Shadow x rose

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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by rosemilly »

Roan looked astonished when he heard Rafe suggest going house hunting. “Really? Are you sure?” Of course, he would love to go house hunting, but that meant that Hikaru, who was very pregnant at the moment with his twins, would have to pay for their apartment by themselves. Though Hikaru would probably also have to move into new place since he was taking care of two babies. Was Rafe’s old apartment he shared with Alex even big enough for two babies? He couldn’t even begin to imagine the amount of destruction two children would cause.

When the elevator came, Roan stepped inside and waited for the rest of his little family to step inside before pressing the button to the first floor of the building. “I really hope that your mom likes me, Rafe. And of course Kai, but who wouldn’t love little Kai?” As soon as the elevator opened up to the ground floor, he stepped off and waited for Rafe to lead the way to his car.
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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Rafe nodded nonverbally in reply to Roan's question before saying, "Mhm and yes. We might need more room later when Kai starts growing bigger. It'll be better to do it now, especially if the market's good. Once we're settled, we can help Alex and Hikaru find a place that's bigger than my former apartment that they're currently staying in to take care of the twins when they're born." He followed after Roan into the elevator when it came, enjoying the ride down while hearing what the former said and asked afterward.

"I know she will. What's not to like about you? Both of my parents will also enjoy having a grandson and he's very lovable," he said in reply just as the elevator arrived on the first floor before opening its doors with a ding. He stepped off after Roan and then led the way to where his car was, just a few parking spots away from the front of the building. When he got there, he unlocked the car, opened the back passenger door, put Kai in the car seat there and strapped him in, before putting the baby bag next to him, and then got in the driver's seat after that.
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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by rosemilly »

“I’m open to looking, but I’m not too worried at the moment. We have two bedrooms.” Which was plenty of room for the three of them unless they suddenly decided that they wanted more children, but Roan wasn’t quite sure if he was ready for more yet either. But Rafe had a point. If the market was good, it might be a good idea to go ahead and start looking at houses before the prices start going up even more. He was much more worried about Hikaru, Alex, and the twins though. Two babies meant that they would need more room as they got older, but an apartment would be okay while they were still newborns.

Hearing Rafe’s reassurance, Roan hoped that he was right. “I guess I’m just anxious is all. In all the years we had been best friends, I had never met your parents before.” And they had been on the run for a long time. Maybe if they hadn’t had separated they could have stayed at Rafe’s parents house to hide from the hunters that were after them.

As soon as they got to the car, Roan moved to get into the passenger’s seat, buckling up his seat belt. “I think we’re ready to go. I bet your mother is so excited to see you and meet little Kai. He’s such a sweetie.” Reaching back, he grabbed a toy out of the baby bag and handed it to Kai to play with as Rafe drove.
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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by Shadowfax278 »

"Okay. Maybe we can just browse online and look at some that might be promising for later in the future if and when we're ready to move to a bigger place," Rafe said in reply to what Roan said before he heard the rest of what he said afterward. "I understand and I should have introduced you sooner. It's just my dad kicked me out and I didn't want my mom to get in trouble with him for talking to me or getting letters from me. I think he's okay with me now since he'd like to meet you and Kai which is what the more recent letter from her said," he said in reply before starting up the car once his love was settled in the front passenger's seat and after he heard what he said. He nodded and then started to back out of the parking spot they were in and then put it in park soon after that to head to the café that they were going to meet his parents at.

"Yes, I think she is as well and I can't wait to see her again either. I just hope that it doesn't get too tense between my father and me and sorry in advance if it does. That he is." What he said just now was in response to the last few statements or so that the other boy had said before he (Rafe) had started to drive. When they got there, he parked in front of the small building, turned off the car, unbuckled, and then got on the other side of the car to get their son out of the car seat.
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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by rosemilly »

Roan nodded his head as he listened to Rafe talk about why he hadn’t introduced them to his mother. “Remind me why your dad kicked you out again, if you don’t mind.” It had just been a long, long time since Rafe last mentioned his father. Was it because Rafe was bisexual? Perhaps Rafe’s father had grown more accepting of his son, but from the sounds of it, maybe not. It sounded like Rafe’s father may only be interested in meeting Kai.

Once they arrived at the cafe, Roan got out of the car, letting Rafe get Kai out of his car seat. Roan was still very nervous, his hands nervously trembling as he patiently waited on Rafe. He was a bit scared to go in there first, especially if Rafe wasn’t right behind him.

Seeing his father, Kai’s big blue eyes filled with joy, cooing happily as he was taken out of the car. There was no one he loved more than his daddies.

Roan moved to hold open the door once Rafe got Kai, letting him enter first. “Lead the way.”
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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by Shadowfax278 »

"To make a long story short it was mainly because I wouldn't go with him on an idea he had of me posing like I was straight to keep up appearances for the family business and me not wanting to take it over," Rafe said in reply before getting Kai out of his car seat while smiling at their little boy when he noticed him (Kai) looking so happy at seeing him (Rafe). He then looked over at Roan still with the smile on his face shortly afterward, noticing the nervous expression he had on his face.

He softly kissed his cheek in hopes of helping him feel a bit better in meeting his parents. "Thank you love," he said when the latter opened the door for him and did indeed lead the way after telling the host that greeted them that the other members of their party were already there and waiting for them. The host nodded and Rafe walked by him to see his parents already seated at the back of the café and in a booth next to the windows. He waved at his mom before turning his attention to be on Roan, holding out a hand for him to take if he'd like to.
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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by rosemilly »

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Did knowing that help Roan’s nerves at all? Not really…. But it was definitely something that he needed to know just in case a fight started, which was something he was not wanting at all.

Roan nervously entered the cafe behind Rafe, his hands shaking at his sides. He was very very anxious about how this whole meeting would go, and he would hope that Rafe’s father had gotten over his prejudice of gay people. Even at that, his boyfriend’s parents deserved to meet their grandson even if they didn’t believe that he could biologically be both of there’s. The world could be a very strange thing indeed. But at least his wings were hidden from view since they were folded up under his shirt. It wouldn’t be a good thing if they got reported, so usually when he was out and about, he kept them hidden.

As soon as he noticed Rafe holding out a hand to him, he reached out and took it. It was exactly what he needed to help calm down his nerves. After a few deep breathes he mumbled over to Rafe, “I think I’m ready.”
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Re: Shadow x rose

Post by Shadowfax278 »

"It's okay. I got over it and I hope he did as well and won't cause a scene. Maybe my mom had a firm conversation with him about it. She was always able to get him to behave for get-togethers with family and friends," he said in reply to Roan's first statement before heading over to the table where his parents were sitting at a booth with his love and their son after nodding in reply to his other statement. He breathed out a bit himself while walking up to the table and then smiled at both his mom and dad. "Hi mom and dad," he said in greeting. "This is my boyfriend Roan and our son Kai."
"Hi sweetie and it's very nice to meet them both," Amanda said while Xander simply nodded a greeting but was smiling all the same which made Rafe feel a bit more relaxed than earlier when he was approaching them and sat down on the other side of the booth. He also left plenty of room for Roan with Kai's stuff on the bench while he was making himself a bit more comfortable.

Last bumped by Shadowfax278 on January 3rd, 2024, 1:32:06 pm.
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