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Royal Squilla #1252


The royal squillas have a docile behavior no matter if in the wild or if kept as companions. It is uncertain when these creatures came into being, and many believe they are as old as the seas. However, it is known they were kept as pets by the royal families in the old times. Nowadays, magi and entertainers alike are fond of the royal squillas. Their beautiful coloring is pleasant to the eye, and so is their magic. Although most frown upon the idea of having creatures in the hands of show makers, the royal squillas love to perform. They adore nothing more than to animate water for the simple purpose of bringing smiles to people's faces. The squillas shape masses of water into different things resembling objects, creatures, and even people. A group of well-trained royal squillas can put into stage even a short play with the animated water. They also appear to have long-term memory and can reproduce short scenes hundreds of times flawlessly. They tend to get bored of having to repeat something too many times, though. Letting them animate water as they see fit is preferred.


You're uncertain if this is an egg or a lump of gelatin.


Young royal squillas are not able to create more than small bubbles of water. They will move them around, make them bigger or smaller, sometimes even stack them on top of each other. But other than that, the young squillas cannot animate water more. Some will try and fail to shape the water into different forms. Sometimes the bubbles will resemble some misshaped creature only to revert to a spherical form in the blink of an eye. This would appear to be annoying to the young squillas. However, they take joy from simply creating water bubbles and are extremely perseverent in doing so. On good days, a magi's squilla hatchling would sit in its tank, practicing changing the water's shape; on bad days, the squilla will lob small spheres of water into the air and let them crash all around its surroundings. The squilla is happy when this happens. The magi is not.


The training of adult royal squillas is facilitated by their ability to survive on land for extended periods of time. They will follow their human friend around eagerly and take inspiration from everything that surrounds them. If given enough treats, the squilla can be persuaded to animate water in specifically desired things. While some of them are happy to animate water into anything they are told to, others have preferences. A moody squilla will only animate water in the form of bouncing bubbles if it feels like its previous performance did not receive enough praise. Encouragement and fish treats are the best way to lighten a sulking squilla's mood. Being rather enthusiastic and easily excitable, an untrained squilla might ruin its own animated water before it fully takes the desired shape in an attempt to try something new. A blob of animated water could start as a running cat only to be turned into a tree with falling leaves as the squilla switches from one idea to another rapidly.


Obtained from: Stream (common) Tributary: Lake Lakira
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: August 1st 2021

Element: Water An icon depicting the element Water

Breeds with the following:
Royal Squilla + Royal Squilla = Royal Squilla (Normal)

Sprite art: Borealum | Description: Real

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