Male Hatchling
Name: Cal I
Species: Calidis Dragon
Birthday: Friday, November 25, 2016
Owner: ChichiBlack
Mother: Cal Kaiser
Father: Cal Kaiser

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Stage Progress: 32.96%
Overall Progress: 58.10%

Element: Fire An icon depicting the element Fire

A Calidis dragon hatches either black of brown depending on their sex, similar in size to a young cat. They grow like weeds, increasing in length by up to a centimeter a day at their peak growth. They continue to grow throughout their lives, though they slow considerably after their first few years. An adult Calidis dragon is nearly a hundred feet long and over twenty tonnes in weight, though there are stories of even larger lizard-dragon fossils from the mainland. As hatchlings, they are inquisitive and nervous, easily frightened and lightning fast. Like their distant relatives the anaugi, Calidis dragon hatchlings are quick to use their fire in defense, as they are able to breathe flame as soon as they hatch. Even the most foolhardy predators know to give young Calidis dragons plenty of distance.

The sclerophyll forests of Calidis are home to many unique creature, most unknown to man or magi. However, few who visit the island go without seeing or at least hearing the calls of one of the island's most famous inhabitants, the Calidis dragons. Not truly dragons but lizards of a comparable size, these massive creatures hunt in open areas of the forest, using their fiery breath to burn patches of the forest and chase down creatures as they flee the flames. The forest grows quickly, but the dragons are easily strong enough to uproot some of the largest trees in their search for food. Whatever they cannot uproot, they burn, ensuring new growth from the ashes of dead trees and shrubs. The dragons and other fiery creatures on the island have become an important part of the ecosystem, preventing the fast-growing plants from overcrowding, and providing varied habitats which support the arid zone's diverse creatures.

Sprite art: Tekla (hatchling) | Description: PKGriffin