Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Rekel
Birthday: Saturday, February 15, 2014
Owner: xXAvalonXx

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Element: Earth An icon depicting the element Earth

One might have assumed this was simply a metal replica of an egg, but a flicking tail proves otherwise.

These companions have most interesting physical appearances. Rekels have what seems to be fur, but it is actually made of metal. The color of this fur changes based on what they have eaten, and may be bronze, gold, or silver in color. This metal continues to grow indefinitely, needing to be sheared periodically. Only certain magical tools are able to cut through these metals, and rekels are always pleased receive trims from their magi. In the wild, rekels simply bite off excess fur, or join together for group groomings. Unlike other creatures that also consume metals, rekel do not live near the Caves of Nareau. They can be found throughout the world, usually near mines. However, they do seem to enjoy extreme temperatures, such as in the Arkene or Etainian Desert, and will often lay in the sun or near a fire to feel their metallic fur heat up, or sit in icy water or snow to feel it turn cold. Rekel are considered to be cunning creatures, and prefer to slink along the edges of the forest rather than be out in the open. Of course, they have no need to hide – no predators bother with them. Should they be attacked, rekel companions simply remain still, and their enemy will find themselves with a mouth full of sharp metal.

Sprite art: GlassWalker/Lazuli (egg) | Description: Damien/Lazuli