you don't like what I'm doing or you've got a grand idea, I want to hear it!

What do I like in an RP?
Well, I like to play male characters, though I am capable of playing female characters as well. I'm not fantastic at romance, but I'm willing to make an attempt as long as there's something else in the story that'll keep my interest too. I enjoy both fandom RP's and world building, though I have found that the latter can be more time-consuming and frustrating than I would like; I'll add a list of fandoms below. Fantasy is far and above my favorite genre to write, but I can do others as well.

So what fandoms DO I like?
Among the fandoms I love the most are The Elder Scrolls (not just Skyrim, all of it), anything written by JRR Tolkien, Star Trek (TNG and TOS/TOSAU are my favorites), Sherlock, Dragon Age, and probably a whole host of others I'm forgetting. Feel free to message me and ask about anything not listed, it might be one I'm completely blanking on at the moment. The one thing I can for sure tell you I won't do is anime of any kind. I've just never been able to get into the culture or the style behind it. Lately though I have been wanting to do an RP centered around the world of Magistream itself, and the concept of magi living in a keep with their companion animals. So if this is something you'd like to do, definitely drop me a message and we can talk.

So... what about plot ideas?
I've got a couple of options here. The first is a slough of pairings with suggested prompts, where roles I would prefer to fill myself are marked by an asterisk. The second are a series of starter posts that I had written for other RP's that didn't pan out or were ultimately rejected by other partners, though I would still like to do them.

List of Prompts
Dragonborn/Random Adventurer X Falmer
This is a specific Elder Scrolls V pairing I had in mind. I am willing to play either character, either male or female. Essentially, the Dragonborn is exploring one of the many ancient nordic ruins spattered throughout Skyrim and finds, along with the usual Draugr and loot, a Falmer. Not one of the slimy, blind monsters that lurk about the ancient Dwemer cities, but a living, breathing Snow Elf. This can be taken in many different directions from there.

Sorcerer/Wizard* X Human
A bit random, this one is, but the basic gist of it is that the human in this case doesn't know that his buddy is a sorcerer/wizard. Originally I thought this would work best in a modern setting, but we can take it pretty much anywhere, honestly.

Science Officer* X Other
This is a Star Trek one, and can go in pretty much any of the series/movie settings. The character I would like to use is a xenobiologist (can be M or F) aboard a Starfleet vessel (doesn't need to be a specific one), doing research on the alien life forms that the away teams encounter. The 'Other' in this case could be another crew member (I'm open to both OC's and canon characters), alien, or maybe even something else.

Dunmer Refugee* X Native
This is an Elder Scrolls one. A Dunmer Refugee (could be male or female, depending on preferences), arrives in a new place. It could be that they have fled Morrowind after the Red Year, and arrived in another province of Tamriel. Or perhaps on a smaller scale, perhaps they have fled the countryside after bandits raided and burned their farm, intending to move into one of Morrowind's larger cities and start a new life there. The native, in this case, is someone who ends up meeting this refugee before they've really settled into their new home (their meeting can be planned or spontaneous). This one could take place in any of the timelines, from the early days of Resdayn all the way past the start of 5E.

Eluréd X Lost traveler
In The Silmarillion, the sons of Dior Eluchil, who were named Eluréd and Elurín, were chased into the wilderness after the Sack of Menegroth by the sons of Fëanor. Tolkien is somewhat vague on their fate, so in this prompt at least one of the twins survived, and happens upon a lost traveler.

Keeper* X Other
This one is kind of based on multiple founts of inspiration. Basically, one character is the keeper of a sanctuary, a sort of wildlife reserve for magical creatures (If you've ever read Fablehaven, its a concept similar to the system there), and the other can be... whatever, really. One of the more sentient residents of the reserve, a guest who's come to see the oddities contained within by some special privilege, anything really. Just PM me with your ideas for characters, time period, etc., this one is pretty flexible!

Agent X Target
Quite different from the usual Agent X Target, as its usually put in the context of assassination, I'm thinking this one is more of a "protection" situation. The given example is an agent of some government, or perhaps private, organization, assigned to protect some important figure, perhaps a celebrity of some kind, in a dangerous situation. I'm good with being either character, in most sorts of settings. This one can also take place in a fandom, if desired.

Apostate* x Other
This one is pretty much strictly a Dragon Age prompt. One of the characters is an apostate, possibly an escaped circle mage, or simply a mage in hiding, on the run during the Mage-Templar War. Perhaps the story takes place after they've been captured at the end of the war, and are being dragged back to a circle to live out their life in captivity. Or maybe they're in hiding with others like them, trying to survive in the wilderness and avoid discovery by those who would see them imprisoned or made tranquil for their rebellion. Maybe they're being sheltered by locals sympathetic to their cause, which leads to trouble for everyone when they are found out. Or maybe the war is over, and they weren't hunted down and forced into a circle, so now they're building a new life for themselves in one of Thedas's smaller villages. This one could go in endless directions, just let me know what interests you!
Pre-made Starters
It was pure chance really, or perhaps misfortune that had let to Nerrix's current situation.

It was a routine scouting mission: land on the planet's surface, and spend a few months among the natives in order to study them. Of course, he used a Chameleon device that allowed him to be disguised as one of them, and the translator they all had in their brains, so as not to raise suspicions. But just because he looked like the humans on the outside, didn't mean his internal anatomy was altered, which meant he still had to be very careful.

One of the many difficult things about humans was their incessant tendencies to kill each other, or at least attempt it. It was one of the few remaining primitive things about their society, and it was probably going to be the thing that killed him.

Nerrix had been walking through the city streets, intent on documenting human herd behavior, when suddenly the air was filled with fire and he was thrown against a wall, plunging him into unconsciousness. Now that he thought about it, this had probably been one of the so-called "terror attacks" that his superiors had warned him were common in this area of Earth. But it mattered little. Knowing what to call the event was of no consequence now that his body was covered in burns from the heat of the fire, and several of his bones were broken. Luckily the Chameleon still held, keeping his skin from reverting to its natural blue tinge, and preventing the nasal extension from disappearing to show his actually very rounded muzzle. Not to mention the fluorescent purple eyes, and scaly patches of skin around his knees and elbows that would become apparent, should the device fail.

As it stood, he would be lucky to get off the planet alive. He had woken up after the blast to find himself lying in a bed, in quite a large amount of pain. There were tubes running in and out of him, wires everywhere, and some strange beeping sound that had gotten rather annoying rather quickly. This seemed to be some sort of medical facility where they were keeping him, but he had a hunch that they had probably discovered he was not what he seemed.

He was alone, for one, and the door to the room was latched shut. Nerrix had not been in many human medical facilities, but he had come across very few closed doors when he had. There was some sort of tube running into his arm, originating from a plastic bag that was hung from a hook on the ceiling. He would have to pull that out, and peel off the strange stickers on his chest, if he was going to escape this place.

With a grunt of pain and effort, Nerrix pushed himself upright, causing one of the beeping machines to change its tone. After taking a moment to wait for the room to stop spinning, he glanced around, noticing his surroundings were rather barren, and not terribly inviting. Just as he was about to scoot to the edge of the bed so that he could begin his escape, Nerrix froze at the sound of footsteps outside of his door.
The war had been over for years, but evidently that mattered little to these folk. Dalimar had not known that, when he agreed to travel with his nephew to Iragora, they would be stopping in this town for supplies. If he had, the former general would have protested, and to great lengths. Tensions still ran high between the east and west halves of the Asmerian Empire, and even though the western side had ended the civil war over ten years ago, many pockets of easterners still remained, constantly stirring up rebellion and trying to rekindle the flames of war.

Dalimar may have been retired for a good chunk of the past decade, but that didn't mean he had left the military lifestyle behind him. He still kept himself after the standard fashion, and didn't really look that different than he had during the war: perhaps he was a bit grayer at the temples. But that, coupled with the fact that this specific town was very much still in a mindset to revolt, meant that the chances of him being recognized were very high.

Upon riding through the gates of the isolated town in question, it wasn't more than a few minutes before Dalimar was getting suspicious glares and sneers from the natives. It was obvious they knew that he was the one who had led the raid on their city, all those years ago, and resented him for it. His only remaining hope was that they wouldn't be bold enough to do anything about it.

When they reached the well in the crowded center square, the general's nephew left him to water the horses, while the younger stopped by the market shops for food and such for the road. It was probably for the better, considering that no one would do business with Dalimar if they recognized him. All seemed quiet enough, as he filled the nearby trough for their beasts to drink from, until a group of obviously disgruntled strangers shoved their way through the horde.

"You," one of them sneered, knocking the water-filed bucket aside, and jabbing his finger into the man's chest. "If not for you, I wouldn't have grown up fatherless!"

"You razed this city nearly to the ground!" another shouted. "This place would be grand enough to rival the capital if you and your lot hadn't come through here!"

Without any more prompting than that, the mass that had gathered around them began shouting insults at him. Scum. Filth. Villain. Murderer. But Dalimar could not fight back. The emperor, perhaps, might pardon him for the crime, but the local magistrate, who would try him for assault of his own people? They would not rule in his favor, he could bet every penny he had on it.

He did not see who it was who had thrown the first stone, but after that had come more, and more. Still he did not fight back, relying desperately on the hope that his nephew would return soon and be able to defuse the situation. But then one of the stones had struck his head, though he tried to dodge it, and he was knocked to the ground. That was when the kicking started, and from there it was mere minutes before he was fighting to remain conscious through the pain of bruises and broken ribs. One more swift blow to the head, and he was out.

When he came to, Dalimar could only open one of his eyes: the other was swollen shut. He appeared to be in a darkened cell, with walls and floors made of stone and the front barred with black iron grating. It hurt to breathe, and even the torchlight flickering in from the corridor made his head ache. Those thugs were probably able to convince whatever law enforcement that had intervened that he had started the brawl, or was at least at fault for it. Who knew where his nephew was, or if he would ever see him again... Unless the imperial guard became involved, he would probably never see the light of day again, unless it was at a public execution.
While he was not particularly fond of humans, they were at least making it worth his time. A fully equipped laboratory, as many test subjects as he could possibly ask for, assistants, if he wished for them, not to mention the heap of gold they were paying him for his work. Truly, these humans were getting desperate.

Bain certainly felt out of place among them, with his bright blue skin, additional set of arms, and complete lack of hair. The myriad of stares he got every time he went out in public were a curious mix of intrigue, distrust, and fear. He tried not to let it get to him, but he still found himself sending others out for supplies while he remained hidden away in his lab. But that was part of why he was here: There was a plague ravaging the human population in this region, and being of a completely different species, Bain was immune.

This was why they had called upon him. His people were notorious for being geniuses, and although Bain himself was nowhere near the greatest among them, he was still young, and looking to prove himself. Where many of the more experienced researchers had snubbed their noses up at the human's pleas, he had seen an opportunity to gain renown and perhaps finally garner some respect from his fellow scientists.

And so he had made the journey from his home in Divara City to the human settlement, taking only the tools he thought he might need, and telling no one. After all, no need for a colleague to get jealous and attempt to usurp the only position of esteem he had ever been offered. Not that finding the cure to a human plague was particularly glamorous, but it was a start.

Finally, after taking a week to organize the laboratory and start coming up with methods for finding a cure, he was ready to start selecting test subjects. The humans afflicted with the disease had been congregating outside of his lab, once hearing of his purposes there, likely hoping to be one of the first to be cured. Bain felt a bit bad for them, actually. How many would die before he was even close to finding a solution? Granted their limited intellectual capacity made them little more than interesting livestock when compared to his own people, but he still found them entertaining. In fact some of the little ones he even found kind of cute.

The heavy steel doors to his little sanctuary swung slowly open with a loud creak. Several humans were perched on the stairs leading up to the doors, and a few of them lifted their heads at the sound of his entry. It was windy, and Bain mildly regretted choosing not to wear a shirt today. It was colder in this region of the world than it was where he came from, and his people's tradition of going shirtless was more than a little out of place here. But at the same time, having four arms made wearing clothing on the top half of one's body a little uncomfortable. Perhaps he would need to speak with his human liaison about some different clothes; they had said to simply ask if he had need of anything.

After clearing his voice to gain the attention of the diseased who had gathered, he made his request: "I am ready to begin work on a cure, and am in need of test subjects. Are there any volunteers?"
So that's about it. I hope you'll launch me a message if you've found something interesting, or if you have questions that need answered. Its been a long time since I've role-played on this site, but I'm definitely excited to start writing again.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by loveseac »

I have been in RP since 2012, then had a huge hiatus from 2017 until now and here we go again - I feel very lonely nowadays and need someone to RP with. I also try to write stories sometimes and they also lead me to an understanding I need someone to have some small acts sometimes. I was mostly playing with one and the same person for all the five years, so I may be stubborn at some points.

What I expect from you:
I want you to answer at least once a week or two. I also want your answers to be meaningful, action is my best friend. I do not need lots of descriptions, but they will be a good addition to the play. Also, I would like you to introduce sometimes music or pictures that correlate with your character/out RP, so that it would be more about atmosphere and mood. But it isn't necessary, you can RP in your usual way.
What you can expect from me:
I am not a native English speaker. On the other hand, I have proven C1 level, so I know how to deal with basic grammar. My word choice may be sometimes not appropriate and my style can be bad. But I am a good learner and I intend to become a better player. Also, I am studying in English for the past 4 years. I will answer at least once 4-5 days, otherwise I will inform you. Also I like to introduce some plot twists or side characters (NPC), being a bit like a game master.
I will do:
I do not really like romantic lines, but I can do this. I mostly play male characters, so that it can be m/m or m/f RP either I can play for a female character, but then it can only be f/f romantics. I still hope that you do not really need this and we can deal without more than friendship between our characters. I do not care about gore also. I like both fantasy (me being a Knight, a Wizard, a Gunner or a Traveller), modern day universe (office, detective stories, spy dramas or whatever you can suggest), different supernatural plots (angels, demons, vampires or whatever you like), but my genuine love is RP about voyages on a ship in 16-18 century. If we RP in this field, I can even give you some sketches on the game. Also, I had once a story about post-apocalypse, so that also works fine. In general, all types of the plot can be discussed as I am more interested in development of it, then the basement.
I will not do:
I do not do any kind of erotic RP, also I do not like unmotivated behaviour of the characters. I prefer the fights, for example, happen like: you tell what your character does - I answer what happens to mine. Not like "I kill you with 6 bullets", please. Any specific moments can be argued.
Hope to find my partner soon!
Good luck for everyone reading this.

Example of my writing (not RP, just example!) :
My alternative movie channel

I appreciate everything! Any gift is very nice for me!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Aneira »


This is a partner search, but quite specific. I'm currently interested in exploring a dystopian-society. This is pretty heavily influenced by the game Deathgarden and has some similar aspects to the Hunger Games, but I'm trying to create something that branches off from those two a bit. With that said, you don't have to have any knowledge of either title! The world I've had in mind isn't entirely fleshed out, and I absolutely welcome suggestions. I'd love the opportunity to collaborate in world building with a partner to create something new and unique. So if you're not only interested in creating new characters and plots, but also world building, please shoot me a DM!

Here's a bit about me:
- My primary character will most likely be female. However, if doubling is needed, I'm more than happy to play either gender as secondary characters and the like, whether there's romance involved or not. I will also do my best to create NPCs that have just as much character.

- 200-1,200 word replies. It really depends on how much interaction is going on between the characters. Higher interaction will result in shorter posts to allow for response. That being said, I also have a tendency to mirror my partner's posts. If you're wrote 600 words in one post, you can probably expect a response around that number.

- Ghost-friendly! Don't worry, if the RP isn't quite your thing, I don't mind if you back out!

- Semi-decent activity. I have a busy life. I work in studios and take online classes, and will have periods in which I don't post for a few days, maybe only once a week. However, I can assure you that I will do my best to keep up my activity. I'll try to communicate as well and let you know when I won't be able to post for a bit.

- Patience. Trust me, I have no problem waiting for a reply. If you want to keep on going with the RP, but don't quite have the time to keep up with it actively, I'm perfectly fine with taking a break/waiting long periods of time for replies if I have to.

- Let's talk! As in, not just about the RP. I love to have good conversations with my partners and get to know them.

What I expect:
- My interest is in a MxF RP with some slow-burn romance. For the two primary characters, I'm really only wanting to do a MxF pairing. I'd also like someone who is okay with doubling. I'm not saying it'll be a necessity - but it's nice to have that flexibility if it's needed.

- Literate to semi-literate. I don't want to be too picky on this one, because all I really care about is getting something back that I can reply too.

- Patience. As I said before, I can get pretty busy. I'm willing to be patient with my partner - and I only expect the same. That being said, I don't expect you to be 100% as lenient as I am.

- Contribute to the RP. Basically, don't have me guide the story the entire time.

Here's a summary of what I have so far plot-wise! I do have more suggestions and ideas for both, but I figured I'd start with something a bit shorter to see if anyone's interested in the first place. Please shoot me a DM if you're interested!

This takes place in a dystopian society placed a few hundred years into the future. In 2112, mankind risked its end on Earth with a massive nuclear war that decimated large areas of the planet, ultimately leading to a collapse of every known country and government. Nuclear winter followed, starving many and freezing others. In an act to survive, those that were able enough congregated to rebuild civilizations, and as the nuclear winter eased in the warmer regions of the planet, cities were once again built.

Over a few hundred years the cities were built upon, forming massive metropolises in a few select regions. Technology advanced quickly, though it had taken a turn of focusing of survivability as opposed to exploration. Most of mankind was forced to remain in these cities, the planet never quite warming up, some areas turning into frigid tundras. There was no real escape from these cities, and those that left never thrived.

These cities were built by those that lived by the law of "Survival of the fittest". A strong divide between the poor and the wealthy formed in the early years of the Silver city -- those that were deemed fit and capable were allowed to live on the surface grounds, otherwise known as Haven, where the land was warmed by both the sun and the artificial heaters that were developed to keep the city comfortable. Those that were less fortunate were left to live in the slums, found in a canyon that runs through Haven, quite overcrowded, many struggling to make ends meet. As the population grew and flourished, those within the canyon demanded that those residing in Haven helped provide for them and allow them onto the surface. This didn't sit well with those that believed in the strong divide, but they obliged, albeit in their own twisted way.

Sports had found its place within society, though it had taken a more survival-based form, allowing games that were heavily reliant on survival skills to flourish. Manhunt was a particularly popular sport, evolving from a simple game of tag with a few obstacles, to an elaborate course with realistic terrain that included massive rock walls, deep rivers, dense foliage, and old ruins to help the runners hide from especially keen and fit taggers. It was from this sport that (Insert game name) was formed, a cruel bloodsport developed to test those that wish for the luxuries of the elite. Set in massive arenas distributed around the city, these games have become an every-day part of life for many, serving as a source of resources and money for many, and for those that prove to be adept, an entryway into Haven.

The game was simple. A team of Runners were released into a massive arena, with a goal of finding and collecting resources and Nightshade that count towards points. They're generally provided with advanced equipment that allows for easier traversal and resource collection, though they are given little to nothing in terms or weaponry. Two Hunters are released after them - covered in technologically advanced armor that serves as protection and allows for easier tracking. In addition to this, they are given their choice of weaponry -- this can be anything from guns to swords, and the only restriction is on anything explosive or that may catch fire to the arena. Their goal is to hunt and kill as many Runners as they can before they can activate the exits and escape. The games run on a tier system, and entry into Haven is dependent on Runners standing out and gaining sponsors. Hunters in the lower tiers are forced to pay for entry into the games, while Hunters that have proven to be quite popular and skillful are paid to participate in higher-tier games.

Many participants of these games are entirely willing. However, harsh living conditions realistically make it less optional, forcing many that are unable to provide for themselves through other means to participate in these games for the meager amount of winnings that are provided with each successful escape. It's a game of life or death. The games also serve as a justice system. Those that are deemed guilty of crime may be sentenced to participate in x amount of games without compensation. In the government's eyes, these games are an easy way to entertain the public, pick out the strong and weed out the weak, control the population of the city, and suppress and control the lower class.

These games are a common part of every day life. Those that live closest to the arenas are often full-time participants of the games, resulting in very different lifestyles that depend on the area in which one lives within the city/canyon. Many don't question the cruelty of the games, or the government that rules the city.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by xxavrilxx »

I used to RP many years ago when I was younger and I would like to maybe try again? It would be more casual as I do work as a scientist! Please feel free to PM me or I can give out my social media! (Discord, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)

What I expect from you:
-Reply at least once a week
-Be patient with my schedule
-Keep me informed if you will be gone for long periods of time or are done with the RP
-Preferably 18+, especially if we do romance and things get spicy
What you can expect from me:
-Reply 1-5 times a week if not more.
-I have not done this in a while so it may take me a hot minute to get back into things
-I am very patient and understanding. Just tell me what is up!
-I will always discuss any explicit content before hand, so it is comfortable for both of us
I will do:
-Romance of any kind (I am best at this!), preferably MxM or FxF, but I am willing to MxF!
-I'm comfortable with all types of sexualitys, throuples, etc.
-Explicit content is okay
-Drama plots
-Plots with tension or secrets (For example: Secret Dragon scientist or Underground zoo full of magistream creatures...things of that sort)
-Hero plots/Mission plots
-I am pretty open to pretty much anything
I will not do:
-Any fandom based
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by SeagullSongs »

Hello! I used to write a lot, but I've fallen out of practise, and I thought this could be a fun way of getting back into it and making some friends! I love fantasy and folklore, and I'm drawn to stories and settings that are a bit serious or dark in tone overall, with genuine moments of sentimentality and hope scattered throughout. I'm looking for an rp partner who enjoys a similar style and would like to join me in a literate roleplay ^_^

What you can expect from me:
-Weekly replies (I'll warn you if I'll be away for longer)
-No one’s perfect and I’m no exception, but I do my best to edit my grammar and spelling
-I aim for medium to long replies, ranging from a short paragraph during fast-paced moments to multiple paragraphs for slower, more descriptive scenes
-Good communicator and flexible, happy to adjust things so the story feels interesting and fun for both of us
-I’m comfortable with writing romance and/or darker subject matter as long as we check in about boundaries
-I usually prefer to write as male or androgynous characters, but I’m comfortable writing as women too.
Things I’m hoping for from a rp partner:
-Has enough time to write medium or longer responses, and (most important) that sounds like it'd be fun for you!
-Tries to reply consistently, whether that's weekly or on a longer timeframe; I know life comes up and creative blocks happen, that’s completely okay. If something’s keeping you from writing, please give me a heads-up, I understand
-Collaborative, willing to do a bit of planning before jumping into things so we’re on the same page
-Enjoys focusing on character development and exploring relationships between characters (whether platonic, romantic, familial, etc.)
-Preferably close to my age (24) or older than me
Some concepts that I’m interested in (I’d love to hear your ideas as well):
-I’d love to write a story involving merfolk, either set in modern times or history. I find that a lot of stories about merfolk focus a lot on their interactions with the human world, and that's definitely interesting to me, but I also think it'd be fun to have more of a focus on their underwater world. An idea that's been bouncing around my head lately is a human scuba diver exploring a cave or shipwreck getting trapped and almost drowning, and a merperson transforms the diver into a merperson to save them.

-Animal characters! Can have some fantasy elements, but I'd prefer if magic was relatively rare in the setting. I'd be most interested in writing about birds, deer, horses, big cats, or cetaceans. But if you're interested in a different type of animal, let me know!

-Witchy/magic people! (Not Harry Potter inspired, sorry.) Could be a standard "fantasy middle ages" setting or something else entirely. I think it could be cool to write a story where the characters are from different branches of magic (perhaps from different cultures or regions, or maybe one's been formally educated in magic and the other had to figure it out by trial and error?) and they have to learn how to use their magic in harmony with each other to solve a major threat or problem.
If anything up there sounds interesting to you, please feel free to pm me! Thanks for reading! :wave:
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by happylandfills »

Hey y'all! I used to LOVE roleplaying, and I love writing, so I figured I'd post here just in case my ideas click with anyone who likes the same things I do. I love animals so most of my roleplay ideas are based on that. If that interests you, let me know!

What you can expect from me:
- replies daily (or more! I'm on here a lot!)
- good grammar and spelling
- long replies, dialogue, and descriptive text
- female and male character(s)
- boundaries set in place for roleplaying romance or fights
- a good friend :D
What I expect from you:
- weekly replies (at least once per week)
- engaging and descriptive text and dialogue, it doesn't necessarily have to be long!
- respecting boundaries
- 18+
- have fun!!
What I'm willing to roleplay:
- canines
- reptiles
- rodents
- birds
- fantasy creatures (dragons, gryphons, phoenixes, etc.)
- cryptids
- magistream creatures!!
- most animals, really, these are just the ones that interest me the most. We can totally roleplay as different animals as that'd add even more interest to the story.
- since the animals can talk I imagine this would be in a fantasy world. I've already designed a world where humans have gone extinct and animals have regained power of the Earth, if that interests you
What I will not do:
- anything fandom based
- nothing super gory, sexual, or explicit
I hoard Ratumbidae, Kelungs, Paervem, and much more. PM me if you have any you'd like to sell to me, my hoard list is on my profile :angel:

Feel free to mine my nursery!
☺Happy's Giveaway☺
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Amyloid »

Hi! I really like role-play but had some problems with it in public forums. So I just want to find a 1x1 partner to role-play with!

What you can expect from me:
Fast replies! I check every day.
good grammar and spelling
long replies
all in all someone you could role-play with!

What I can't do:
Use fancy fonts and colors. I can't figure out how to make them work.

What I expect from you:
Reply at least once a week.
Engaging dialogue.
Have respect.
no god modding.

What I'm willing to roleplay:
Almost everything! Animals, People, Fantasy....However, I'm more prone to make female characters, but I can also do male ones.

What I will not tolerate:
blood, gore, sexual content.
Not replying without giving a reason. I understand that people have their own needs, but hanging people there for months just waiting for you without a reason isn't very nice.

So that's about it! I'm really looking forward to a longterm RP partner, so if you're interested just PM me!
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searching for a 1x1 partner | rp | burpity borpity burp

Post by burp »

just gonna snatch the template from the other users haha

:D hi guys! i'm pretty new to roleplaying, though i did participate in some arpgs (art rpgs) back in the day, but i'm not sure if that counts. i do enjoy all sorts of worldbuilding and oc creation, but i just never got this hands-on experience. i enjoy graphic design, as well as designing and modeling ecosystems and procedurally generated sandbox worlds, questlines, cultures, species, societies, you name it! but me and writing aren't the best buddies, unfortunately. i do the thinking-stuff-up thing much better lol
i have someone important in my life whom i'd like to better connect with, and i was hoping i could get into it somehow and try to understand it to the best of my abilities and become an enjoyable roleplaying partner hopefully :splat:

— what you can expect from me:
not very fast replies, unfortunately. i check in almost daily, but can sit down to commit to a fruitful and thought through reply maybe once to thrice a week.
not very long replies either, or replies out-of-place too long i guess? to be overly descriptive or to be overly concise..
from what i've learned and understood so far i do believe i have a lot of ideas for 1x1 or even pve (think d&d style, one player x the entire universe), but i'm totally open to anything and everything. given my arpg background and overall tendencies towards gamedev, i'd be more than happy to draw/design/program any maps or interactive oc/inventory sheets, plot snapshots, comic-like summaries or really anything lol

— what i expect from you:
please be patient with me. i hope we can take some time to discuss a multitude of things pertaining the rp process itself and any things that i might find confusing. also, i hope my esl status and grammar/punctuation mistakes and/or typos aren't going to be a deal breaker and i hope it'll be alright to ask you to point them out to me :cool:

— what i'm willing to roleplay:
any humanoids! any setting, future, past, fantasy, magic/high tech, alternative future/present/past, anything, but i'm going to have to familiarize myself with the setting or at least grasp the basic concepts first.
i can do fandom settings, but not fandom characters.
willing to build any relationships between characters from the ground up.
any plot length, be that a one-time encounter or a long-term project.

— what i will not do:
i would not prefer to roleplay as an animal or a dragon or anything non-humanoid, that would be a slightly different concept for me to be covering.
i would not prefer to roleplay as a character in any kind of established relationship with someone unless we cover and discuss it thoroughly.

please feel free to pm me regarding anything at all! i would be happy to discuss any other related and unrelated projects and concepts too:)
ps., might be adding or removing things from this post, don't worry and pm me anyway even if i changed something crucial. we can always discuss it!
( gotcha lol :P )
rp post
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Michiyu »

What I'm looking for: Hello I am looking for a semi-lit RPer. I respond frequently and match post length most of the time. I enjoy supernatural and fantasy mostly but I will RP other types of genre. I use my own OCs and world build but if you wanna do a Fandom just expect from that Fandom will be an OC not a canon character. I RP female characters.

What I'm willing to RP: Almost anything just ask. I prefer humanoids since they are easier to relate to. I will do animals but only if the plot is really intriguing or if the character might transform. I don't mind romance if its not the only thing driving the story.

What i won't do: Excessive Gore, Pure Romance, God modding, controlling other characters, Mary Sue's or Gary Stu's, OP characters.

Plot ideas:
Magistream Themed (Our magi going on an egg hunt or even an adventure somewhere on the map.)
Post Apocalyptic (I have a story in mind where a sickness wiped out most humans but after it, animals became anthropomorphic and the anthros are trying to find a peaceful solution to coexist with humans.)
Supernatural/Dungeons and dragons theme (Your basic dungeon crawl or possibly what seems to be a fetch quest but turns out to be much more.)

I think that's mostly it. We can always make up a plot if you don't like any of the ideas here. I'm open to most ideas.
"All things must change to something new to something strange." - Unknown :woo:

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