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Luparies #662


The luparies is a trickster, disguising itself as a sceap to all but the most observant magi. This appearance allows them to sneak into flocks of sceap so they can take their pick of dinner, striking before their prey is even aware of the danger. Some magi believe that they can remove their wool since nobody has ever had to - or wanted to - shear them, but no one has actually seen them remove their sceap's clothing. They're social creatures within their own packs and with their magi families, but don't often interact with other lupine companions, possibly because other wolves might see them as dinner. Shepherds aren't usually big fans of the luparies, but many other magi find them to be appealing and engaging companions.


This horned egg has wavy multicolored stripes.


The luparies hatchling is a social creature almost from the time it hatches, snuggling up to its parents and magi at any excuse. When the hatchlings get a little older and steadier on their oversized paws, they love to play games of tag, running up and down halls in the keep and through fields outside. It's even more difficult to tell a luparies hatchling from a real sceap hatchling than it is to tell the adults apart, which makes them dangerous - to sceap - in the period between when they start hunting and when they're fully-grown. Even as young hatchlings they're highly intelligent and when not playing tag or cuddling, they enjoy playfully ambushing any unsuspecting magi or creature walking by.


Adult luparies are calm, peaceful creatures who enjoy lots of socialization, and no threat to anything that isn't a sceap. Their long fluffy tails and big teeth give them away when right up close, but from a distance they look just like sceap. They're caring parents and enjoy playing with both their own hatchlings and the children of their magi families, and when needed can be great defenders and protectors. Their wool and the sceap skulls covering their heads seem completely natural but some magi have wondered if the sceap's clothing is just another layer of the trick.


Obtained from: Event, Spring, April Fools, Retired
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: April 1st 2016

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Luparies + Luparies = Luparies (Hard)

Previously known as the Meek Sceap.

Sprite art: Xenomorph, Xenomorph/Tekla | Description: Sochitelya

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