Let's Pretend We're Gods

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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by Bluewyrm »

Kiara, goddess of gold and corn

In the native language of the people who worship her, Kiara's domain is a single word: it means everything golden, and to the people, corn (mostly what we might call wheat) is emblematically, abstractly gold - the color it is in a flourishing field, ready to harvest. This is the only 'gold' most ever know besides, perhaps, that of a temple altar; only a noble family would have the wealth to possess something so rare and hard to come by as the precious metal.

Like the people, her hair is dark, thick, and wavy, but it highlights with a sheen of supernatural goldenness. Her skin is a golden tan, sunkissed by her field-blessed domain. As a harvest goddess, she is someone the people offer to for success in the harvest season, but also for more abstract successes. She is also specifically prayed to by metalworkers, that their craftings might be fine and their resources be well-behaved for shaping, as the metal gold typically is.

However, by the black of night, she's also prayed to by thieves, cowards, and backstabbers, and all others intent on gaining something that's not rightfully theirs, just as humans scrape her metal from the hills - and she is not a kindly goddess, so these are the prayers she prefers.

Olanoros, God of -
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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by Aisope »

Olanoros, God of Truth
Olanoros, within the community of people worshipping him, is a god known for being unreadable. He's the one helping people reveal or disguise the truth if prayed to- and if he's in the mood to help out that is. Although his abilities are rather universal, due to his fickle nature there aren't many people that pray to him, often preferring to instead ask a god of guidance or one more specific to the truth they are seeking. That causes him to often have a more.. hands-on approach if he does get prayed to by either giving concrete advice or outright mocking the lie someone has come up with.

Contrary to his element being the truth itself, Olanoros is a pale childish looking man, with golden snake-like eyes and orange-brown hair. The depictions also often show him with freckles or scales on his cheeks, but it is impossible to tell wether its one or the other. His clothes often seem to be of noble status in terms of material, although the cut would be more fitting for a man of working class, and despite his childish appearance, people that have been mocked or guided by him claim that he has an impossibly deep voice.

Konaihara, Goddess of-
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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by Andrius1z »

Konaihara - Goddess of Kitchen Container Spaces

Every kitchen, no matter how minimalist, requires the use and storage of containers. To fill a container, one must have had a empty container to begin with. Therefore the small god Konaihara arose, to inhabit and maintain the space in kitchen containers.

Her favorite offerings are of course the moment when the leftovers from cooking fit perfectly into the dimensions of the container they are being saved in, and conversely when the ingredient for a recipe runs out precisely when the amount needed for the dish is poured out of its container. These are rare, so her standard fare is mostly the dried but delicious parts of sauces that get stuck around the rim, as well as kitchen containers being repurposed after being emptied of product.

As a kitchen deity, she has a lot of sharp competition, so many of the duties she performs for worshippers are rather niche. They include the graceful aging of containers due to tomato stains or small chips and worn corners, making sure that fruits and vegetables age better in paper bags, and rather remarkably, making sure that refrigerator air feels cool and refreshing in summer. But it makes sense once you realize that fridges are giant containers for food.

Her blessings revolve mostly around leak prevention and container organization- her favored mortals will never find congealed liquid in drawers or shake out salt only for the cap to fall off, nor will they lose tupperware lids left and right. But her most historically notable achievements revolve around aging of food! In collaboration with the gods of fermentation she has given humanity kimchi, miso, wine, and even certain cheeses.

All in all, she is a practical and busy but cheerful goddess, who thrilled when plastic was invented and has been around since the first woven bowl was dipped into a stream. She will not likely lose power in this century, although if humans invent brain uploads after that she may be in trouble and have to part-time as a goddess for particularly inventive termites, ants, and bees. Hereʻs to Konaihara and her small but essential roles, donʻt forget to leave her some space in your kitchens!

Oops forgot a name-

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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by AngeltheTogekiss468 »

Mellisima, Goddess of Disease

This goddess is believed to be the creator of all diseases in the world. She is often depicted as a disease-ridden woman, with the wings of a bat and the tail of a rat. She is very important in this religion, and is said to carry out the orders of the god of death, maintaining a balanced population. She is not usually worshipped due to her portfolio as the goddess of disease.

Onoulpust, God of
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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by SunDownStream »

Onoulpust, God of luck.
Many people believe he is the god of all great events that happen in this world. People think that he wears a silk robe with long, slick yellow and orange hair and is a man of his word. It is said that if you pray to him, you will receive great amounts of luck and good fortune. Many people that worship him are people that don't have much. Others are people that worship him are people in a war of some sort wishing for supplies and enough men to win.

Andromeda, the goddess of
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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by LadyOfSpoons »

Andromeda, the goddess of astral prophecy. She wares a dark swirling veil that glitters like oil on water, with hair that streams behind her like a comet trail. Astrologers often appeal to her in an attempt to read their fates in the stars, however her nature is ethereal and unknowable as the heavens. She is known bless her followers with cryptic visions of events and places lost to time, yet to come, or from worlds entirely unknown.

Hyphestion, God of

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