Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Pesrat
Birthday: Friday, September 14, 2018
Owner: Rosehill

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Water An icon depicting the element Water

Unlike their semi-terrestrial young, adult pesrats are fully aquatic, breaching the surface only to breathe. These creatures, about the length of a grown magi's arm, are powerful swimmers, readily traversing the open ocean by the age of two. Pesrats have exceptional memories, making them invaluable as trans-ocean navigators and messengers. If they have spent enough time around humans, pesrats may even grow to have some understanding of the local human language.

Strange old tales tell of a rat, Rat, and a fish, Pes, who became friends and eventually lovers, and of their unholy offspring. It looked like a rat, but had webbed feet, fish scales, and fish fins. The people became afraid, fearing all manner of strange and unusual hybrid animals, and killed Rat and Pes, but some of their children escaped and spread across the ocean to new lands, safer lands. Even in present time, certain isolated island folk refuse to speak of the pesrat except to pray that nothing like it ever happens again. Despite this, many magi have discovered that pesrats are friendly and docile and enjoy being petted. Only when angry have they been known to invoke unusually powerful water magic for creatures their size, even creating minor tsunamis if they have been extremely wronged or threatened.

Sprite art: Tekla (adult) | Description: Tekla