Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Imperator Tamarin
Birthday: Thursday, July 14, 2016
Owner: Rosehill

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Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

This egg has a large tail wrapped around it and jumps around when you attempt to hold it.

Native to the Jungle of Raza, imperator tamarins, or “mustache monkeys” as some call them, are incredibly friendly and affectionate creatures. They are relatively small creatures, ranging in height from 10 to 12 inches, with tails that are often longer than their bodies. In the wild they live in small groups and can generally be found in the tops of trees, where they scavenge food, including small insects and sap. Imperator families are generally led by the oldest female in the group and her mate, and individual families will often band together in food scavenging parties which sometimes include other types of tamarins. Although small, these animals are remarkably quick and agile, and can leap great distances, which enables them to quickly escape from danger. They are, in fact, so quick that many predators no longer bother with them as a predator that stalks an imperator will almost certainly remain a hungry predator. They are not fond of extremes of temperature and prefer humid environments. They can share their ability to leap great distances with those they befriend, and few magi travel through the jungle without at least one of these creatures along to aid them in their explorations.

Sprite art: DarrkestDrow (egg) | Description: Taliesen