Male Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Borean Valdmaus
Birthday: Thursday, December 2, 2021
Owner: Kestrad

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Stage Progress: 6.05%
Overall Progress: 53.02%

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Valdmaus eggs are never found in nests near adults. Instead, the eggs grow at the base of young trees, as if part of them. New trees are planted annually for the valdmaus eggs to keep appearing. When the time is right, small, fragile pups come out of the eggs. They feed on fallen leaves or broken roots. They double in size in less than a day and continue to consume tree bark. The valdmaus hatchlings are sociable creatures, friendly towards humans. Offering a hatchling a fresh twig will earn its lifetime loyalty as they can sense the benevolence behind the gesture. They are smart, appearing to understand any language spoken to them. Even as hatchings, they will understand the difference between right and wrong and make decisions based on their perceptions of life. If given seeds or other foods they can not consume, the hatchlings will instead seek other small, hungry creatures that could make use of the treats received. If told to retrieve small objects from hard-to-reach places, the hatchlings will appear to consider the outcome before doing as told. They refuse to steal if the intent is malicious but will always bring a few berries to a poor soul from someone else's meal.

One of the creatures that have always piqued the curiosity of magis is the borean valdmaus. Although made entirely of wood, the valdmaus is as alive as any other creature. Centuries of studies lead to the conclusion that the valdmaus has, in fact, a soul. Ancient tribes believed that the souls of their ancestors inhabited the valdmaus. They were kept around for their wisdom as well as for their good-hearted nature. Prized not only for this, nowadays these creatures are kept as beloved companions because of the flowers that grow on their bodies and their sweet, calm-inducing perfume. Their short fur is made of wood, being soft to the touch and strong enough that it can not be broken. Small, pink azaleas grow on the valdmaus' body. These flowers are priceless and highly sought after. The azalea was native to the southern regions of Boreus, but for inexplicable reasons, it became extinct. How the flower took its roots on the valdmaus' body, and why it chose this creature in particular are mysteries yet to be solved. Botanists have tried relentlessly to obtain seeds from the valdmaus, but their efforts were futile. They are aggressive towards anyone who bothers their azaleas, opting to eat them themselves rather than having them removed from their bodies. When the valdmaus' long life comes to an end, the flowers wither instantly, leaving no ways of obtaining any seeds. Therefore, the azaleas make the valdmaus an important creature. Their wooden bodies are the only perfect environment for the otherwise extinct flowers.

Sprite art: Mysfytt (hatchling) | Description: Real