OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by MissMurderPaws »

I'm for a site wide list of creatures and costs.

I know we already have the 'How much is it worth", thread, but it would be easier to just have an accessable list of the creatures and their prices, as given by maybe Tristan, or the artists, just so I don't have to go streaming through posts trying to find worths of creatures. That way at least people who want to sell something have a way to not get cheated out, or those who want to buy something know what the fair price is.

Maybe a magi stock market? That would be an interesting way to earn more gold, escpecially if you don't post often, or have a slow computer that's bad at gold mining.

Along with the gold, it would be interesting to also have a trade feature available in the shops. Like collecting and selling the creatures you catch and breed, it would be a fast and easy way to make money, and maybe there could be a little creature pool they go into, and other magi could buy them for the price they are sold. That way if you are looking to buy a specific creature you have options if nobody else is selling
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by DoctorOctopus »

NKfloofiepoof, I adore that idea. <3

Arospersonalguard, I'm pretty sure a site-wide 'standard' list of prices has been vetoed before- I believe it had to do with the flexible nature of the MS economy- new things are always being released and affecting the prices of other creatures, and it would have to be updated constantly. And who are we (the staff) to say what a fair price for a creature is? And who would enforce the prices? The MD mods? Speaking as one, I have to say that's certainly something I don't want to be doing!

Honestly, I'd love an alteration to the rate-of-progression-per-click system. I was away for a few months and now that I'm back, it seems to take a ridiculously long time to get things hatched, and the click threads have been extremely slow. Perhaps a purchasable potion that could increase how quickly creatures grow? You buy one per batch of eggs and can't get a new one until you have all those eggs hatched. Doubles as a gold sink, even if it's as low as 1k per potion (just as an example) because it's something you can buy over and over again.

I want more NPCs interacting with players like Master Belmos does! And more worldbuilding- more stories and ways to make this world come alive!
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by MissMurderPaws »

That makes sense, I didn't think about that before. Especially with the donation creatures which go up pretty much every month, depending on the seller. Maybe a potion that allows somebody to redo a quest, because I already did the Quetz. Quest, and I want to do it again, I sold them stupidly the first time ;^;
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ShaiNeko »

Arospersonalguard wrote:I'm for a site wide list of creatures and costs.
This is one thing I can state with certainty that will not be happening. There will not be any sort of official price list set by the admins or mods.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Cassowary »

ShaiNeko wrote:
Arospersonalguard wrote:I'm for a site wide list of creatures and costs.
This is one thing I can state with certainty that will not be happening. There will not be any sort of official price list set by the admins or mods.
Not only does it not make sense, but its too much bloody work.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Firebird »

perhaps a way to suggest hybrids. Breeding creature a to creature b and a text box popup asking what we might like to see from such pairing. To have an easier way for Artists to get ideas?

I think items and fighting with pets would be too much, one would have to stat the creatures and have a way to train the creatures and level up the creatures. I do like the Stockmarket idea and other gold earning opportunities, on that note having player shops where we can sell our own creatures, like we do now with the forums but have it show up in the shops tab and stocked with creatures others can buy immediately.

I also like the idea of forum Games we can play. and Areas where games are only open to people with a certain creature, or amounts of creatures.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Ladyfoxwomen »

I thought of a creature for say another quest a Sphynx or a Dryder would be cool.

Like to do the Dryder quest you would have had to already have done the one for the Namista spider quest.
Or maybe- Dinosaurs of a sort like Pterodactyls and T-rex. Plesiosaurs

definatly a new quest of a sort would be nice maybe some kind of games (something relativity easy and not to complicated to program in) to make getting gold a little easier. I definatly like the idea of player shops. make it easier to put up large number of creatures for sale and don't have to worry about waiting for the other person to start/accept the trade.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by ShadowDragon07 »

Can't remember if anyone posted item gathering from their creatures, so i'mma post this anyways. lol

- Had an inspiration from a Harvest Moon game I play. As an avid player of HM games, I like the concept of collecting items from the animals to complete a quest. It would be kinda neat to have quests where we collect items from a creature, say...every three days like how the breeding is set up, and once you gain enough of this item, turn it in to the quest giver/area to get a new creature. Or even get an older one, based on what items you collected from whichever creature.

example 1: a frozen egg from each type and color of crystalwing, along with a 'gem' from each as well. Get all of these and you get ONE '09 crystalwing. May or may not be re-doable, probably not, since it's such a rare creature. lol

example 2: Gather 8 direwolf claws, 4 (living) eggs from an albino direwolf, and 10 fangs from a dire core...and you get some awesome new wolf creature.
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Reima »

ShadowDragon07 wrote:Can't remember if anyone posted item gathering from their creatures, so i'mma post this anyways. lol

- Had an inspiration from a Harvest Moon game I play. As an avid player of HM games, I like the concept of collecting items from the animals to complete a quest. It would be kinda neat to have quests where we collect items from a creature, say...every three days like how the breeding is set up, and once you gain enough of this item, turn it in to the quest giver/area to get a new creature. Or even get an older one, based on what items you collected from whichever creature.

example 1: a frozen egg from each type and color of crystalwing, along with a 'gem' from each as well. Get all of these and you get ONE '09 crystalwing. May or may not be re-doable, probably not, since it's such a rare creature. lol

example 2: Gather 8 direwolf claws, 4 (living) eggs from an albino direwolf, and 10 fangs from a dire core...and you get some awesome new wolf creature.
Are you sure 4 LIVING Albino Eggs won't be too much for the newer users to handle?
Some new members also struggle with their gold earning and for example I am kinda sad when I look at the prices of some things and when I go to the auction house and people instantly add a ton of gold in there so that the newer users are pushed out right away with the thought: "I shouldn't even try..."

I like the gold earning from games~
I'm not requesting flashgames or anything, but at least some other way on getting gold than just clicking (and getting 1 gold per creature) and posting (which sometimes only gives you 6g no matter how long the post is)

But yes, I'll stop my rant~
This Signature looks so bad on mobile. Good lord it is HUGE. I'll need to work on that at some point. For now though I sleep
Any objections, Lady?
To hatchling only C:
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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Post by Ayakashi »

I didn't notice this in the list, and have read through most of the thread and didn't see it already suggested.

I know a few lineage breeders like me would like to see a way to assign mates to our creatures, so that when we hit the breed button on the lineaged creature only the assigned mate would appear in the breeding options box. It would help us reduce the chances of inbreeding our own lineages or getting an egg from a mismatched pair. It would also be great, I think, for those who have contest lineages, because then participants in the contest can assign a mate to their contest creature(s) and not worry about accidentally breaking the rules of the contest. Like if there's a rule that says no inbreeding, and the mate they choose for the contest isn't inbred, but they have another of the same creature/same gender that is, and they accidentally breed to the inbred one, thus breaking the rule and possibly being disqualified from the contest.

I know it would help me with some of my lineages as they have gotten quite long/large, and I wouldn't have to keep sorting the tabs to put mates next to each other, which takes forever with the way my browser freezes because of the number of creatures on the tab.

I remember it being requested somewhere else, but don't remember if we were ever told if it was even possible or not.

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