Adult Male
Name: unnamed
Species: Anacita Bunny
Birthday: Friday, October 4, 2024
Owner: LightTheEspeon

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Element: Void An icon depicting the element Void

Wandering alone through Silva Forest is not recommended. However, if you find yourself there after all, you might witness a strange sight; especially during the months of autumn, hundreds of anacita bunnies can be found in clearings throughout the forest. They gather to dance, their red eyes glowing eerily in the light as they move in intricate leaps and bounces, intended to make the earth under their paws come to life. They literally dance until they drop followed by them rolling around on the newly disturbed dirt, their dense moss-like fur picking up all manner of seeds and spores. Despite this, the only thing that manages to grow in the bunny's fur is the anacita mushroom.

Anacita bunnies are named after the anacita mushrooms which grow in their fur. Though others claim that the mushroom is named after the bunnies. It is the age old question of which came first: the mushroom or the bunny. The fact remains that the only known way to acquire the coveted mushrooms are through a trade off with the anacita bunny. Unlike most of their bunny cousins, anacita bunnies have a preference for meat. Although they have been found to eat nearly anything, their favourite delicacy is fresh liver and if offered such a treat, they will readily trade all the anacita mushrooms currently growing in their fur. As coveted as these mushrooms are, there are nonetheless nightmarish tales warning to not attempt eating the mushrooms raw as they will then cause hallucinations and are even toxic in larger quantities. Chefs like to use the mushrooms in their cooking, as when prepared correctly, the mushrooms provide whatever they are cooked in with a mild euphoric effect, causing the food to taste twice as good. The mushrooms are therefore banned in any cooking or baking competitions. However, each year, one unscrupulous participant or another tries to sneak them into the competition they are a part of.

Sprite art: Jrap17 (adult) | Description: NyxNoire