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Puvia #33



With feathers colored like a rainbow, this bird is beautiful and highly treasured. Adventurers will travel farther than normal in hopes of retrieving a bright Puvia egg. Majestic in flight and extraordinarily large, Celestial Puvias are valuable companions. A master is to be warned, however, that it is best to fly a Celestial bird only in friendly territory or at night, as these multi-colored creatures do not camouflage well. Originally from the jungle, these birds hid among bright flowers to evade any large predators, but in The Keep they can only stand out with their beautiful plumage.


This bright and beautiful shell holds many colors.


When the gorgeous egg hatched, you saved the bright shell - but it proved to be pale in comparison with the large hatchling that emerged. One might spend hours stroking its beautiful plumage, marveling at how each feather is a different color. With huge wings and feet that seem disproportional for its small body, you're sure this creature will grow to be massive. Already as large as some of the adult phoenixes, this young bird ignores most of the other animals its age and plays with the gryphon young, competing to see who can sustain flight the longest.


Soaring high above The Keep, you look down at the full grown Celestial Puvia you are riding. Glossy feathers in every shade of color are flattened beneath the wind, and the sun beating down transforms this creature into a living rainbow. Strong as it is beautiful, this adult often leaves for days, hunting and gathering material for its ever-growing nest. You love to give this bird soft scraps of fabric, watching it tuck it away in its nest. You look forward to the day when more brightly colored eggs show up for you to tend to, and your Puvia becomes a parent.


Obtained from: Stream (very common) Tributary: Jungle of Raza
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: July 30th 2009

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Puvia + Puvia = Puvia (Hard)
Puvia + Aurora Puvia = Puvia (Normal)
Puvia + Aurora Puvia = Aurora Puvia (Normal)

Breeding two Puvias together has a chance of dropping a Puvia Cookie that can be used to turn a Puvia into an Aurora Puvia

Sprite art: BettyxMe | Description: Damien | Side art: GlassWalker

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