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Voltarian Pomatia #1554


Found primarily in the Scarelands surrounding Magnis, it takes a trained eye to spot one of these creatures as they are quite easy to overlook due to their shells. A pomatias shell is made from the very volcanic rock that they eat. Each pomatias shell is unique and is ever changing. As a pomatia moves, the rock plates that make up the mini mountain move along with it, sometimes breaking pieces off as it goes along. These pieces are often collected by magis as a fire source, as once one of these pieces are lit, it can only be extinguished using the slime from a pomatia. Pomatias, when threatened, have the ability to create a volcanic eruption from their shell, making them less than ideal snacks for many of the creatures that live in the area. Pomatias must be kept in specially made containers, otherwise they can escape easily by melting whatever non heat resistant container an unwitting magi may place them into.


This egg seems to be made of rock and is warm to the touch.


Newly hatched, a pomatia looks like nothing more than a slug. As it eats however, the rock formations on its back begin to appear and grow. Young pomatias are ravenous eaters and can eat through a large lava rock in a matter of days in order to grow their protective shell. At this stage, they are unable to produce a full eruption, but they are able to produce a tiny bit of lava flow and plenty of smoke. It’s not recommended to handle pomatias at this age without proper gloves as they are unable to regulate their heat and can become too hot to handle and can cause severe burns to anyone holding them.


Fully grown, a pomatia can fit comfortably in a magis palm. While they eventually stop growing, their shells never do, continuing to grow for as long as the snail is alive. Pomatias eat only volcanic rock, making them easy enough to care for. A large rock lasting them for about a month before it will need replaced. While these snails can be handled, one must take caution as to not frighten the snail, otherwise a magi will have to deal will burning lava. Having extra burn potions on hand is highly recommended. While it is rare, a pomatia can become dormant. A dormant pomatia is recognizable from it’s lack of billowing smoke, and from the diamond that will appear in its shell. No one is quite sure as to why this happens. Many believed it was age, but that has been disproven. Other than that however, a dormant pomatia is the same as an active one. They both eat the same and have the same temperaments. Though, many black market dealers seek out the dormant pomatias for the diamonds, selling them for a high price.


Obtained from: Shop, Dark Shop: 1200 gold
Breeding: No
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: September 30th 2024

Element: Fire/Earth An icon depicting the element FireAn icon depicting the element Earth

Has a randomly occurring shiny form.

Sprite art: Jrap17 | Description: Jrap17

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