Snippets |{Braindrain Drabbles}|

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Snippets |{Braindrain Drabbles}|

Post by artemisrose »

HOKAY. I need to bleed out some writing. It may seem kind of weird, some kind of darker, but then my writing has taken to a turn towards what in the heck am I even writing, so I just need to bleed it out. Figuratively speaking, they just need to leave my head before I go insane.

These however are just snippets of my mind. I have random thoughts floating in my head and I figure I'd just post the ones I feel like sharing :derp:

In general, I have no idea what to really do with them other than write out a scene or two. They also will probably make no sense, whatsoever unless you ask what the theme was (more or less what I was thinking about)

Comment if you want, don't really mind either way I'll just use this as a means to an end after all. :haha:

EDIT: I renamed this thread because hokay no. Off I go bruh. :derp:
Last edited by artemisrose on July 23rd, 2014, 10:45:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
[RAA] [Snippets] [Memories]

nothing here oops

Hahi!: 1x1 RP with me C: do it.
"You breed with the mouth of a goat."

“your smile is in my dreams
the only place where I can hold you.”
— ─ 堕落 (ムック)
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Vanity of Anna

Post by artemisrose »

Her hair was so lovely.

Long, flowing, blonde, gorgeous. Nature’s gift blessed to this girl. It was the only thing perfect and the only thing left to destroy.


The voice of the hopeless did not belong to this wonderful hair. Cold ice blue glared at the hair as it shimmered. Snarled at the way it flew behind her seamlessly. It was time to go.

Pale and stick thin fingers with gnawed fingernails snatched a pair of scissors from the side table beside her. Sliding the open blades to her face a grin wiped her face as the pupils dialate and a laugh rumbles inhumanely from her small throat.

“Goodbye Anna.”


Hair fell around her in a halo of gold, rotting slowly into the carpeting of a colorless shade.


“Goodbye old self."
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Wants of a King

Post by artemisrose »

(Just another, for the unfairness of wanting things you can't have.)


“If I crossed the world and came back different would you still love me?” He stared at the younger who frowned deeply raising a small hand to touch the side of the jaw, to cradle it gently between his fingers. A smile was placed along his still boyish features, while the older looked deeply troubled despite.

“That is a strange question.” The more grown up hand snatched the wrist attached to the hand that held the older’s face, a twist of annoyance from the younger’s response not easing his mind.

“I’m serious, this is important.”

“How?” He may be shorter, but it was only by an inch or three, but he held on to power better. Wriggling his wrist easily he grabbed the sides of the older’s face towards his own, “It does not matter because you know. You just want unnecessary reassurance.” He paused to chew on the bottom of his lip and tapped an index against the ear of the older, “Are you that insecure?”

“No...I am unsure.”

“No one ever conquered the world with that attitude.” A peck and the older’s face was released, “However that is why I think you’ll make a great king.”

The older’s light eyes softened into an uneasy color, running a thumb over his bottom lip. It was hard enough, he did not need this among it all. Why could he not be sympathetic.

Because that is not how Nicholas is.

“Even if I come back wedded?” That smile was unnerving, how is it he did this to his heart? A stupid question, “Even if I come back..?” It was difficult to try and convince the other to reconsider. It wasn’t a question of how he loved, it was the because he couldn’t love this one. The weak-willed king-to-be wanted to be strong. It was only possible with Nicholas, and he couldn’t have him.

“Live long and prosper, my king.” Again he held his face and left a long lasting mark on his breaking heart.

“Nicholas...” The younger lifted a fist in the air and shouted loud for the kingdom to hear.

“Long live King Daniel!”
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Re: Snippets of Weird

Post by Zethaslin »

Awesomeness! :hooray:

How you can recreate the scene in my eyes is amazing.
Maybe it's in the vocabulary?
I don't know. But you've sure got it down! XD
Have a lovely day! ImageImage
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Re: Snippets of Weird

Post by artemisrose »

;u; with such short posts? I do?
that's just-- /huggu

--god I'm so late with these >_<
/throws muffins all around
[RAA] [Snippets] [Memories]

nothing here oops

Hahi!: 1x1 RP with me C: do it.
"You breed with the mouth of a goat."

“your smile is in my dreams
the only place where I can hold you.”
— ─ 堕落 (ムック)
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Just Stop Your Face

Post by artemisrose »

This is actually posted somewhere else but I loved it so much I might as well immortalize it here. It's actually been edited for my characters "potty mouths" but it's still funny as hell despite that because that language didn't make me cough a laugh. Nor was it really relevant (it didn't dominate).

This was borne from a moment of silly thinking and the fact I like to make my characters do weird things all the time randomly. My humor sucks I know.



"What in God's name was that?"

He wiggled his nose as another noise managed to escape his nostrils.

"N-nothing." He also couldn't hold in his laugh. It was too hilarious watching the other's face---another one sounded.

"Fuh...Will stop!" How was he suppose to control his nose? Or the noises that came out of it, for that matter?

"S-stop...your face then!"

"What?" Jacob stared while Will tried to at least compose himself.


"Are you okay?" Jacob figured he ask. Will looked like he was having an unusual moment of madness. Unusual, because Will was usually somewhat mad everyday.

"I d-don't know w-why it's so...f-funny!" Jacob couldn't help his pinking ears. From what Jacob wasn't sure, but Will was making this unbearable. "I c-can't...!"



"H-hey wait! Don't leave me behind!"

Last edited by artemisrose on March 6th, 2013, 4:43:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I'm the Best!

Post by artemisrose »

My ideas my spawn into the children of the corn actual stories so comment if you like an idea xD; Also do I sound apathetic in my OP? I think I do. Kinda like a dung left on the side of the road and is bitter about it.



Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?


"I am the great and powerful---" thunk.

"You're just a scrawny little brat." The girl whipped to stare, then snarl at the older girl who sneered back. Rubbing tenderly at her head and mushing around those short brown locks, Emma stood to her feet and point finger at her oppressor.

"I'll have you know I'm a superhero! A great and powerful warrior princess who defends the weak and---!"

"You're just stupid." The older girl snorted and flicked Emma harshly under her nose then pushed the girl when Emma went to rub the afflicted appendage. Her butt met the dirt again. "What's so great and powerful about you? You're just an idiot whose mom is dead!"

"Shut up!" Emma stood and shoved the girl as hard as she could, but being only eight she couldn't bring down the taller, older pre-teen bully of hers. Tears in her eyes her blue cape she had strapped on around her neck suddenly fluttered at the abrupt occurrence of wind. "You're j-just jealous!"

"That doesn't even make any sense!" Emma pouted, she wouldn't admit that. It made sense to her, it made sense to her mother...Emma sniffed in her tears.

"Then you're the one that's stupid!"

"Nuh uh." The older girl kicked her down this time, and turned to leave Emma behind. "You can't even defend yourself! So that makes you stupid, and weak, and a liar."

Who are you?

"I'm the...g-great...and p-powerful...warrior..." Sniff, rub, rub, "...p-princess Emma."

And I'm going to be just like my mommy.
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Graveyard Dance

Post by artemisrose »

Because when I die I don't want to rest in peace, I don't wanna be alone
I wanna dance in the graveyards.

-Delta Rae, Dance in the Graveyards

Jiggling bones and a ghost they were, stone slabs of cold and quiet were loud and boisterous. Here came the craziness of life, in those who had died.

"What is this place..?" She didn't expect to see this. Wasn't death, bright, white, ethereal...quiet? Looking around she saw nothing but dance, music, rhythm and song, laughter and noise, people....people dancing among the tombstones. "Whatever is this?"

"Why this is death!" Someone had slapped her back, she turned to look but they were already gone.

"This is life!" This time she was poked, she rubbed her shoulder out of instinct even though it didn't hurt, she didn't even get to see them either. She looked around, until someone actually rested on her shoulder, she looked up at the face and almost cried.

"Welcome to the after." They grinned, she grinned back. "Long time huh?" She nodded, they pulled her into the fray, she laughed, they laughed, they danced, she followed.

"I guess you really weren't alone..." She started, but they stopped her with a hand.

"I just never wanted to leave you alone."
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Where was Selma

Post by artemisrose »

Haven't be around to update this in a while so here we go with a realism fiction that I did for a children's literature class last semester in school :derp:

The theme was child(ren) dealing with parental death


He was warm. He could feel himself get warmer, warmer, warmer still, until he started to burn. He choked on grey air, clustered in an effort to drain him of consciousness. It was too dark, everything around him was falling apart.

Where was mom? Burning into nothing.

Where was dad? Melting into the floor.

Where was Selma?

Where was Selma?

Where was Selma?

He heard screaming, loud, shrill, clawing at his ears until it thrummed in his bones, his blood pumping. It was so cold, colder, colder, numbing, comforting. The screaming continued, he didn’t know it. He vaulted forward.

“Cree?” A soft voice called, prodding at his consciousness. Sweat poured down his face, crossed this way and that, looking over to see his twin crying, as she stopped shaking her brother from his fit, her small hands gripping his shoulders.

“Cree, please don’t scream, it hurts when you scream.” Selma said. Cree watched as she lifted a hand trying to console him of his nightmare, but he pulled away making Selma frown. Loud thumping sounds rumbled at the door until appeared a short silhouette of a troubled aunt. Selma turned to face their yawning family member, then crawled onto her brother’s bed to shield him from the aunt’s gaze from the doorway.

“Samuel, you really need to quiet down,” Their aunt said with a sigh to her voice. Cree bowed his head in apology. He was both disturbed by his fear, and shamed by his inability to outgrow that day. When his sister seemed to have done it so flawlessly. His aunt sighed again offering one last word before leaving, “I know it’s hard, but it’s been half a year.” Their aunt turned to leave the room and shut the door behind her with a click.

Cree didn’t bother responding, as his sister stuck her tongue out at the now closed door. Selma held her smaller brother’s form, petting his head with her hand. Cree scowled, shutting his eyes tightly as he pushed his sister away. Holding his head, he tried yet again to drown out the screeching tires, the melting faces, the screams, all on his own. If his sister could do it, so could he!

They were twins.

They were twins.

They were twins!

He curled into himself and put his back to Selma.

“Cree?” Selma tried to call but Cree growled in response.

“Don’t call me that!” Cree yelled, which made Selma pulled back and hold the tears in her eyes from falling. Soon he felt her forehead on his back and Selma curling her arms around his body in a tight hug. Cree juggled with his words, before he finally spoke, “How?”

“How what?” Selma asked, Cree gulping down his pride, peeling her out of her hug to turn to his sister with wet eyes, struggling to keep himself steady.

“How could you forget?” Cree asked his voice thick with grief. How could she forget and he could not? Why did the voices leave her? How come the faces didn’t haunt her any longer? Cree thoughts made him angry, made him shout:

“How could you forget them?!”

He held his face in his hands and sobbed. Even if he did manage to sleep again, he would only go back there, and if he went back there, he would only scream. Selma sniffed softly, rubbing her eyes with her hands before hugging her brother, crying on his hunched over back.

“Because I have you Samuel.” Selma said, making Cree sob louder, but it was muffled in his sister pajamas so as to not stir their aunt twice in one night. Selma pet her brother hair and continued, “Because if I have you then... then... then it doesn’t seem so horrible anymore. Because I have you, you’re here. I can’t be a twin without my twin.”

Cree laughed bitterly, at such a simple response.

How could it be that easy?

How could he actually begin to believe?

He didn’t know.
[RAA] [Snippets] [Memories]

nothing here oops

Hahi!: 1x1 RP with me C: do it.
"You breed with the mouth of a goat."

“your smile is in my dreams
the only place where I can hold you.”
— ─ 堕落 (ムック)

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