Adult Female
Name: unnamed
Species: Oratum Allirax
Birthday: Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Owner: wootzel

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Stage Progress: 100%
Overall Progress: 100%

Element: Life An icon depicting the element Life

Fully grown, an allirax can fit comfortably inside a magis palm. While adults are much more calm than hatchlings, they can still be quite the handful, so it is wise to take them out to the gardens so that they can play, tiring themselves out in the process. Alliraxes fur, isn’t fur at all, but a type of grass and it must be cut regularly, otherwise it will become overgrown. Many magis have taken to making various teas from this and this tea has many different uses and many different effects depending on what is added. The large flowers that grow from their tails will occasionally break off, but they will regrow fully within a few days. These flowers are often used in salads. Depending on the region, an allirax can be vivid green or brown.

During the summer months you will no doubt find dozens of Alliraxes running around out in the garden, their bright colors blending in with the many flowers around them. Extremely hyper, they love playing with their magis, but will make friends with any and all creatures if given a chance. If they ever feel threatened, they produce a strong scent of garlic which will ward off most would be predators. They do not eat food, instead, they drink nectar from flowers. During the winter months, it is always wise for a magi to carry around a bottle of sugar water for their small companions. Allirax also need plenty of water, which they absorb, otherwise they start to wilt. If an Allirax happens to go too long without water it can become flammable, so it is best to keep it watered and away from flames.

Sprite art: DarrkestDrow/Jrap17 (adult) | Description: Jrap17