Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Yinouro
Birthday: Thursday, December 20, 2018
Owner: Kestrad

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Stage Progress: 1.76%
Overall Progress: 50.88%

Element: Water/Air An icon depicting the element WaterAn icon depicting the element Air

Although playful, yinouro hatchlings are more given to calmness than their yangouro cousins, and will happily curl up in big piles with other yinouro around the same age for a nice fluffy nap. They deal well with the cold and enjoy digging out holes in snowbanks to rest in. Hatchlings don't develop their powers until they grow older, but they have a pleasant coolness to them despite their fur that can be a respite from the heat of summer.

Yinouro are the more reserved counterpart to the fiery yangouro, but members of both species get along well when they meet. They have long fuses and are slow to show aggression, but they have also been known to hold grudges and spend weeks or months planning revenge. Many yinouro show artistic tendencies in their ice powers, and lucky magi will sometimes wake up to windows covered in delicate, beautiful art etched in frost.

Sprite art: Tekla/Lazuli (hatchling) | Description: Sochitelya