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Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story

Post by Inkeyu »

It didn't take long to get into a rhythm with my new horse. Nova's gaits were smooth, her muscles strong, her movements sure and swift. It was unlike any other horse I'd ever ridden and she delighted me. She learned quickly my own movements and what they meant for my wishes. I felt as if she were meant for me, not as just a gift from my captor, but something more. We changed in speed several times, each time getting a better feel for the others and both clearly happy with each others company. We flew over the landscape, through the large gardens, over the grassy hills within the large walls, and around again. Jumping the fences, and the logs, and the well placed jumps. Racing across the open ground was our favorite. The wind rushing at our faces, the sound of Nova's hooves pounding hard on the soft grass, and everything around us nothing but a blur. It was true bliss. I don't know how long we ran for nor how many times we rounded the large estate, but it didn't matter. Everything else had faded. Finally, we were both exhausted and we came to a halt by the large fountain in the middle of the hedge garden. Breathing heavily, I dismounted her and let her reins go to drink from the fountain. "Oh Nova, we're going to have to hot walk you. I fear I may have overworked you." Stopping her gentile drinking, she looked at me and tossed her head, spraying me with a bit of the water from her muzzle. I giggled and patted her down, checking her muscles for strains. She was extremely healthy and so I couldn't find a single muscle strain. Lifting gently on her reins, I began guiding her in slow circles around the fountain, patting a bit of the cooling water onto her shoulders every so often.

We both looked up upon hearing approaching hoof falls, to see Nova's mate and my captor come trotting up to us. I did not smile at him, but he smiled at me and dismounted Apollo, took the reins over his head and began walking towards us. Apollo didn't seem to have been worked as hard as Nova, but I would never complain about hot walking a horse. He came up beside me as we walked and smiled down at me. "You seem rather happy my dear. I take it Nova is to your liking?"

His words sent shivers down my spine, but I nodded, not bothering to look at him. "Good. I would have hated to destroy her if she had made you unhappy." My heart and stomach both sank to my feet, and I almost stopped walking. Instead I turned Nova away and began walking her towards the barn. I refused to hear anything like that. He caught up to me, stood in front of me and grabbed my jaw firmly with his hand. "Don't ever turn away from me like that again!" He hissed angrily. Nova nickered angrily at him, pushing him with her nose to release his grip on me. He gave her an angry, reproachful look, turned the same look on me and then his expression changed completely. "She is definitely your horse now." Without another word, he walked ahead towards the barn, Apollo's reins gripped firmly in one hand, the other clenched.

Once he was out of earshot, I looked up at Nova and grinned. "Thank you. I promise I will show you the same care and loyalty." When we got back to the barn, I bathed her and put her out into the paddock. We played together there for an unknown amount of time before one of the stable hands brought Apollo out to join us, and then the three of us played as if we had been doing so our whole lives. So many hours passed that the sun began to set before I realized what time it was. Getting up from my half-nap on Nova's warm back, I looked around. There wasn't anyone in the stables any longer, and I wondered where they all were. Patting them both, I promised my return and went to the main house to find out what all was going on.

Upon stepping in the door, the maid servant from before ran over to me and bustled me up to my room as fast as her short legs could carry her. "You are so late! And you smell like horses! Ohh! We MUST get you cleaned up before you can join the festivities!" When we got to the floor that my room was in, she hurried me to the room across the hall. It was a huge, stone bathroom with a very large tub carved out of green granite in the center. It was already filled with piping hot water, as I could see the steam rising off of the surface. She hurriedly undressed me, rather uneasily as I protested the whole time, preferring to undress myself. She finally got my last article of clothing off and pushed me gently towards the bath. With a sigh, I resolved to bathe, as she had put so much work into readying the bath and myself to do so.

The soap was gentile on my skin and fragrant. "Ma'am, what is your name?" I asked as she began to gently clean my wings. "Oh my name is Malinda Oddridge. But you can call me Mali." I smiled up at her and thanked her for being so gentile in cleaning my injured wing. "Oh think nothing of it m'dear. You have such lovely feathers. I would hate to see some careless....anyway, I would hate to see them damaged by someone who should know better." The bath seemed to go quickly as she helped me clean everywhere I couldn't normally reach, and helped me dry after. Hurrying me in my towel across the hall and into my room, she pulled a long, deep blue dress out of the wardrobe and began to help me dress in it. This was odd to me as everything else I had seen so far was red or crimson, or white. A few short minutes later and I was dressed, and wearing make up for the first time in my life. It seemed strange to me, but I liked that I looked like a porcelain doll with it on. My lips were a gleaming bright red and gold accented my eye lids, making my eyes look even darker than usual, very nearly matching the dress. I smiled at her and thanked her again, and she bustled me back down another flight of stairs. As we drew closer to the bottom, I began to hear music and lots of people talking and laughing. I suddenly got shy and tried a few times to push my way past her back up the stairs. Very strong for her size, she gently turned me around each time, encouraging me to join the party, and that I looked lovely, and that nobody there would harm me, when I expressed that concern.

Last edited by Inkeyu on August 18th, 2017, 10:14:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Pastry Problems

Post by Inkeyu »

The light is always there. Warm, welcoming, safe. This is the place where most people live, where happy endings reside. This is not a story of this place. There is always darkness where there is light and on the other side of the light. This story is there, in the dark recesses of a world that people often refuse to acknowledge. This is the story of a pastry shop unlike any other, in a world that likes to pretend that all there is is happy endings. This is the story of Patisseries Noires Bakery and Tea Parlor.

"Tsk. Come on! Isn't there anywhere around here that I can get something to eat that doesn't cost a ton of amo?! I mean it's only food right?! Ughhh!" In a small, revealing red dress with tall brown brindled boots, laced with red wires, a girl wearing a matching brindle paige boy hat stomped down the street counting the baubles and bits she pulled out of her brindle bag. "Damn! All I've got is a few interesting buttons and some short wires! How am I going to eat with this -- Huh?" A large black sign with a copper frame gleamed in the corner of her eye and caught her attention. The sign had blue, ornate lettering on it that read "Free pastries to the first 20 customers". Unsure for a moment, she blinked at the sign and then excitedly exclaimed "Hell yeah! Free food! What luck!" Running towards the dark, slate gray painted, purple trimmed building she muttered "Though I hope I'm not too late to get in on this!"

She reached the ornate copper door quickly but stopped abruptly just before grabbing the handle. A sudden apprehensive shiver ran down her spine, causing a minor cold sweat. I...don't know...this place seems off.... Her stomach growling loudly and cutting her thoughts short she shrugged, sighed and resolved herself to enter. Pushing the door inward, a cool breeze met her from the dim parlor, a stark contrast to the hot desert day. "Ah! It smells so good!" Stepping inside, she closed the door behind her and took hungry deep breaths.

"Welcome." An unnervingly smooth feminine voice wafted on the scent towards her, almost startling her out of her revere. "Are you here for free pastries my dear?" Looking up at the woman behind the counter, the girl was surprised. The woman had pitch black and cobalt blue hair, pale ethereally white skin, piercing purple eyes and thin black lips to match her elaborate dress and hat, grinning almost menacingly at her. It unnerved her more than before she had walked in the door and caused her to tense up, frozen in place.

"Do not be shy dear you are just in time." The woman beckoned gracefully to the girl with a black gloved hand to follow her, while floating towards a purple curtain that seemed to lead to a back room. The girl nodded, but didn't say a word, following tensely through the curtain into a long, narrow crimson hallway with ornate black fixtures. "Since you are the last one to arrive for the event, you will be having tea with my husband and myself. I hope that is alright." Oh good. I won't be alone with this strange woman-- The girl thought, but was interrupted by the woman handing her a piece of paper and feather quill. "Wha--what's this?"
"This is the waiver you need to sign to tea with us. Some people don't do so well with our unique pastries, so it's just a precaution." Her voice seemed reassuring enough, so the girl tentatively took the paper and quill. The paper read:

"Thank you for choosing Patisseries Noires Bakery and Tea Parlor. Welcome. Our bakery is one of the finest in the world and one of the most unique. You will never find anything like our pastries anywhere else in the world. With rare, fresh ingredients, Patisseries Noires boasts flavors like you have never experienced nor ever will experience again. Each pastry is unique and can not ever be truly duplicated.
This being said, due to the special ingredients contained in each pastry, this document has been written up to ensure that all customers assume responsibility for any effects that come from eating our pastries, as all ingredients may not do well with everyone.
For those with weak constitutions, it must be noted that these pastries are not for the meek nor feint of heart. They are highly specialized pastries and require very special ingredients to make which may have negative affects on those who ingest them. It is important to note that all effects that may be caused by our pastries are only temporary and so mustn't be treated hastily. Such effects may include, but are not limited to:
~ Possible mental effects such as sever anxiety, memory loss, or minor hallucinations
~ Possible physical effects such as blindness, numbness or paralysis.

Again, any and all effects that may occur from eating our pastries are temporary and mustn't be treated hastily.
In order to get your membership card, you must agree to the following:
~ You will not go to a medical facility to seek attention for any of the temporary conditions that might occur upon ingestion of Patisseries Noires pastries
~ You will remain calm at all times, on your own or with the aid of a service animal (can be provided upon request), friend, or either host or hostess
~ You will not leave the premises while any effects are still present. If assistance is needed, it will be provided

If this agreement or any part of said agreement are broken by either party, membership is forfeit indefinitely and any pastries bought before the breach in contract will be reclaimed.

I _________________, hereby agree to the terms listed above and assume responsibility for my personal conduct both before and after indulging in Patisseries Noires pastries.

Sign:________________________________________ Date:_______________"

Jaw open, having read over the terms, the girl looks up at the grinning woman with wide eyes. About to protest, her stomach interrupts with a growl almost loud enough to rattle the frames on the wall and halts the protestations. Embarrassed by the involuntary sound emitted from her, the girl looks back down at the paper and hesitantly signs it.

"Excellent. Now for tea. It seems you are particularly ready for it." The woman said warmly and pulled aside a secondary, black curtain for the girl to pass through into the back room. Swallowing hard, but smelling the same irresistible aromas as in the front of the bakery, but even stronger here, the girl stepped past the curtain into the back tea parlor.

To be continued...
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Re: The Moonshift Lounge: Muses of a Mind Long Lost

Post by Inkeyu »

Thank you Mojang for having everything in order before combining with Microsoft. It made it SOOO easy for me to log in as I have the original email I signed up with AND a Microsoft Outlook account that now thinks it should be the one I log in with. Thank you Mojang, for helping me to figure out how to fix things even though I don't have my proof of purchase code as it was a gift from my ex, whom I haven't spoken to in over a year. Thank you Mojang for having an awesomely easy-to-use support system that is actually helping me recover my account. Thank you Mojang. Thank you you f**king f**ks of f**kerton. Yup....that...
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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The Wolf's Light

Post by Inkeyu »

Running through the trees, the silver wolf panted hard, joy spread wide across her maw. Her pack mates ran along side her, their paws splashing in the cold end-of-winter mud, passing moon light, glistening patches of snow. The half full moon gleamed among the tree branches, scattering shivering shadows around them and across their backs. What bliss it was to live in such a strong family of successful hunters. Talna looked to her compatriots as they ran, leaping logs and dodging tree trunks and yipped happily, them all yipping in return, equally joyfully. Finally the small rise came into sight, signaling they were close to the den. She slowed her run to a trot, her hunting party following suit as they reached the dirt mound. Slowing even more to a brisk walk, they came around the bottom of the rise and into the dry riverbed where the entrance to the den lay. Little squeaks and yips emanated from the warmth within and out bounced a litter of pups, only barely old enough for their eyes to be open. They had come early this year, and the snows had left late, which was a good sign that they would be equally as strong as the other pack members. The delight and pride that Talna felt at producing such a strong and beautiful litter bubbled out of her and turned into a joyous howl. Not long after, the rest of the pack, including the tiny pups and their nursemaid all joined in the chorus, haunting the night air.

Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Post by Inkeyu »

Bound for today
Bound for tomorrow
Joy for the day
The next for the sorrow
Rejoice in the strange
Beware the deranged
Joy for the day
The next for the sorrow
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Pastry Problems

Post by Inkeyu »

As she stepped through the curtain, she was greeted with a dark skinned man in a top hat adorned with crows and a celtic knot. "Welcome little bird. Tell me, what do you prefer? Apple fritters, tarts or maybe something a bit lighter?" She blushed as his chocolate eyes caught her minty ones and held them there. "" She stammered, stepping stiffly towards the set table. "Or how about you choose your tea first? Hm? The chocolate raspberry is rather good." The man stood up and pulled the chair out for her to sit, patting the back of the soft, purple velvet cushioned seat. She sat down, looking up at him and nodded. The woman from the front of the store disappeared behind another set of black curtains as the man sat across from her at the table. "Well since you're getting the chocolate raspberry tea, might I suggest a raspberry lemon scone?" He held a plate with several scones out to her for her to choose from. It was clear which was the raspberry lemon, but she looked at a powdered sugar coated one and looked up at him, pointing to it and asked "What is that one?" Her stomach growled again and she blushed at the loudness of the sound. He grinned a large, toothy grin, two sets of fangs gleaming from just behind his lips. "That one is one of my favorites. It's a meringue scone. Tell you what, take one of each. Eat one now and save the other for later." She nodded and took one of each, setting one on her plate. Just before she placed the second one on her plate, the woman reappeared with a tray of teapot, tea cup and a small pastry box. "Here you are dear. That way you don't mix the flavors." She said, holding the box out for her to put the scone in. She did and the lady closed the box and placed it beside her plate before serving her tea and sitting beside her. Grabbing a small berry tart, the lady placed it on her own plate and then looked at her. "Well dear, you are the guest of honor, you take the first bite." She thanked them both and then took a bite of the scone and a sip of tea and immediately felt better. The incredible flavors filled her senses in every way and she felt her hunger lessen. She continued eating, losing everything around her, until her scone and tea were both gone. Slowly, she felt herself slip into a stupor, no longer starving, and perfectly content. She felt herself begin to fall, but did not feel an end to it. Rather she felt she was floating, and slowly began to realize she was floating.

Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Re: The Moonshift Lounge: Muses of a Mind Long Lost

Post by Inkeyu »

Sometimes it's just nice to babble. Like a brook, just on and on and not very loud. With consciousness flowing like a river over stony words as it moves along. Sometimes the stream of consciousness is crystal clear, sometimes it's thick and muddy, but it always makes the same noises. Which seems redundant but when you listen to it often, then the differences become obvious. The thing of it is, it won't become obvious if you only listen to it a couple of times. You must sit and listen regularly to understand the intricacies and the changes in the rocky words beneath the stream itself. Learning the differences can be rather rewarding, especially when listening to your own babbling brain brook. Listening to others' helps you understand your own better, but it is more important to listen to yours. So pay attention when your brain starts to babble. It might just be telling you about you.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Re: The Moonshift Lounge: Muses of a Mind Long Lost

Post by Inkeyu »

Most uneventful birthday yet. I'm now 27, married, and about to get a new home with my new husband. No kids yet. We did have a cat for a while but he's no longer with us. Who knew that dry cat food could actually kill cats? DON'T FEED YOUR CATS NOTHING BUT DRY FOOD!!! I'm in pain from my shoulder, I'm bored, and alone and I have no clue what to do for my birthday.....and I doubt I'll ever get a surprise party.......27 years and not one.......maybe I should give up on that idea.

Oh well.

Anyway, I think I'm going to try to get a salad somewhere.....
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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The Wolf's Light

Post by Inkeyu »

The howl concluded haphazardly and Talna looked down at her brood. "Hello my darlings. Did you miss your mother?" She nuzzled each of them in turn and licked at them. "You're doing a wonderful job Aleni. They look very healthy and clean." She looked up at her wetnurse who nodded in thanks.

More to come later...?
Last edited by Inkeyu on December 12th, 2020, 11:45:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story

Post by Inkeyu »

As I stepped through a large double door at the bottom of the staircase, I found myself in an incredibly large, extravagantly decorated room. An enormous, crystal chandelier hung from the center of the ceiling, seeming to almost float there. The room was loud and full of equally as extravagantly clad men and women, talking in groups, drinking a variety of different drinks from gold rimed glasses, or dancing on a black and red stone tiled floor. I found myself at the balcony like top of a large double staircase that wrapped around down to either side of the dance floor. I almost bolted back up the stairs as I heard his voice ring out above everyone else's. I started at the sound and looked, likely with a terrified and angry expression, his way.

"Ah! There you are my dear! Come! There are people I must introduce you to!" He trotted over as he spoke and offered me his arm. I reluctantly took it with a half-hearted smile. As he half dragged me to the railing at the end of the balcony, I looked out over the crowd. I hadn't realized when I first entered that a great number of the attendees were Annon's like myself. "So my dear, what did you say your name was?" I felt my temperature rise at that question. Only now, when he was wanting to show me off to his friends, that he asked for my name. I grudgingly answered "Iirlys". "What a lovely name! Alright my dear." He did something by his ear, and suddenly speakers came on around the ballroom. "Welcome everyone! Thank you all so much for attending our ball this evening! It is with great pleasure to announce my engagement to this beautiful creature beside me, Iirlys!" The ballroom erupted with applause and a few hoots from some of the men as I looked at him horrified.

This man, this...thing, expected me to Marry him?! My heart sank and my temperature rose again simultaneously. I wanted to run. I wanted to scream and push him over the balcony. I wanted to cry. I held it all in, though I'm sure the expression on my face gave much of that away. I quickly tried to compose myself and gave another half-hearted grin. Someone with a tray of champaign flutes and fresh bottle brought them over to us. He released my arm and pulled the sword out of his belt, and as the butler held the bottle, he cut straight though the glass. The butler then poured some into each flute and handed one to him and one to me. He raised his in the air and said "A toast! To a long marriage and a new family!" A resounding 'cheers' echoed through the ball room before the bustle returned. He sipped his glass and I took a good long drink from mine. I needed something much stronger than this if I would survive the night.

Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]

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