Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Hooded Sliphaeren
Birthday: Friday, January 13, 2023
Owner: bigmamared
Mother: unnamed
Father: unnamed

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

This appears to be an ordinary seed, but it shivers occasionally like an egg about to hatch.

Sometimes travelers bring back mementos from the depths of the forest to show to the people back home. The Naga warn against disturbing even the smallest rocks, as the Forest of Raza hides dangers that even those who have lived there their whole lives have never seen. It is best to only return with something you are specifically looking for, that you know how to identify. Travelers have been known to pick up a seemingly harmless flower or leaf on a whim. Some suffer no ill harm and end up with a small but insignificant treasure that ends up gathering dust on a shelf somewhere. Others return with something sinister in their travel packs, if they ever return at all. It is said that the forest is generous, but it isn't fond of those who take from it what they do not need...

Sprite art: Mysfytt (egg) | Description: PKGriffin