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Ocellata Amagnae #719


Ocellata amagnae are found mostly in the Jungle of Raza and around Tetzcotal, where their bright plumage makes them stand out against the greens of the foliage around them. This colouring is a warning to most predators: ocellata are bold birds, with an unending curiosity and a sharp beak - and, in males, long spurs - should they run into trouble while exploring. Their forked tails earned them the nickname 'snake birds' and they can use this tail like a whip, especially the female. Both males and females also have eye-shaped spots near the ends of their tail feathers, which some say they can use to see what's truly in someone's heart.


This iridescent egg is surrounded by a fan of bright feathers.


The ocellata hatchling is a slim little bird that's surprisingly independent from almost the moment it hatches, though hatchlings will stay in family groups while they grow. While not particularly good at flying, they are good at gliding, which comes in handy when ocellata roost mostly in trees. Even as hatchlings, ocellata are wary around other amagnae and each family group has its own strict territory that the adults defend. During their first molt, the hatchlings lose their camouflaging brown feathers and begin to grow their bright adult feathers, during which time magi should probably avoid them as much as possible, or risk kicks and deep scratches.


Ocellata adults are beautiful to look at, but not so beautiful to look after; they're nosy, aggressive, and have a tendency to attack reflective surfaces. They also tend to strut and preen for random magi, only to become annoyed when their advances aren't reciprocated. Despite this, they are intelligent birds and it's thought they might actually display for magi because they find it amusing. Adult ocellata aren't particularly social, preferring only the company of a mate and possibly their chicks, though only until the hatchlings go through their first molt. The female ocellata is more dangerous than the male because she doesn't have the fan of feathers covering her tail, which she can use with painful precision to whip anything that gets too close.


Obtained from: Event, Harvest Festival, Retired
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: October 26th 2016

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Ocellata Amagnae + Ocellata Amagnae = Ocellata Amagnae (Normal)

Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Sochitelya

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