ErrantMisty wrote:Not sure how this is over paying. . . ... -ZrQZCbBCA
I find that PPS to be rather ugly lol I just wanted a complete collection and they don't have that dog. Dogs are more than horses in popularity. Oh well. I just don't get this game in trades.
It's true that dogs generally are preferred over horses, but of course this isn't a strict rule saying that dogs are always more valuable. It depends on specifically which dog and which horse.
I haven't been hanging around the monthly swap threads or monthly discussion threads, so I don't know how popular that pony is, but it does seem like one would be one that a lot of people probably like/really want/could possibly hoard.
ErrantMisty wrote:Not sure how this is over paying. . . ... -ZrQZCbBCA
I find that PPS to be rather ugly lol I just wanted a complete collection and they don't have that dog. Dogs are more than horses in popularity. Oh well. I just don't get this game in trades.
Just unlucky, it's all about opinion. From what I've seen that's a popular PPS and a not so popular dog which may alter the worth a bit more. I'm forever being knocked back with trades because of that invisible value. I think I had to trade for my PPS horse so I don't have a spare sadly. ) :
Hey guysh, ish dish a good twwade?? I love ...hic... de owlsh annd ...hic... dee kite ...hic... &p; plushhhiie, but ish it wword iit? I like my kitttie too. Whatchu ddink?
And translation for those who don't understand my drunken gibbering - Is that a good trade? I like the owls and the kite and the plushie, but is it worth it? I like the kitty too. Whatchu guys think?
Uh, can you give us the 'share trade' link(it's right up beside where it says 'viewing trade')? The one you posted is the link to the trade but we can't see it since we're not part of it.
To me it seems unfair, that cat seems older than the things they will give to you, but I don't know about rarities and demand that much though.
Same, the two owls are this months 2nd Gen creatures(so you can still adopt some) and the cat is a special from Christmas.
I dunno about item rarities since anyone who collected their Chinese New Year items got those items(so I'd assume they're fairly common).