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Isolerix Mantis #1262


Commonly known for their brightly colored bodies, the isolerix mantises are comical creatures. Unlike others of their kind, they have no interest in great hunts or finding perfect mates. Instead, they get their joy from amusing people. Although not as funny as one would think, the isolerix mantises possess an odd magic that forces people to laugh for no reason. No one can keep a straight face when one of these creatures is around and most of the time they team up in small numbers to make things even worse. They climb on anything they deem stable enough, sometimes even on top of each other, and strike awkward poses. It is only a matter of time until their magic takes effect and everyone starts laughing.


The look of this egg amuses you.


Isolerix mantis hatchlings are wide-eyed creatures always appearing to stand in awkward positions. They will move as if controlled by an amateur puppeteer, with a sudden change in poses. This amuses you to no end and more often than not you end up laughing uncontrollably for who knows how long. Your hatchling seems to be pleased about this and will continue to move in this manner whenever it considers you have been serious for too long. While it does appreciate receiving treats, the isolerix mantis hatchling is quite independent. It likes to venture around the Keep in search of small insects and flowers to munch on and will return to you only after being satiated.


Adult isolerix mantises can be found all around the Keep, usually bothering large creatures. They prefer the benevolent minicorns on which they climb eagerly whenever there are people around them. The mantises will team up and strike different awkward poses to make everyone laugh. They use the minicorns as props and nothing else, sometimes even perching on the tip of their horns. As soon as they are done showing off and satisfied with the amount of laughter they received, the mantises will leave the creature be and return to their magi for a new round of amusement. Their favorite activity is to sit on their magi's shoulder or head and make a fool of themselves in situations when people are supposed to be serious, such as important exams or diplomatic meetings.


Obtained from: Stream (common) Tributary: Lake Lakira
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: August 30th 2021

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Isolerix Mantis + Isolerix Mantis = Isolerix Mantis (Normal)

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Real

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