Okay Metal, so here's this;;
the Nation of Bolivar is a mixture of basically whatever races you want to be in there, so there's no limits.
However, Drago is a country that sports a mainly Draconic humanoid race, but can also be home to other races as well. As such, Bolivarians do not trust Draconian type humanoids very much at all, kind of even hate them, because of the war with Drago.
The bad guy is neither a part of Bolivar, nor Drago, but needs to have some reason why he's after the armies of Bolivar (that can be totally up to you as well as whatever beefs he might have for either nation)
Bolivar's Rulers; King Jill and Queen Cecila
Drago's Alpha; Tunik'tar the Mighty, Feller of Foes
But basically, its up to you how you want to form the baddie and also why he's the baddie, as well as what powers/resources he might have, as well as if he has any spies, or anything like that