MagiMall - NEW! Flametail Hellunds!

This forum is for art threads giving out adoptables

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MagiStream Donor
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MagiMall - NEW! Flametail Hellunds!

Post by Inkeyu »

Hello and welcome to the MagiMall by Inkeyu!
Here you will find a number of shops for a variety of things. Please take a map (below) and enjoy your stay!
Thank you!

Prospective artists!
I need some help with a couple of these shops! Just take a look through the shops that are up and PM me (Inkeyu) with some examples of your own work and including which shop you would like to help with!

Dragonica - A Dragonling adoption center
Jack's Candle Sticks - A candle shop
Pretty Ponies - A Pony Adoption center
Flying Fish
Foxerflies - WIP Species! Looking for thoughts/opinions!
NEW! Flametail Hellunds!
Merekat Mania
FREE ICONS! Bronze Artist Challenge!
Last edited by Inkeyu on June 19th, 2018, 12:04:33 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]
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MagiStream Donor
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Dragonica - Expect new lovely lines on 7/8!

Post by Inkeyu »

Dragonica - Adopt a Dragonling Temporarily Closed for Remodeling

This is a place to adopt little dragonlings of a wide variety. Please be sure to read all of the rules before posting and/or adopting. :3 Thanks

1) Please post the correct form to adopt the dragonlings here.
2) You may adopt only ONE dragonling PER week.
3) No customs will be done for dragonlings.
4) When sending a trade for a dragonling, it MUST be the correct amount!
5) Do not send me PMs or post here about a dragonling you did not receive. You may have either been ninjaed, or I haven't had a chance to send it to you yet.
6) Do NOT copy the codes from the post here, I will SEND you them in a PM.
7) Be nice to others.
8) DON'T share your dragonlings with other people on other accounts. If they want one, they'll have to buy one!

Dragonlings for Adoption:
This time around they are free! First come, first serve!
Ethereal Fire Image

Composed of Water - Image "I'm slightly transparent!"
Secondary image for above optional:
**These are titles, not names! Pick your own names!

Adoption Form:


Code: Select all

[size=150][color=#00FF00][b]I WANT TO ADOPT A DRAGONLING![/b][/color][/size]
Dragonling Code/Title: #####
Dragonling Name: 
Reason for the name: (Give me a good one please!)
Dragonling Breeds
1) Common Dragonling (Very Common) - Common dragonlings are found everywhere. From the desert to the jungles, you would be hard pressed to not find at least one. They have the tendency to act a lot like geckos.
2) Finned Dragonling (Common) - Finned dragonlings are found in a wide variety of bodies of water. Most commonly they are found in and around small streams, small clear ponds and lakes, and on calm beaches. Some rarer varieties can be found in places such as the Mariana Trench, as well as volcanic hot springs and even sometimes mud pots and geysers.
3) Horned Dragonling (Uncommon) - Horned dragonlings are not terribly common, and are usually found in harsher environments such as mountain tops, caves, and more. Usually a little more tenacious than their more common cousins, they are harder to tame and train. But with a stern hand, they can become some of the best travel companions.
4) Furry Dragonlings (Uncommon) - Furry dragonlings look very much like their common cousins, but tend to have much more fur. The males have larger manes and tail tufts, and the females' tend to be smaller. They are usually found in colder climates but prefer places with 4 seasons.
5) Winged Dragonlings (Uncommon) - Winged dragonlings are the only known variety that have the ability to fly. Their small wings are usually brightly colored in females, where as the males' bodies tend to be brightly colored. They are found mostly in forests with tall trees, along high cliffs, though some do well in large cities.
6) Vampire Dragonlings (Rare) - Vampire dragonlings are not quite what they seem. Though they do have larger canines, they are mostly used to puncture fruits to suck out the juice, or to gain access to bodily fluids of already deceased animals. They aren't particularly dangerous, unless they are threatened. When threatened, they tend to swarm the perceived threat until said threat is either (preferably) run off, or eliminated.
7) Two-Tailed Dragonlings (Rare) - Two-Tailed dragonlings were originally believed to be an odd mutation of the common dragonlings, but after much study, it was discovered they are and entirely different breed. It's still not known as to the reason for the two tails but they do seem to be able to move independently of each other. More research needs to be done on this breed.
8) Pearl Dragonlings (Ultra Rare) - Pear dragonlings are usually found anywhere near where precious stones or natural pearls are found. It is not known why they find and keep their smooth stones, but they are not able to be separated from them, as upon the attempt, they become inconsolably violent and do not stop their attack until the gem is returned to them. More research needs to be done on this breed.
9) Mutant Dragonlings (Almost Impossible) - Very little is known about mutant dragonlings, except that they don't seem to breed, they are rarely ever seen together, and never have they been known to be tamed...except for one. The one bonded to the main scientist researching the species.
1) Bracelets - 1 gold each
2) Candles - 2 gold each
3) Demon Horns - 5 gold
4) Ear Hoops - 1 gold each
5) Ear Studs - 1 gold each
6) Mask - 5 gold
7) Necklace - 2 gold
8) Toe Rings - 1 gold each
9) Tail Rings - 2 gold each
10) Spade Tail Tip - 10 gold
11) Tear/Beauty Mark Studs - 1 gold each
12) Unicorn Horn - 10 gold
13) Wing Hoops - 2 gold each
14) Wing Studs - 1 gold each
15) Custom* - Depends on complexity
1) Dragonling Competitions: Beauty, Agility, Survival, Training, and Talent - Writing competition for rare and unique dragonlings as well as other fun prizes!
Nothing yet! Check back later!
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Last edited by Inkeyu on May 25th, 2018, 7:58:15 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]
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MagiStream Donor
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Jack's Candle Sticks - A candle shop

Post by Inkeyu »

Jack's Candle Sticks - A candle shop

Welcome to the candle shop! We specialize in making candles of all sorts.

Our special right now is for Vigil Candles. Personalized candles to commemorate the death of a friend or loved one.

This specific vigil is for David. A man of 26, wrongly shot dead by cops in front of his own house.

So for that, here is our deal:

A "David" candle is free as we would like a lot of people to attend the vigil.


Code: Select all


1) A "Name" candle is 5 gold
2) A personalized "Name" candle is 10 gold
3) A "Name" candle with different colored flame is 15 gold
4) A personalized "Name" candle with different colored flame is 25 gold

Order Form for a "Name" candle

Code: Select all

[color=blue]I WANT A VIGIL CANDLE![/color]
Date of Death: 
Story: ((OPTIONAL))

Candle Package: ((The number of which you want goes here))
Candle Description: 
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Last edited by Inkeyu on June 28th, 2015, 12:20:17 am, edited 4 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]
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MagiStream Donor
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Pretty Ponies Adopts

Post by Inkeyu »

Welcome to Pretty Ponies!


1) Introduction
A beautiful place filled with ponies of all kinds and colors. Here you will find the perfect little friend for you. Each and every pony comes with [strike]a pedigree, your choice of three items to start you off with, a personality description and stats that can be used to determine places in competitions[/strike](Suspended until the new game thread is up). Each pony, for a price, may be trained in specific fields to increase theses stats/abilities. All that is asked is that you follow the rules, and treat your ponies well.
Enjoy your stay!

2) Rules
- Be kind and courteous to others.
- Follow all of Tess's rules.
- Post your forms and questions here unless otherwise asked.
- You may adopt ONE baby pony every three days.
- Do not take and claim as your own art!
- You may train each pony you own once a day.
- You may NOT breed your own ponies! I or another breeder will do it for you for a price.
- Certain things are based on random events, do not complain if an event has a negative affect.

3) For Adoption

- FREE Adoptions


Special Form! (Read carefully before posting!)

Code: Select all

Pretty Pony Adopts
Pretty Pony: Ruby Draft
Pony's Name: 
Art: (Impress me!)
- For Sale
None yet. :3
Adoption Form

Code: Select all

Pony #:  
Pony's New Name: 
Pasture #: ((If none, leave blank))
Pasture Name: 
3 Items: ((Free with your FIRST PONY))
4) Breeds

All Pretty Pony Breeds -
Pretty Ponies (Very Common) - Your average Pretty Pony can come in an extremely wide variety of colors. While not normally spectacularly colored, you are sure to find the classics such as Paints, Appaloosas, Duns, Roans, and more. They are even tempered and gentile, quick to games and mischief and seem to have a love of mud.

Pretty Draft Ponies (Common) - Pretty Drafts are special in that any color you can find in normal drafts, can be seen among their ranks, but also plenty of fantastical color combinations. On average you will find they tend to keep similar markings to the ones found on Clydesdales and Shires, though on occasion you may come across one with other markings. Though larger than the other Pretty Ponies, Drafts are the gentlest of them and loyal to a fault.

Pretty Unicorn Ponies (Uncommon) - Pretty Unicorns are feisty and finicky equines. They're beautiful and incredibly intelligent, and know it. If you want to get one of these rarities, you'll have to prove yourself to them. Unicorns come in a wide variety of fantastical colors, and rarely show up in natural horse colors. Any Unicorns that show up in the adoption center tend to stay for long periods of time waiting for just the right person. When they find them, their stuck to their side like glue. You will never lose your Unicorn! But beware, NEVER betray a Unicorn!

Pretty Pegasus Ponies (Uncommon) - Our feathered friends the Pretty Pegasi are a light-hearted bunch that can never stay in place for very long. They are extremely fond of storms and spend a lot of time flying in, around, over, etc. them. For their free spiritedness, it has been nearly impossible for anyone to hold on to them for very long. The good news is they always come home....eventually. They are high strung creatures, so if they don't receive the amount of attention they desire, they often disappear. Their colors range through the natural as well as fantastical, but tend to lean towards colors that match them to the sky.

Pretty Avian Ponies (Rare) - These Pretty avian ponies are very similar to the pegasi, however they have beaks like birds! Different ones have different beaks! They also tend to act a lot like the birds that they resemble. Their colors are the widest range of colors of pretty ponies out there! But be careful, they are easy to lose as they are even more high strung than other pegasi!

Pretty Kelpie Ponies (Rare) - These ponies are very strange. They are carnivorous and have a tenacious mean streak towards anyone who isn't their bonded! That being said, they bond with singular beings, not a herd like most. They tend to not play terribly well with other pretty ponies either. They adore the water though, and find every excuse they can to get wet. Their favorite weather to play in is rain, and they detest getting too hot.

Pretty Dragon Ponies (Rare) - These ponies are rather difficult to keep as they are rather violent and hot tempered. They are normally found in places with a lot of volcanic activity, though some can be found in other places, on rare occasions. They are also very difficult to find. Their colors are usually that of gem tones. Though natural horse colors do happen, they are rather rare in this breed.

Pretty Mixed Ponies (Uncommon) - These little muts always seem to be the culmination of the best of their parents. Weather that's a Pegacorn that never leaves your side, or a Draft Unicorn that's loyal to a fault and brilliant, you will always find a friend with these guys! Their color is virtually unlimited!
5) Breeders and Managers
Rose Inkeyu Lunalia (Inkeyu, head breeder and manager)
6) Shows and Special Events
First contest! Pretty Pony Dress-Up!
7) Items:
a) Saddle (1 gold = 10 PPP)
b) Cold Weather Blanket (3 gold = 30 PPP)
c) Show halter (3 gold = 30 PPP)
d) Hoof bells (2 gold = 20 PPP)
e) Cotton Cloth Barding {Any regular, non-metalic color} (10 gold = 100 PPP)
f) Silk Cloth Barding {Any regular, non-metalic color} (10 gold = 100 PPP)
g) Metal Barding {Silver, steel, brass, copper} (20 gold = 200 PPP)*
h) Royal Barding {Gold, emerald, sapphire, or any other metalic color not listed above} (50 gold = 500PPP)*
i) Necklace {Gold or silver} (20 gold = 200 PPP)*
j) Pendant {gem} (5 gold = 50 PPP)
*Can not be chosen for prizes. For purchase only.
8) Breeding Pairs
Ebony (NOT AVAILABLE) - Image
Whippy - Image

Ivory (NOT AVAILABLE) - Image
Mimi - Image
Pretty Pony Training School (Forum Game) Coming SOON!
Within the next week or two (depending on work schedules), I will be posting a Training game to improve the stats of your Pony! You will be able to train your ponies in the following categories:

Beauty - This category involves Grooming, Stall Maintenance, Dietary Routine, Decorative Dressing
Health - Endurance Conditioning, (more coming soon!)

Keep checking back for more updates and spoilers!
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Last edited by Inkeyu on June 2nd, 2018, 4:30:11 pm, edited 18 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]
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MagiStream Donor
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Posts: 709
Joined: August 26th, 2009, 4:04:16 pm
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Flying Fish

Post by Inkeyu »

Flying Fish Temporarily Closed for Remodeling

This is an adoption center for fish of all shapes and kinds! Here I will be putting together various fish tanks and adopting them out to people, for a price.
Some arrangements of fish will be more expensive than others, but that will likely depend on the size of the tank and complexity of the fish.
I MAY do some custom fish tanks, however the fish for the tank (if you don't already have one to take the fish from), will cost extra.

REVAMPING! Look at the new prices for the tanks below as now they are on significant sale to make room for the new tanks coming!


1) Only use the form provided here to order fish tanks.
2) You may only request ONE CUSTOM TANK per month!
3) Do not PM me or get mad at me if you get ninjaed for the tank you want.
4) Some duplicate tanks may be made, so before claiming someone stole your tank, check for an ID#.
5) You may ONLY adopt ONE fish tank PER WEEK.
6) You MUST complete ACCURATE trades BEFORE receiving the tank you ordered.
7) The fish you choose MUST BE FROM THE LIST of approved fish!!!

Tanks for Adoption:

Cost: WAS 500 Gold OR two SB Black/White Cervinus Deer, REDUCED TO 50 gold!

Cost: WAS 250 Gold OR two SB Lunestre Dragons, REDUCED TO 25 gold!



Order Forms:


Code: Select all

[center][color=#FF0000]I WANT A CUSTOM TANK![/color][/center]
Tank Description: 
Fish you want: (first 3 are FREE!)
Adopting -

Code: Select all

[center][color=#0000FF]I WANT TO ADOPT A FISH TANK![/color][/center]
Tank Code: 
Approved Fish List:
Queens Loaches - No extra cost
Regular Gold Fish - No extra cost
Regular Beta Fish - No extra cost
Yellow Tang - No extra cost
Clown fish (any variety) - 3 gold extra
Maco shark - 15 gold extra
Sea Star - 10 gold extra
Starfish - 15 gold extra
Small Koi - 50 gold extra
Large Koi - 75 gold extra
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Last edited by Inkeyu on May 25th, 2018, 9:20:24 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]
User avatar
MagiStream Donor
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Posts: 709
Joined: August 26th, 2009, 4:04:16 pm
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Post by Inkeyu »

AnimeFaves Temporarily Closed for Remodeling

"Hey there! Welcome to the mistresses shop! Normally she grants wishes, but this time she's giving away and 'selling' character portraits, dolls, and items from various anime's here!"

"Whoops! Looks like she hasn't brought anything yet! Come back soon though! She should be here any time now!"

For Sale:
"Whoops! Looks like she hasn't brought anything yet! Come back soon though! She should be here any time now!"

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Last edited by Inkeyu on March 23rd, 2017, 3:02:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]
User avatar
MagiStream Donor
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Posts: 709
Joined: August 26th, 2009, 4:04:16 pm
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Foxerflies - WIP Species! Looking for input!

Post by Inkeyu »


Thoughts? Opinions?

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Last edited by Inkeyu on December 4th, 2013, 2:38:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]
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MagiStream Donor
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Posts: 709
Joined: August 26th, 2009, 4:04:16 pm
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Flametail Hellunds

Post by Inkeyu »

Welcome! So you're interested
in a Hellund of your own?
Wonderful! Read below to learn about them and
to find out how to adopt one!

1) Be respectful and follow all CS rules.
2) Follow all the rules for each adoption, as they will
change from one Hellund to another.
3) Customs may be available at different times, so
make sure you look in the appropriate place.
4) Make sure to either put them in an existing adoptables thread,
or make a new one for the ones you adopt, at least until I get an archive up.
5) No trading or selling your hellunds! If there is a re-adoption,
trading, or selling event, then you may be allowed to transfer
ownership to someone else. DO NOT DO SO WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!
6) More rules may be added as needed
As far as scientists have been able to determine, they are somewhere between the fabled Hellhounds, and Kistune. They are rather small, so they can only figure that they are somehow related to fennec foxes. They are not technically from this realm, and are believed to dwell mostly in the spirit world, but come over to our side to seek out partners such as witches and general companions. They do not discriminate based on species though, as they have been known to attach themselves to humans and animals alike. They seem to be able to switch between our dimension and the spirit one easily, and by choice, though it has been discovered that they will completely cease to exist in our realm if their flame is extinguished.

They are a closed species, made by me. As a closed species, they can not be replicated outside of this adoptable without my permission. That being said, if more art is wanted of them from other people, you may get art of them, but only after discussing it with me, as I would prefer them not to get stolen. I am on several art websites that I check regularly for just such a reason. As I flavor them, they are almost entirely spiritual energy, wrapped around a skeleton and with a metal head, with a jaw attached with a bolt on either side of the face. The 'ears' aren't actually ears, they are channels for their energy. The ball of flame that is perpetually at the end of the tail, is an embodiment of their energy and shows what kind of magic they can do. The flame is kept there by a small outlet at the tip of the last vertebra of the tail. It is an outlet for the excess energy, and so keeps them anchored to our world. If the flame were to ever go out completely, the Hellund wouldn't exist on our plane anymore.

Most Flametail Hellunds are good tempered, tending to prefer being travel companions or companions for the lonely. However, when their bonded comes under threat, they don't usually hesitate to protect their chosen companion. They can sometimes decide to switch companions, but this is rare and an arduous process they prefer to avoid. They are very active and high energy, but don't tend to need much maintenance as they appear to be made mostly of spiritual energy. They do have favorite treats though. Mochi seems to be the most common for them, though they tend to like all other sweets as well. Hellunds are hoarders as well. So beware leaving anything shiny out, they will take it and stash it in the other dimension. That being said, usually you can bribe them to bring you things from their stash.

To get one of these little guys vary from one Hellund to another. Some require a ritual be performed (to be role played or written out), or some may simply require a bit of food. Most commonly, just the right kind of sweet for them is enough to bond them to you. Just make sure you read about how to get each one so you don't anger them; they tend to tell their fellow Hellunds about those who don't do their reading.

It is possible to summon specific Hellunds, however those rituals tend to be a little more intensive, usually involving some sort of potion, sacrifice (special payment), or gift (special currency). These such rituals can only be performed during certain times, so it is best to keep up to date with the Special Ritual Calendar (custom open/closed update).

Sure! Breeding is allowed and encouraged, as they are a newly discovered species, and our researchers would love to learn more about them! So far very little is known about their breeding habits nor the way their genetics pass from one to another! Be sure to check the Breeding Season Calendar for when litters may be available!

Not available yet!

None yet!

None yet!

None yet!

None yet!

For these slots above, only minor line edits, (No moderate or major line edits)

Code: Select all

[center][size=150]I'm claiming a Special Ritual Slot![/size]
[b]Preferred Traits:[/b] (no line edits)
[b]Favorite Treat:[/b] (The Hellund's)
[b]Summoning Ritual:[/b] (Payment)
[b]Story:[/b] [/center]

Grand opening! - Discounted custom Hellunds! Anything over 1,000 gold will be 30% discounted!
Scientist Search - Want to help research Hellunds? Check out the Scientist Search!

(Common traits are 10 gold each)
~ Red, yellow, orange flames
~ No line edits
~ Minor line edits
~ Dark colors
~ Stripes
~ Spots
~ Fox colors
(Uncommon traits are 50 gold each)
~ White, pink, green flames
~ Moderate line edits
~ No fur
~ More fur
~ Spiky face mask
~ Long tongue
~ Dog color patterns
(Rare traits are 150 gold each)
~ Blue, purple, black flames
~ Moderate line edits
~ Horns
~ Split tongue
~ Extra limbs
~ Wings
~ Bright colors
~ Small flames
~ Large flames
~ P.P.S.
~ Different colored teeth (other than white)
(Ultra rare traits are 500 gold each)
~ Rainbow, opalescent, metallic flames
~ Major line edits
~ Large horns
~ Extra flames
~ Body flames
~ Larger claws
~ Flame wings
~ More than two wings
~ Full tail flames
~ Larger paws
~ No paws
~ Two heads
~ Rainbow body
~ Rainbow spine

For adoption:
Image Appaloosa Male - 5 pointed star
Image Buckskin Stripes Male - 5 pointed star
Image Bright Spots and Stripes - 8 pointed star - ADOPTED!
Adoption Form:
Fill this form out to completion to adopt a hellund!

Code: Select all

Hellund Name: 
Hellund Title: (IE appaloosa)
Favorite Treat: 
Summoning Ritual: 
1) What you put on each corner of the star, and what you put in the middle
2) What you said during the ritual to summon the hellund
3) What the hellund did after being summoned)
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Last edited by Inkeyu on June 23rd, 2019, 12:21:54 am, edited 13 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]
User avatar
MagiStream Donor
Member of The Dark Brotherhood
Posts: 709
Joined: August 26th, 2009, 4:04:16 pm
Gender: Non-binary

Merekat Mania - GRAND OPENING!

Post by Inkeyu »

Have you ever wanted a merekat? Temporarily Closed for Remodeling
Original photograph that this was based off of does not belong to me.
Me too!
That's why I made these little cuties!

Be careful though! Sometimes they bite!

1) No customs at the moment. Sorry.
2) Adoption forms will vary as it is up to the artist/breeder how they want to adopt them out.
3) Do not bug the artists about when the next litter will be. Not in pm, post here, nor otherwise.
4) Suggestions may be made, but it is still up to the artists. If your suggestion isn't used, don't take it personally!
5) Be kind to everyone here, including but not limited to staff and your own Merekats.
6) YOU MUST KEEP TRACK OF YOUR OWN MEREKATS! There likely will not be an archive.
7) Do NOT give away your Merekats! If you don't want them anymore, post a re-adoption form and Inkeyu or pearlevil will take care of the rest!
10) You may use these on any site, so long as it's linked back here. :)
11) Babies are products of breedings only, unless they are UR PPS's.

Inkeyu; Founder, owner, main breeder/artist
pearlevil; Artist/breeder (Has the honor of first litter for this shop!)

Available for Adoption
~ Male ~

Code: Select all

Favorite Things:
Other: (optional)
~ Female ~
Image #Leopard




((These will be transparentized upon adoption!))

Code: Select all

Favorite Food:
Male adult - - - Female Baby - - - Male Baby - - - Female Adult
Gold List
None yet. :( Don't ask about being put here, it will just happen.
Black List
DON'T MAKE ME PUT YOU HERE! (2 warnings max)



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Last edited by Inkeyu on March 23rd, 2017, 3:03:36 pm, edited 9 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]
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MagiStream Donor
Member of The Dark Brotherhood
Posts: 709
Joined: August 26th, 2009, 4:04:16 pm
Gender: Non-binary

Bronze Artist Challenge - Coming soon! (2018)

Post by Inkeyu »


Previous Bronze Artist Challenge
I've taken on a Bronze Artist Challenge where I've been making detailed eye icons for $1 each, making rotating images for $0.50 more for each image to rotate through.
I'm making them available to people here for Free!
That's right, free!
All of the images are posted on Fur Affinity.
Just post here with the below form and you will be added to the queue! I need to do 217 of them and have done 28 so far! Help me make my goal!
Please note that paying customers will take priority!
Also, this event is split between Fur Affinity, Tails Refuge and Magistream! That means limited slots and they're going quickly!

Ends August 4th at 11:59pm!

Progress: 35/217 Completed


36) Cadimus
37) Darkwolf
38) EmmaGray
39) Limizuki
40) Akilzaire
41) Dukov Wolff
42) Samantha
43) Jade
44) Seito Akai
45) FreedomFighter
46) SharkPony
47) Exiodian
48) gear130


Code: Select all

Character Name:
Level: toony to realistic, anywhere in-between
Other: Special things you want added?
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Last edited by Inkeyu on June 2nd, 2018, 4:37:41 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Looking to Gender Swap an Emperor phoenix. (Trading a female for a male, 1st gen)
~ ImageImage ~
ImageImageImageImageImage ~ ~ Dragon Cave
For ninjas:

Code: Select all

Dragon cave:

Code: Select all

None right now . . .
Flametail Hellunds
Need reading material?
Lots of creatures for sale!
Thank you so much Trissan, for helping me be able to get a protection spell![/center]

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