Female Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Thrishia's Sarcus
Birthday: Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Owner: Seabra

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Stage Progress: 4.40%
Overall Progress: 46.72%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

A Sarcus hatchling cannot be left alone. Their random magic is just as powerful the day they are hatched as when they are adults, and any accidental bite or kick could have catastrophic consequences. Only talented magi raise these creatures, and anyone who owns one must keep it on a leash by their side at all times until they can demonstrate that it won’t suddenly attack someone. Sarcus have strong instincts to chase and bite, so individuals at the Keep know to always be wary around one of these hatchlings.

Sarcus are vicious creatures, and also unmistakably magical. Their sharp hooves and teeth drip with a substance that has effects that only the creature itself seems to understand. A bite or scratch from a Sarcus can either result in poisoning or curing an already-poisoned individual, or perhaps something even stranger, like flowers growing from the wound or the bite victim suddenly being able to speak another language. Individuals in Triathe hunted these creatures nearly to extinction due to fear of their vicious natures combined with their distrust of magic. Some ancient legends even say these creatures were born from wayward magic from the mage wars, and that is why their bite seems to have such strange, unpredictable effects. Mage Thrishia found a small group of these creatures and brought them to the Keep, where many studies of their magic are ongoing.

Sprite art: Tekla (hatchling) | Description: Raneth