Male Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Averna Pukeko
Birthday: Friday, July 23, 2021
Owner: Kestrad

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Stage Progress: 0.68%
Overall Progress: 50.34%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Pukeko hatchlings are at once rotund and gangly, their long legs and skinny unfledged wings just a little too slender to support their fat round bodies with any grace. However, this doesn’t stop them from stumbling wherever they please, snacking on whatever vaguely edible things they happen upon in the process - whether that’s food actually intended for them, their magi’s lunch, an unstoppered potion, or the pages of a book collection carelessly left lying about. Fortunately, pukekos have hardy stomachs and very little seems to be poisonous to them. Unfortunately, while predators usually leave adult pukekos alone, on account of them being generally stringy and unpleasant (and capable of giving out nasty kicks and pecks), hatchling pukekos lack those protections, and need either an adult or their magi companion to watch out for them until they fledge.

Mischievous and fearless, pukekos are regarded with fondness and exasperation alike by most magi. White and gold albina pukekos seem to have a penchant for finding and proudly displaying mildly embarrassing items from the humans around them, while the blue and black averna pukekos have an uncanny ability to repeatedly sneak up on other creatures and peck them before running away. Though they are capable of swimming and flying, pukekos are clumsy at both and usually prefer to walk. Legend states that pukekos were once masters of moving through water, land, and air alike, but grew haughty as a result, and refused to aid the gods of the forest in their hour of need. As punishment, pukekos were relegated to swamps, their gifts reduced to bumbling shadows of their previous supremacy. However, as anyone who keeps pukekos will attest, the birds certainly retained their arrogant nature, still strutting about everywhere as if they own the place, poking their beaks wherever they wish.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: Kestrad