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Jax #623


Jaxes can be found across Arkene and the northern reaches of the Silva forest, almost never venturing into warmer regions. Despite their impressive size - on average twice the height of a magi - finding a jax is almost never as easy as anyone thinks it will be. In addition to being various shades of grey and white - perfect for blending into snow-covered ground and grey skies - they excel at simply standing still. With endless patience, a silent demeanor, and alarming reflexes, a jax can simply wait for days for an unwitting animal to pass close enough to grab. They can stay this way for days on end, weathering subzero temperatures and being blanketed in snow. Their branchlike antlers contribute to many travellers simply dismissing them as trees; many peculiar things live in Arkene - why not the trees?


A thin tail and two horns poke through the shell of this cold egg.


Hatchling jaxes are clumsy like many young creatures. They rely entirely on their parents for food for the first year, by which time they'll have developed sufficient strength and speed to hunt for themselves. They communicate by sound and vibrations through the ground, and many magi quickly learn that young jaxes enjoy being spoken to and will learn to recognize specific voices. Due to their weak eyesight, they have be supervised around smaller creatures because they're prone to mistaking someone's pet for food and lunging suddenly.


The wings of jaxes are remnants left over from ancient times when they were light enough to still fly. Modern jaxes use their wings for balance, in threat displays, and most importantly for extra warmth and some shielding against wind and driving snow. Their eyesight is poor; rather than needing to see their prey they only need to tell if it's moving and if it's close enough, so they cannot distinguish their magi from another except by voice. Many magi who own jaxes constantly talk to them. Their only magical skill is the ability to disappear, a little-used ability except as a last ditch effort to try and escape from a threat. Jaxes can be ridden, but as they move slowly and are easily distracted by anything that moves, they're not the most useful mode of transportation. Typically not dangerous to magi, it's advised to still remain cautious around them, for if they feel threatened they can easily kill a magi with a swipe of a claw.


Obtained from: Event, Halloween, Retired
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: October 24th 2015

Element: Void An icon depicting the element Void

Breeds with the following:
Jax + Jax = Jax (Normal)

Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Tekla

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