Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: White Keep Rat
Birthday: Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Owner: Inspirit

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Element: Light An icon depicting the element Light

This egg seems to have something resembling a sword stuck in it.

There are numerous intelligent creatures around the Keep, but none more so than the Keep Rats. While most sentient creatures are visitors among the magi, the Keep Rats have formed a whole society among their human companions. Keep Rats are cheerful, good-natured beings with a strong sense of humor. Though they're usually napping or listening to people's conversations, Keep Rats do like to help humans when they can. Their nimble front paws work as well as hands, and they enjoy being helpful. These rats are often found in the kitchens, or running various tasks, although they prefer the main library the most. They listen closely to all the conversations held there, not odd as Keep Rats learn at extraordinary rates, and can pick up a new language in just a few minutes. Those rats that one sees most often, however, are the ones who have contracted themselves to a magi companion. They can usually be identified by the armor they wear, and they are quick to flourish the swords they carry if they feel the need to impress someone. Anyone underestimating them for their size will be in for a surprise, as they can use those weapons deftly. They rarely strike for lasting harm, preferring to only ridicule those that would insult them. A Keep Rat's first contract is usually struck for them by their parents, while she is still in her egg. A suitable companion is found and a deal is made that will benefit both sides. The details of that agreement can vary wildly, but there are several points that will always be part of it: there are strict rules against mistreatment, and the young rat will be allowed to bow out of the contract at any time, should life as a magi's companion not be to her liking. The parents and their extended family will keep good watch over the youngling, to make sure the contract is kept to the letter. Many Keep Rats grow up to accept their contract as the calling of their life, following it with great dedication. Interestingly, the contract is more important to them than the one it was struck with, and so they have no qualms with it being passed on to another person, as long as the terms remain unchanged.

Sprite art: GlassWalker (egg) | Description: Morgaln