Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Fog Ophiotaurus
Birthday: Thursday, September 16, 2021
Owner: Eschaton

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Stage Progress: 100%
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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

With the strong body of cattle and the lower half of a snake, the ophiotaurus can appear rather frightening. Despite its great size, it is quite a docile creature. It feeds mainly on fire, but in cases when none is present, the ophiotaurus absorbs the heat from the air leaving the places it visits rather chilly. The fog ophiotaurus leaves a cold layer of fog in its track to find warmer areas. It is easy to train and will never harm creatures such as phoenixes or hellhounds. An ophiotaurus will gladly prefer the company of these fiery creatures. It will feed on the heat produced by them, rarely needing to search for other fires. The ophiotaurus interacts with others of its kind only during mating seasons. It will care for its offspring for the few months required, returning to its solitary life as soon as the hatchling can fend on its own.

The start of autumn is often associated with the fog ophiotaurus. The chilly days and cold fogs are considered to be signs of their approach. There are many stories passed down through generations about the ophiotaurus. They come in many versions, with different details in different cultures, but the main ideas remain the same. It is said that the fog ophiotaurus awakens after being dormant during the warm seasons, and in its hunger, it consumes everything warm that it finds in its path. If little warmth is found by the creature, a long and cold autumn is said to follow. Bonfire tributes are left for the ophiotaurus to consume. Those who are brave enough will watch from afar as the large beasts consume the fire. A cold fog is left behind, the promise of a warm autumn day hanging in the air.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (adult) | Description: Real