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Albino Stadsolifant #1510


Finding a stadsolifant is usually a strenuous task as these creatures are the masters of stealth. Their massive bodies hardly inconvenience them, making them as silent as mice. They make their presence known when they wish, and this happens either to bond with a magi or to help villagers. It is not uncommon for a stadsolifant to hide from its magi, not because it is shy or aloof, but simply because they like to keep to themselves – and they have a good reason for this. They grow building-like structures on their backs, which they fiercely guard from everyone. No one knows the purpose of these structures or if something lives inside them. Stories say an entirely different species exists between the walls that grow on the stadsolifants’ backs, but the origins of those stories might just be based on glimpses of bugs moving in or around the buildings. Generally, as long as no one angers the stadsolifants by trying to peer inside, they remain peaceful. If they grow attached to someone, they will lend their powers to the person’s benefit, but only for a short time. The spot where the stadsolifants lay becomes fertile, so these creatures are always encouraged to sleep on barren lands. While their magic only lasts for a season and only in the area where the stadsolifant slept, many people who live in harsher environments appreciate the help as they can pass through another winter.


The plants growing on this egg move occasionally, as if a soft wind blows through them.


This hatchling sleeps more than it is awake, and that is the only time you get to see it without it trying to hide from you. The usual structures that adorn the stadsolifant’s back aren’t there yet, so no matter how much you look or how patiently you wait for them to grow, all you can see developing on the hatchling’s back are plants. The hatchling goes away from the Keep as soon as the structures appear, so you can’t see how they develop. By this point, everyone knows that this is a process all hatchlings go through and that they will return two weeks later, tall enough for people to no longer see what grows on their backs.


The once small hatchling is now towering over you. Although you would have liked to ride on its back, the stadsolifant will never let you do that. Now that it’s grown, it won’t even let you see what it carries on its back. You sometimes catch glimpses of structures – houses and maybe even a castle, but you can’t tell for sure what the things growing on your stadsolifant's back are. Sometimes you think you see things moving, like tiny fairies darting from one place to another, but you blink, and they’re gone so it might as well be the sun reflecting on the creature’s back or a bug flying by. But you value your companion’s magical abilities too much to let your curiosity get the better of you. While the stadsolifant is an independent creature, it likes to stick around the Keep or villages, making its otherwise silent presence known whenever needed. They appear more often when a drought affects the lands, imbuing arid lands with their magic. The land on which the stadsolifants sleep becomes fertile for a season, thus saving a lot of people the trouble of spending gold on expensive goods.


Obtained from: Donation (Jun)
Breeding: No
Renaming cost: 2000 gold
Release date: June 1st 2024

Element: Life An icon depicting the element Life

June 2024 5-shard Donation Pet

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Real

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