The Moonshift Lounge: Muses of a Mind Long Lost - Critiques?

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Re: The Moonshift Lounge: Muses of a Mind Long Lost - Critiq

Post by Inkeyu »

I'm so done. I am so hurt and pissed off.
I want to remove the person who hurt me from existence, and that hurts just as much as what they're putting me through.

I don't know what to o though.
I'm so lost. I'm in so much pain and anguish.
I want to just.....end this whole thing. Rewind time, never meet this person.
I want to go back to being independent and financially stable.

Can't things just go right for once?!
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Re: The Moonshift Lounge: Muses of a Mind Long Lost - Critiq

Post by Inkeyu »

I am so much stronger than I was.
I am learning daily about myself and the experiences I've had.
I am no longer the same person I once was and I am happy for it.
I will continue to learn and grow constantly.
I am not my trauma, though it has shaped me greatly.
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Re: The Moonshift Lounge: Muses of a Mind Long Lost - Critiq

Post by Inkeyu »

I'm so close to giving up.
I'm so very close to being done with everything.
Why do I bother trying to do anything to get ahead in life?
Nothing ever actually comes of it.
I'm 30 now.
I should at least have a stable place to live.
Where I don't have to worry about roommates f**king me over in any and every way possible.
I just want to f**king live my life!
Why is that so f**king hard?!
F**k this country and all the elite-capitalist bs that they force normal people to pay for while struggling to even eat.
I just feel f**king hopeless....Just beat down and tired in literally every way there is to be tired.
If I'm gone for a long time, don't be surprised.
I'm likely homeless and unable to access the internet...
Struggling to keep from dying from the global pandemic that has already claimed millions of lives.
Struggling to keep warm in the bone chilling, inescapable winter of the Rocky Mountains.
Struggling to feed myself, clean myself, anything to take care of myself in any miniscule way.
Struggling to stay safe and sane in a country where r*pes and assaults are "normal" and unpursued and where you could be killed for being pretty and saying "no" or killed for speaking up against being abused, or killed for a scrap of food because everyone else around you is starving, or killed just because you were walking alone, or killed for the $3 in your pocket, or killed because there's no one around to stop it from happening, or killed by medical "professionals" who either dgaf or are so burnt out they make a mistake or completely neglect any and all needs......
I'm just so....unbelievably tired...
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The Midnight Faun and her Gancanagh Admirer

Post by Inkeyu »

The Fae Admirer to the Night-Black Faun
From one fae to another, we know that beauty is abundant in our world,
But beauty is so scarcely defined as looks alone.
Let alone as grand as yours.
Your care and finess in tending the groves,
Is a sight to behold.
Such lovely weaving of the world tells me that you would be quite the wonder to hold.
Not to mention, you seem like you'd be quite the romp.
I'd be overjoyed to know you, and fulfilled to sate you.
So if you'd wright back, I'd be happy to date you.

The Night-Black Faun to her Fae Admirer
I appreciate your forwardness, and am inclined to accept.
However, to know you first is what I request.
A date on a hillside, under moonlit skies,
Would be a lovely start, without prying eyes.
You seem articulate, to be sure, though is that really well enough?
To garner a relationship, it must be built on trust.
I greatly look forward to your response.
As I am relatively new to the area, perhaps you can show me around a little.
Last edited by Inkeyu on December 6th, 2020, 10:38:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Midnight Faun and her Gancanagh Admirer

Post by Inkeyu »

The Fae Admirer to the Night-Black Faun
A moonlit date, under silver linings as those in your response.
It sounds as divine as as the woman with whom I now write.
So I accept your proposal, and eagerly await,
To dine with you under lover's light.

I am grateful to hear that in my words
you found potential for more than lust,
For the love of Sidhe, especially from she,
is something worth earning her trust.

So to the lovely Fauness of Roses,
I do believe I should introduce,
Vallen Paeoniacea,
The Gancanagh you've seduced.

The Night-Black Faun to her Fae Admirer
Would it be fair to guess that you know where you can find me?
We can confer on where to meet for our first encounter.
I apologize that my rhyming is not quite as good as it used to be,
but I will endeavor to regain it again in the future.
And perchance we can work together on the meal itself.
I find myself rather fond, and decently adept at cooking, and find it to be a good way to get to know others.
Awaiting your response eagerly.
Last edited by Inkeyu on December 6th, 2020, 10:38:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Midnight Faun and her Gancanagh Admirer

Post by Inkeyu »

The Fae Admirer to the Night-Black Faun
Poems and edas are not all rhyme, nor limerick, nor prose,
However, if it’s what you desire, I might impose
That you broaden your search, oh orange-black rose,
To learn to speak with literary throes.

I am eager to meet you, and interested in your suggestion,
But find myself entrenched with more than one question.
Do you feign to say you know your lands?
Do you insinuate you hold the knowledge you demand?

Your gifts and talents, acts and masks,
They are quite great and moreso vast.
However, you need not lie to this Fae Admirer,
As your affections are not all I do desire.

A strange new fae in an unknown land,
you are no child of Cernunos, but neither are you mortal.
We know to whom we speak, and the power in your hand,
But not of the regrets wrought from your portal.

Our interests piqued, and our desires firm,
I await among us, with deer in sight,
Hoping these affections you will confirm,
To guide you through far more than night.

Eager for your presence, I posit a suggestion
A glade by day, a garden by moonlight,
A place of beauty there is no question.
In this place, our meeting can be right.

East by North, past low hills and deep in green,
You’ll find a fall which echoes in peace,
Search for two yews I shall await between.
I await you tomorrow, not shy in the least.

The Night-Black Faun to her Fae Admirer
It is something I do desire to regain,
To write as eloquently as I have, again.
With some reading and refreshment,
I will return to my full skill for embellishment.

I feign nothing in knowledge of this new place,
Though I know my propensity for learning, and pace.
I may not know much of here, where I’ve found myself,
But I’ve found learning easiest to learn by testing oneself.

I am endeared by your words and find my mind a-flutter.
My skills are many, though learning is fun, especially from another.
I prefer not to deceive those whom interest me so,
Caution is something I must practice though.

Seems the powers of mine, you know more than I,
Mayhaps you can help me to understand why.
I know I’m something of both, and also of neither,
I do not know, but as well in this, you seem to be wiser.

Unknowing of affections, intrigue is what I feel,
To know you better, may show what is real.
With no deception, I must state my rumination,
The statements of “we” causes me some trepidation.

The location of choice, sounds perfect for first meet,
Though I would love to know your favorites to eat.
To be sure that I bring the optimal refreshments for this
For our first meeting in hopes to be bliss.

Please also read the second, following letter as well.

Though I greatly enjoy exchanging prose, I feel that this requires much more direct communication. I am well aware of my status in this world in the way of what I have become from what I was, and that I do not know this place as of yet. However I am rather skillful and resourceful, so I am sure I will have little to no issues with figuring out where it is that you speak of for our first meeting. I am a little apprehensive due to my lack of knowledge of things you seem to know well, but that does not lessen my desire to meet you in the least. You are incredibly articulate, and I find it rather attractive, though I do know about the fae a little more than I let on, which also gives me a little pause, which I’m sure you can understand. That aside, I do request that you tell me, with your knowledge of the combined worlds I hail from, what foods you would be the most interested in me bringing. I’m rather proud of my culinary skills, very much enjoy the processes, and truth be told, would like very much to be able to at least attempt to impress you. I would request that you bring whatever you desire in the way of drinks. I would like to say it’s a leap of faith, however I believe we both know it’s much more a challenge. I very much look forward to your reply, as well as our meeting tomorrow.

With great interest,
Rose Darkmoon
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story

Post by Inkeyu »

Before I could respond, the Duke waved his hand to the band and the music changed. It seemed incredibly rehearsed as the lights dimmed, with the exception of a single light that lit the dancefloor as someone over the speakers announced "The first dance of Duke Ratchetshire and his bride." He offered his hand to me, which I reluctantly took and led me to the dancefloor, before pulling me close to him. My stomach turned and I felt cold as we began dancing, every eye in the hall on us as we did. I was grateful now for the ballroom lessons I had taken as a child, as I could feel judgement from nearly every eye, and it unnerved me greatly. As we moved across the floor, I glanced around at the crowd to see if I could find the man from before, but did not see him. For some reason, that made me more nervous, and I tripped a little, bringing me back to the current predicament of dancing with my captor.

Without missing a beat, he managed to hide my small mistake and gave me a subtly reproachful and somewhat amused look. "You seem distracted my dear. Tell me, did he threaten you?" I looked up at him for the first time during our dance, but attempted to hide my surprise, not quite as well as I hoped. I could feel my temperature rise, though I wasn't sure of the cause, but apparently it had turned into a blush. His eyes went lightless for a flash as his smirk dropped, only for an instant before returning to its previous state. "Oh, I see. Well then, I'll be sure my guards are on full patrol then. Wouldn't want him trying to kidnap my new bride after all." I could feel the color drain from my face, and then the song ended. He bowed to me, a knowing and devious smile across his face, and I curtsied in response.

The rest of the ball was filled with random people asking me to dance, more drinking, lots more congratulations, and many introductions. The Duke never left my side, the entire rest of the night, and I didn't see Daevon again. It made me sad that I didn't see him again, but it confused me as to why I felt that way. As guests began to leave, the Duke and I thanked them for coming and a maid handed out party favors as they walked out. After bidding farewell to the last of the guests, he put his hand around my waist and pulled me into a long, rough kiss. It disgusted me and I struggled against him, but like the snake he was, his grip grew tighter with each move. I felt a sharp pain in my damaged wing, causing me to get dizzy from pain and unable to struggle any longer, as the Duke continued to tighten his grip. In too much pain to struggle any longer, I gave in, though it still sickened me. He lessened his grip and pulled out of the kiss, looking down at me. "I told you my dear, cater to my whims or suffer for it. Take that as a reminder. But you must be exhausted from the celebrations. I'll leave you to ready yourself for bed, but I expect to see you for breakfast in the morning."

With that, he released me and I turned rapidly away from him and rushed off towards my new bedroom. I wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible, but his terrible laughter followed me down the halls. When I finally got to my room, I flung open the door and closed it quickly behind me, looking for a lock. There was no lock on the inside of the door, which gave me pause and great concern. Looking around the room, I saw a wooden chair set by a vanity beside the large window. Grabbing the chair, I wedged it under the doorknob in hopes that it might work as a block, in case he tried to see me during the night. Exhausted, I carefully removed the dress and let it fall to the floor beside the wardrobe, and gingerly put on my nightgown. My injured wing throbbed painfully and I looked at it in the mirror. A feather was missing from the area of the damage. My stomach dropped again as I realized he had pulled it on purpose. A few tears came to my eyes as I walked half-numb over to the bed and laid down.

I was terrified, and disgusted, and hopeful that Deavon was sincere in his offer to free her. He had seemed so kind, but there was an apprehension about him that she couldn't place. That night, the nightmares returned in full.

Last edited by Inkeyu on December 10th, 2020, 11:28:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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The Discovery of the Hellunds

Post by Inkeyu »

Breathing heavily after rushing to get her summoning circle set up, she looked around at the other student witches' summoning circles. Most of them had placed stones or branches into pentagrams to summon their familiars, though there were a few dug into the ground and filled with water, some were made on bare dirt with sulphur or gun powder, and some were drawn directly into the dirt. As she looked, the Witches' Council members stepped up to the first student and nodded to them, invoking them to begin their rituals. As they went down the line, the time seemed to drag on forever as Amely waited for her turn. She tried to pass the time by practicing her summoning ritual words in her head and was so focused that she initially didn't notice that her turn had come.

"Amely. Amely? Are you ready dear?" One of the council members spoke to her, pulling her out of her practicing. "Oh, sorry. Yes! I'm ready!" She said enthusiastically. The Witches' Council members nodded to her with a simple "Begin." Taking a deep breath, she concentrated on the summoning circle and put her hands out over the edge of the circle and began to chant.

Powers of the sun and moon
Spirits of the earth and sky
I beckon thee to join my rune
My bonding to my soul friend neigh.

Windy storm and calming stream
Join me in my rite unseen.
Sunny days and starry nights
Lend to me the powers right.

Come forth my friend from the other side
To join me in my magic deeds
Be not afraid and do not hide,
My every order you shall heed.

Show yourself now to me
My bonded familiar, so mote it be.

Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story; Irilys

Post by Inkeyu »

Name: Irilys Blackwing
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Species/Race: Raven/Jackdaw, French/European
Faction: Annon Liberation Army
Occupation: Captain of the Freed Guard
Appearance: Ivory pale skin, large almond shaped deep sapphire blue eyes, below shoulder blade length black hair with blue opalescence, slender lithe build with prominent arm muscles, very large blue-black wings that protrude from between her shoulder blades, subtly pointed ears, shapely and prominent strawberry colored lips, a small slender nose, long thin fingers and very small feet.
Personality: Irilys is a formidable fighter when in the field, and has a very strong sense of justice. She is exceedingly cleaver and is able to command her forces in various war tactics. When she is focused, she can command a room or battalion easily and effectively. She is incredibly strong willed and has been trained in withstanding great amounts of torture. Though in her current predicament, she's unsure of what to do as her injury has left her more helpless than she normally is, and her captor is a master manipulator and has been able to keep her off kilter more easily than she could have anticipated.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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Re: Aves Annon: Iirlys' Story; Duke Ratchetshire

Post by Inkeyu »

Name: Duke Arlimane Ratchetshire
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Astrological Sign: Leo
Species/Race: Human, German/Scandinavian
Faction: Annon Collector's Society
Occupation: Annon seller/breeder, Coordinator for the Annon Annual Convention
Appearance: Just below shoulder length curly platinum blond hair, pale skin, narrow ice blue eyes, thin facial features with very prominent nose chin and cheekbones, tall slender build that hides pure muscle, long slender fingers and proportionately sized feet. Stands about 6'3" tall and weighs around 198lbs.
Personality: Arlimane is a haughty rich/wealthy man who enjoys great lavish things and always buys or acquires whatever he desires. He is incredibly cunning and manipulative and enjoys playing mind games with anyone whom he deems inferior, which is basically everyone. He has an ego larger than his 35 room mansion plus large stable, and is very quick to snap when his ego or him are attacked in any way. He is an incredibly violent person, though he prefers to let his employees take care of his actual dirty work, and does not take no for an answer. He is a master at torture and rather enjoys breaking people, especially whom posses anything he deems valuable, be it items, information or assets. He is a collector of rare and beautiful Annons and loves to display them at his own annual convention that he puts on every year. He also "breeds" Annons for his convention, as well as for commission and other events, and can be rather cruel about it, either "breeding" them himself, or forcing Annons to "breed" in exchange for living.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
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