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Ixan Mist Stalker #1474


Close relatives to the more common mist stalkers, the ixan type is larger and more dangerous. They are masters of stealth. Their spotted coats help them become one with the environment, being difficult to spot even when moving. With the ability to dissolve into mist, they easily travel through the jungle's lush vegetation. Nothing can stand in the way of a hunting ixan mist stalker. The nature around them does not impede these felines in any way as they use their mysterious magic to their advantage. Like any other feline, they could cause a lot of harm to the nearby bird population when hunting excessively. Fortunately, they cannot maintain the mist form for too long, which somewhat minimizes the damage. As dangerous as they are, these felines live and hunt exclusively in the Ixan Jungle. People living near the jungle are safe as these creatures do not seek to harm those who mind their own business.


Mist appears to escape from within this egg.


Ixan mist stalker hatchlings are hard to keep track of, even by their parents. They are attracted by everything that moves, and with plenty of energy on their side they will hunt mice and leaves until exhaustion takes over. They dissolve into mist and reform at any given moment, happy to play with anything and anyone. Unfortunately, they are unaware of the damage they can cause, and the hatchlings can soon turn a silly game into a dangerous hunt. Many trees in the jungle bear the marks of the hatchlings' games, the bark torn in plenty of places as the little feline misses its moving target and claws the wood instead.


Attempts to bring an ixan mist stalker to the castle have never been successful. If a magi wants to befriend one of these felines, they need to travel to the Ixan jungle and spend several weeks there. The trip is rarely safe, the jungle holding many dangers, but it is always worthwhile. Taming an ixan mist stalker is not as difficult as some might think, as in the end, these creatures are cats - just larger and more prone to cutting someone in half with their sharp claws. If there is a reward at the end, the mist stalkers will learn to behave around humans. The most tiring task is to keep them focused, as colorful birds are always the worst distraction. If such a bird friend accompanies a magi, it should be instructed to remain near the edge of the jungle. Otherwise it will be hunted by an excited mist stalker.


Obtained from: Donation (Jan)
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 2000 gold
Release date: January 15th 2024

Element: Void An icon depicting the element Void

Breeds with the following:
Ixan Mist Stalker + Ixan Mist Stalker = Ixan Mist Stalker (Guaranteed) Cost: 3 shards

January 2024 Midmonth Donation Pet

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Real

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