Creature Entry :: DRAGON TURTLE

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Creature Entry :: DRAGON TURTLE

Post by zyymurgy »


With their thick shell, tough scales and tremendous size, the Dragon Turtle is a force to be reckoned with. Its beaky maw can tear through a Magi's arm with no effort at all, and one swipe of its muscular tail can demolish a house. With strength like that, it's a good thing they are slow-tempered, easygoing creatures that prefer to eat large amounts of seagrass rather than Magis. A Dragon Turtle is a seafaring Magi's best friend, able to give rides over a smooth or rough sea, provided you fit it with a special saddle. They make their nests in oceanside cliffs, often digging out caves that were already started by the waves, burying their eggs deeply. To steal their eggs requires a great deal of skill and stealth, and the ability to dig quickly and quietly. They have been known to bring their masters presents recovered from sunken ships.

This blue-green egg is very tough, and covered in small points.
It would resemble the adult Dragon Turtle's shell.

Unsteady on its flippers, this young Dragon Turtle pulls itself along, tiny beak snapping. Its shell is still soft, with stubby, rounded spines beginning to emerge. It is already able to swim great distances, but you dare not let it go free just yet. It already consumes a great deal of seagrass, and you know it's only a matter of time before it sheds its baby shell and begins to grow its final shell and gain its size.
Ideally, it is only a bit larger than the egg, looking like an adult but tiny. Its tail is small and stubby, and its shell is mostly smooth; it is more of a blue tone, and lighter. The serrations and segments along its neck and tail have yet to grow in. Its claws are small and white.

Massive and strong, this creature is a slow-moving living tank, plowing through obstacles and smelling pleasantly of the ocean all the time. Upon its great shell, barnacles try to grow; it scratches them off on the ocean rocks. Although you can still remember when it was small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, its size does not alarm you. Often you ride on its back as it pulls itself through the surf.
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Re: Creature Entry :: DRAGON TURTLE

Post by Souleater »

Its awesome!! :t-bipolar:
I like it very much!! :D
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Re: Creature Entry :: DRAGON TURTLE

Post by Munin »

I would totally get one of these...or an army of them. The image looks amazing!
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Re: Creature Entry :: DRAGON TURTLE

Post by Aneira »

dang...I love it...If this was the creature, well, army time. Along with my dires :srs:
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Re: Creature Entry :: DRAGON TURTLE

Post by Muirgen »

OMG! An awseome image! This one will also be a great creature. o.o I like anything if the pictures are good enough. =)
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Re: Creature Entry :: DRAGON TURTLE

Post by Whalefall »

That image is from D&D right? I swear I've seen it in one of my monster manuals.
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you remind me of a love that I once knew

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