A Poetry Chain

Share any written short stories, novels, or poetry

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A Poetry Chain

Post by Platypoose »

I got this idea from the Enter Prompt, Receive Poem thread. Since it is next to impossible for me to write all those poems, I made it a game for everyone! Yay!

So the first person (moi) writes a prompt, like "fire."

The second person writes a poem about that prompt. "this is a poem about fire."
do try to make your poems better than that.
And then posts a new prompt. "trees in the wind.

And so on.

Ok. No prompt above me. so...
Write a poem about flying.
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by shadowsmudge »

Flying high
In the sky
Why don't I
Want to try?

Write a poem about trees. :) :P
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by catcrazyme »

A seed in the ground,
Hard and round,
Never found.

A little sapling,
Fiercely grappling,
With death battling.

A strong trunk now,
Strong little boughs,
Wiping sweat from its brow.

A medium sized tree,
Strong and carefree,
Happy as a bee.

An old wise oak,
Leaves like a cloak,
Seen by many folk.

Write about death and despair.
I've been on a really long hiatus. I apologize for all delays! Thanks!
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by ShyKiagana »

Within darkness, there's light.
With life, there's death.
One's date is ones misery or joy.
The pain of one can become too much.
Allow the miseries fate to be unleashed.

Night falls a swift cut.
The bodies fall one by one.
The list shall be complete.
The chains shall end here.

The sand runs down,
Your time is near.
Allow the touch to seal it.
The death is here.

Your life is withering,
He gives you time.
Choose to seal your fate;
Painlessly or painfully.
No one can escape his touch.
Not even you or I.

Write about a Royal kingdom and a kind king.
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by catcrazyme »

Do you hear the trumpets play?
Do you hear the music gay?
Do you see that on the thrown?
A new kind king, has been made known.

Do you see on his firm hand,
Lies the glorious ruling band,
A ring of gold, of truth, of peace,
Presented to him, by the priests.

Will you listen to his say?
Will you always do it his way?
Will you stand with him, alone?
Battling through the unknown.

Do you see his fair kingdom,
The green hills that sought freedom,
A peaceful rest for weary eyes,
People living their own lives.

You can sing this to a tune....it was written that way.

Write about not finishing your work/task/homework that was really important to your boss/teacher/friend.
I've been on a really long hiatus. I apologize for all delays! Thanks!
P.S. Mining in my keep is OK, except for 'No Touchy' Tab! Thanks!
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by ShyKiagana »

a morning sun rose in the sky,
the sun told me it was today.
The day i had somehing i never finished
Nor had i started it.
i was not motivated to do my project.
I did not feel like doing it.

Today was the day it was due.
I walked to school,
Many held their projects with a proud look.
I was projectless.

Walking into class,
The teacher scolded me.
She told me where my project was.
I told her I didn't do it.
She gave me an F that day.
The biggest project I did not do
bcame the biggest mistake in that year.

It wasn't so bad though.
During detention, anoter student sat.
He too was projectless.
His reason was the same as mine.
We were just not interested in doing this work.
After that day,
despite what our parents had done to us,
we became the best of friends.

Write about what would you do if you ever had a chance to save a dyng animals life.
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by catcrazyme »


A heartbeat.
A swoop,
A crash,
A fall.
A bloody smear on the window.
A bloody bird on the ground.

A tiny chick left,
No momma to feed it,
No momma to see it,
No momma to love it,
So I would have to do.

He stayed in a shoebox,
Eating worms,
Pooping on tissue paper.
I was no momma though.

He stayed alive, for a couple days,
We buried him under the grass,
We marked his grave,
I remember his face,
He stays there to this day.

That's a true story. It was a baby blue-jay.

Write about writing.
I've been on a really long hiatus. I apologize for all delays! Thanks!
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by ShyKiagana »

I shall take this challenge. your on xD

A girl with dislexia scrambles letters.
A small child learning how to read.
What are these letters we are seeing on these papers?
It is writing. Typing.
All in black or colorful ink.
At times theres a picture to help describe,
But it is all writing.

How do we write?
We take some letters,
put them together.
but wait!
Theres more than 1 of the same letter.
That is ok. It helps with pronounciation.
Reading words,
Writing letters.
Its all the same in the end.

Who started the writings?
when did it all happen?
It could be from those drawnings
From the cavemans cave.
It could be the ancient drawings from the egyptians.

One could say after many centuries,
We have all ended up using letters and words
to write, to speak
to talk to others.
We have learned all of this
by the works of what we know
as writing.

Write about the worst game you ever played xD
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by catcrazyme »

A click
A curiosity
An advertisement
Meant to amaze

A little try
A roll of eyes
A sign of hate
I HATE this game!

Sorry....little sketchy. You know what? This is just you and me. I kinda like it this way.
I've been on a really long hiatus. I apologize for all delays! Thanks!
P.S. Mining in my keep is OK, except for 'No Touchy' Tab! Thanks!
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by ShyKiagana »

Two members on a site,
Writing a poem.
A poem two of which can have the other make.
And see what comes about.

I like it with just the two of us.
Its peaceful and joyful.
I think I would like to get to know you more.
If that is ok with you.

Maybe we can continue such chains.
While enjoying ourselves.
To be honest,
The only writing I enjoy.
is that of poetry and Roleplaying.

This is rather fun x3 - and yes. this poem really does mean what i say :t-swoon:
And i guess you can write of how you feel lol
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