Ive drawn a couple of pics - one is a scanned image of my pencil drawing the other is a photoshopped drawing of the same scan (SORRY they are big) to give an idea of what I was thinking.
EGG: This black and white egg is rubbery and wet.
HATCHLING: A baby orca has hatched from the shell, it loves to play in the water. Splashing happily with other young ocean creatures, they often try to engage their magi in water games of hide'n'seek or who splashed last wins which they most often win if they do not get tired first.
ADULT: Orcas are very social creatures and very protective of their magi and young - often defending against other larger sea creatures who see the young as a souce of food. The male orcas are much larger than the female, and often roam the waters scouting for potential threats to his family. The adult orca is still a very playful creature and will often hide from the magi in their own game of hide'n'seek often to the magi's dispair as they are often travelling, and are not in the mood to play.
GENERAL: Orcas can be found among the reefs and waters around the Callisto Islands,the young Orcas can be found playing in a large group among the leviathans that are found there. These are the only Ocras that magi have been able to study as they tend to stay around the Callisto Islands for most of the year. Other Orcas that tend to travel a lot have been very hard for the magi to study, and are thought to be more pedatory than their cousins among the Islands. Orcas are related to the Narwhal through distant relatives and as such you can see the two groups traveling together.
Any Critics?