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Alba Meowl #722


Alba meowls are small creatures, no larger than a common housecat. The brown parts are small feathers, while their white underparts are fluffy fur, and they go through a molt and a shed once a year. They are friendly, affectionate and independent in addition to being easy to keep. They can make a wide range of noises from meowing to shrieking, and are quite talkative. Alba meowls are curious and are especially fond of romping through gardens, where they menace grass and eat the flowers. They are easily amused and enjoy toys they can chase after, like balls. All told, they are radically different in personality from their cousin, the darker and far less friendly Tenebricosa meowl.


The small tail poking out of this egg twitches every now and then.


Alba meowl kits spend most of their time sleeping, with their favorite nap spot being their magi's lap. It can be very difficult to remove a meowl kit from one's lap if it does not want to be moved. When not sleeping, they are energetic and playful and enjoy being petted. Meowls love to be up high and will often perch on their magi's shoulder or head, no doubt dutifully keeping watch.


As adults, alba meowls are loyal companions, closely bonded with their magi. Although they prefer their magi's company, they also enjoy playing with one another and are a source of mischief in the Keep, chasing and batting playfully at anything that catches their eye. They are notorious beggars and will steal from plates or larders if not carefully watched, so they are not allowed in the Keep's cafeteria or kitchen. Despite their mischievous personalities, they love to sit quietly with their magi next to a warm fire in the evenings.


Obtained from: Stream (very common) Tributary: Lake Lakira
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: December 10th 2016

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Alba Meowl + Alba Meowl = Alba Meowl (Normal)
Alba Meowl + Tenebricosa Meowl = Alba Meowl (Normal)
Alba Meowl + Tenebricosa Meowl = Tenebricosa Meowl (Normal)

Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Tekla

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