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Selenic Eclipse Crystalwing #1503


While selenic and helian crystalwings exist in harmony and are often kept together to keep their powers balanced, breedings between the two are relatively uncommon, and for good reason. Perhaps due to the complimentary nature of their powers, their offspring tend to be uncanny in nature, their powers defined by absence. These eclipse crystalwings literally eat light, yet also exude it, existing always half in light and half in shadow, never quite part of either world. Selenic eclipse crystalwings in particular can erase things from existence for a time, and are both feared and respected as a result.


A deep red gem that seems to eat the light is set into this dark egg.


The crystalwing hatchling that emerged from your egg is quiet and strange. Its red wings and gems half glow and half absorb light, so that to your eyes, it never looks quite right. In darker corners, it disappears altogether, the only hint of its presence a slight chill that's only partly physical. You've noticed ever since it hatched that you misplace things more often - but disturbingly, those around you act as if the things you've lost never existed at all. Your missing items usually turn up a few days later, but you can't shake the feeling that they’ve changed, somehow, yet you can also never quite figure out what's different.


Adult selenic eclipse crystalwings are a beautiful yet eerie sight, always at least half in shadow, yet their wings always give off a soft red shine. They have the terrifying power to unmake things at will - removing things not only physically, but so thoroughly as to have never existed - and so these crystalwings have an ominous reputation. However, this power is usually temporary, with unmade things slowly reforming again both physically and in collective memory over the course of a few days. Things touched by their power are usually changed in some way, though it is usually difficult to categorize how due to the nature of the magic involved. The more memories there are of something existing, the more taxing it seems to be for a selenic eclipse crystalwing to unmake it, and so there are very few cases of this power being used on living beings, though tales of dark magi trying to abuse a selenic eclipse crystalwing's power, only to fall victim themselves, abound.


Obtained from: Breeding
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: May 13th 2024

Element: Void An icon depicting the element Void

Breeds with the following:
Selenic Eclipse Crystalwing + Selenic Eclipse Crystalwing = Selenic Eclipse Crystalwing (Normal)
Selenic Eclipse Crystalwing + Helian Eclipse Crystalwing = Selenic Eclipse Crystalwing (Normal)
Selenic Eclipse Crystalwing + Helian Eclipse Crystalwing = Helian Eclipse Crystalwing (Normal)

Obtained by breeding any of the following pairs:
Selenic Crystalwing and Helian Crystalwing (Normal)

Sprite art: Xenomorph, Xenomorph/Lazuli | Description: Kestrad

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