Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Voltarian Reef Worm
Birthday: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Owner: shfoakdls

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Water/Fire An icon depicting the element WaterAn icon depicting the element Fire

Many people are understandably terrified when they first meet a Voltarian reef worm. Their sharp teeth, enormous mandibles and deadly hunting skills make them easy to fear, yet when raised by a magi they are in fact among the most gregarious denizens of the sea. The members of the Society of the Trident who have spent time researching Voltarian reef worms report that the worms have elaborate rituals for greeting their magi, greeting other visiting magi, as well as visiting another worm's territory. While the rituals may vary a bit from reef worm to reef worm, they all seem to have an emphasis on the offering of food as a gift to the host reef worm. The researchers do state that wild Voltarian reef worms will not accept visitors who do not know the proper ritual and should therefore be avoided whenever possible, as when fully grown they are nearly thirty feet in length and can easily amputate any appendage.

Voltarian reef worms are found in the seas south of Voltar . They normally are found in caves near underwater volcanoes, creating massive burrows where they lie in wait for unsuspecting prey. Though terrifying in appearance, Voltarian reef worms are in fact very friendly towards their chosen magi, and will happily wrap themselves around their magi for a cuddle. Water magi have reported great success in training reef worms to guard areas, and it is indeed the rare individual who can slip past a reef worm unnoticed. When visiting a reef worm's burrow, it is advised to be extremely careful where you place your feet lest you loose one.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (adult) | Description: ShaiNeko