OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Raneth »

Stuff I’d like to see:

1. Contests. Specifically, contests wherein the winner will affect the site somehow. Creature design contests, like the one that resulted in the dragon turtles, writing contests where the winners will get their entries put into the site lore or on the world map, and perhaps just for fun, recolor contests where people can recolor stream creatures and maybe get that recolor as a new creature. I think contests like these will encourage people to participate and will help the site add new things. Everybody wins!

2. A new way to get gold. I always say this, but mining needs to be nixed. It’s not fun, begins to feel like work, and makes it very hard to new players to learn the ropes and feel like they can actually acquire any donation pets without either donating or putting a ton of time into the site right off the bat (setting up mining). I think it’s a bad thing. Either way, though, with mining gone or not, there should be another way to make gold so that people can feel like getting those old pets is actually feasible. Posting is great, but a fun way would be flash games. A simpler way, if flash games are off the table, would be to implement some sort of foraging thing. Maybe if people click around the site and explore the world, they can find gold every day? Or perhaps there can be a daily “gold quest,” where you run errands for NPCs and get gold as a reward. This would also flesh out the lore and the world, too. If the gold system can’t be changed of course, since messing with the economy is always a risk, then daily NPC quests could perhaps have a small chance of resulting in rare, quest only creatures.

3. Community quests. This is basically where everybody pitches in to fill a goal, kind of like the Ivan thing where people all had to click on the creatures to hatch them and unlock a new pet. More like this would encourage people to play, I think, and would be a fun way to release creatures.

4. User “blogs.” Not sure how feasible this is, but one some forums (invisionzone, not sure about PHBB) you can set up a blog for each user, basically like a journal. They were always fun and it could be a way for people to keep track of their projects and things. They’re public, too, so people can see other user’s blogs and chat about things or whatever.

I’ll keep brainstorming. I do like the idea of a battle system. Instead of stats, though, since there are so many creatures on MS, perhaps it could use combinations of creatures in some way. Like you make little creature armies, and depending on species and how well they work together, you get points and whoever has more points wins the "battle."

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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Taliesen »

Definitely some sort of battle system. That's my top "want". (Well, that and a pair of breedable male Delroch-but I'll settle for just the battle system).
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ApprenticeCrone »

-Repeatable quests other than the FaceChanger
(something to get us using the World map more!)

-Allies to keep our current Allies company. (opposite or same gender, I'm not picky. But something! They just... look so LONELY)

-More drinks from Remy (or more frequent changes to his drinks. Those are just fun. I especially enjoy when there's a random chance of something funny -like the kraken baby- showing up)

-a "library" map point with all the Master Belmos Nursery Tales in it

-Donation pet breeding potions!!
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by NyxNoire »

Editing longwinded post. :P

tl;dr version - I like the idea of some sort of user "blogs".

(Seconding Tali's wish for male breedable Delrochs. :D )
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ApprenticeCrone »

Just thought of something else.

I really like the concept of the koi pond (even if I've yet to pull a single fish from it).

It would be a lot of fun to have something similar introduced, too.
Maybe through a quest?
Do the quest, and be introduced to the secret route to the heart of the volcano. Throw enough metals (gold) into it, and there's a chance you could get fire-like creatures from it...

Or whatever other version fits best. (Very much just the koi pond with a little flavor difference, you see? And it's a two-for-one, since you get a new quest to do first, to unlock the possibility...)

Or maybe it's a hidden oasis in the desert, that you can only find while drunk on Remy's drinks! :lol:
That'd be pretty entertaining, too!

edit: or maybe a repeatable duology of quests (this is UNRELATED to the above, by the by!).
One where you go exploring and find a little creek that feeds into Lake Lakira, which is blocked up with a dam of platypi eggs. And when you complete the quest you unblock the creek and start a platypi flood.
And the second quest clears the flood up....
(this in addition to, NOT instead of, the current floods)
Or maybe that would be too much like controlling the stream.
Yeah, maybe not that one.

It would be pretty neat if during the holidays, you could do a quest and find a "holiday-only" area (kind of like the holiday-only shops, but in the world map) which was where the stream holiday creatures showed up.

As in, last year's taedan gryphons, instead of showing up in the stream, showed up in an Ice Nest you had to do a holiday quest to reveal. Still limited time, of course!
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by TNHawke »

For lack of a better term "locking tabs". Tabs that don't show up when you're in the trade system.
I'm certain that I'm not the only one who has this problem. My army has grown so large that trying to work trades takes forEVER. I never intend to trade away my beloved Skwiddies, but the lag as the trade screen loads is so bad that I tend to initiate a trade, and then go do something else for 5 minutes while it loads. Put in the creatures or gold and a note and then go do something else for another 5 minutes before I can put in my password. And if I screw up, that's even more time while waiting for reloads. It's so bad, that I actually dislike buying and selling and am even loathe to gender trade!
I don't want to hide my army in trade, because I want them out where I can see them and see their stats. Not to mention, the idea of putting over 7000 Skwiddies into a trade is just a little daunting. And I certainly don't want to get rid of them.
If not this... then something. I needz halp!
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Real »

One of my ideas... not sure if it was suggested before...

A “bigger” quest maybe? Like, in order to get a new creature you have to pass a series of tasks?
Like, first task: gather a small army of Koi Fish hatchies(20), breed five Capris, get ten frozen Minicorn eggs and so on. Turn in all the creatures and unlock the next task. I guess one task can request a small fee as well: you have to pay 5k in order to open the next task. Or something like that.
The bigger the number of tasks in one quest the better. You can open the next task only if you finish the first one. I play World of Zombies on another site, and the quests kinda work like that. It’s pretty fun – and that way you feel like you’re actually working to get that new shiny creature. Not every task can be finished in five minutes.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Omigawd »

For an extension on the item collecting idea, I was thinking, though it would probably take a lot of work, that everywhere on the map would have sub-areas that are (almost) always open. If you happen into one with the right creature/combination of creatures, you get an item. Most of them would be for show, but maybe there's a certain string of items that actually do something. Like... finding cracked mirror shards in a few different places, a tarnished mirror ...I dunno. Handle? half in two other places, and something like "Moon-touched water" if you go at a very certain time to a place, and you get a magic mirror that opens up a quest or leads you to an egg. obviously this idea has a lot going on, especially adding in right place, right creatures and at the right time.

And maybe some of these areas could have a certain set of eggs that can be found in place of items, and like, a SUPER low chance of getting an area-appropriate retired donation creature? Like, maybe .01%.
I've got too many Aculeus. All unnamed, white ones 15k each.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by NKfloofiepoof »

Some sort of middle ground between hiding creatures in a trade and the hidden tab feature. If the hidden tabs worked like trade hiding (you can link the creature and view its information, but it doesn't register clicking and, thus, doesn't grow), I'd actually throw down the 75k for the scroll :derp:

In addition, if possible, making a tab able to be viewed but the creatures still not clicked. Then I could finally take all of my tzunun mice hatchlings out of trades so they'll be visible to anyone who views my keep but still safe from growing.
Buying unwanted SB elephant snails for shop price
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Namyre »

I second Raneth's first three wishes, especially the first one.

I also would love a weekly scavenger hunt. Weekly as in you have to wait seven entire days until you get to do another one, rather than saving up to do like 5 at a time. Around the site, you would have to find a list of misplaced objects such as quills, potions, dragon scales or what have you. There would be a magi with some made up backstory about how careless they'd been, and how grateful they'd be if you found the objects for them. Then you'd get a special prize: an amount of gold or rare creature or whatever. For every five hunts, you'd get some kind of medal that goes on your profile.

Oh my gosh, I just came up with the best idea for a raffle… :hooray:

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