Hunt and Kill OOC

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Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Rockfalcon »

This is the OOC thread for the Hunt and Kill lit RP.

Please post questions, comments, concerns, complaints, conniptions, and conundrums here.

Those, and the character forms.


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Post by Rockfalcon »

I did a silly.
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Tidesweep »

Should I be terrified of this silly? Also, I would like to join please~

Username: Tidesweep
Character Name: Sither
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tall and lanky, she does not have much meat on her bones so to speak. Her clothes hang loosely from her body and move in any breeze. She often wears a tank top, a long sleeve flannel button down shirt and cargo pants that with one zip can be made into her shorts. Her sneakers look like they have been through the Biowars themselves with all taped up and holey they are but as the team of scientists found out when trying to take them, you just let her have them. A belt threaded through the loops of her cargo pants helps to keep them up and dangling from said belt are many different vials filled up with liquids, powders and plants. A broken backpack filled with one set of extra clothes and whatever she takes a shining too is often slung up on her shoulders. She is often seen with a green baseball cap on her head and pulled low to cover her eyes.

Her eyes are a bright violet and her skin a healthy color (even if it crosses the line into orange territory). Her hair is a bright, almost blinding shade of red-orange, coming to short and choppy (read she cuts it herself) waves just below her ears. Her face is a round shape with a nose she has a habit of wiggling every so often. She has no nails to speak of and her veins are easily seen beneath her skin despite the tone of her skin. Her tongue is forked a little at the end and her canines are fang like and poke out just a little from her lips. Her ears are small and close to her head, almost like she does not have them at all. Her skin has a light sheen to it, almost as if she is constantly wet, most heavily noted around her hands, knees and shoulders.

Personality: Not being noticed is just how she likes it and will go to great lengths to do so. Her choice of clothing was made specifically not to stand out among a crowd and so her appearance would be forgettable as she can make it. Her eyes miss almost nothing and to get anything pass her is rare unless it is figuratively. While great with blocking physical attacks, word games are not her forte. She does not understand many of the metaphors or sayings like "hold your horses" or "don't get your undies in a twist". She has no horses and why would she twist her underwear? A blank or confused look is often given to the person saying these things and she may ask for a clarification on it or just keep her mouth shut and leave you be. Sometimes it just is not worth it to her. She likes having a goal in mind. A means to an end if you will and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. It may change from day to day though as she watches and waits and processes new developments. Just cause she may get confused by "it is raining cats and dogs" does not mean she is not smart enough to figure out when something needs to be changed in order to do her ultimate goal: survive.

Enhancement: Her DNA has been spliced with that of poisonous amphibians found around the world and the venomous snakes. Her skin secrets a poisonous sweat almost constantly (to help regulate her body temperature) and her saliva is also poisonous (sadly, the venom producing part did not take like they hoped, but those fangs are still sharp enough to pierce skin). Her reflexes are also fast and her metabolism resembles that of most snakes (she is slow and lethargic after eating a big meal, but tiny snacking throughout the day has little to no effect on her).

Other: She is immune to most topical poisons as the sweat she produces usually renders then mute. However, poisons she ingest still have an effect. To try and reduce this, she and her team have slowly been building up her immunity to various toxins. While slow going, it would still be hard to find a poison she hasn't already tried to build up an immunity too (though large amounts of poison she has immunity too would still work). She also likes listening to any kind of music and will often lose herself in the moment if a song is playing and she likes it a lot.
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Rockfalcon »

Very nice! You're accepted.

Also, no, it's not too bad of a silly. Just me posting something in the wrong thread. Derp.
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Tidesweep »

*laughs* Well that is good. Thank goodness for the edit button then.

And yay~
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Rockfalcon »


Seeing as this is an RP where I not only allow but encourage people to kill each other's characters(with permission of course), I'm going to suggest you make more than one. You don't have to, of course, but it might be a good idea to do that instead of concentrating all your efforts on one character and seeing them through impossible odds to succeed at their test and get out of the Area.
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Tidesweep »

Hmm. Very good point. I'll probably work on them through out the day then~

Edit: Here is Rodney~ Hope he is okay~

Username: Tidesweep
Character Name: Rodney (Or EXR-212)
Age: 5 years
Gender: Male body, but does not have an actual gender.
Appearance: The body is that of a male his late 20s. The hair has all been shaved off. His skin is a pasty white color and his fingernails are long and filed to a point. The toenails are completely ripped out and a metal cap completely covers the whole toe and the bottom of his feet. Stitch scars criss-cross the skin, even going under the metal patches. The natural eyes have been removed and replace with mechanical ones that change color at a whim. The same goes for most of his organs. Blood does not run through his veins but oil sure does. Very few parts of him are human and there is nothing left of the guy whose body they used for this particular experiment.

Metal patches cover up the back of his bald skull, where his ears use to be, both sides of his ribs and his feet as described up above. An Artificial Intelligent unit coded with a learning function takes up the space where the brain used to be as well. His bones have remained mostly untouched except for a few places where they were cracked and the team had to fix. The muscles have also remained untouched (with some new ones added in from 'willing' donors). All in all, he looks like a better version of Frankenstein's creature except he was not technically brought back from the dead. He wears tight, thigh length shorts and nothing else.

Personality: Very logical thinking, though has shown a surprising ability to think outside of the box. Their team wants to take credit for this, but the other experiments with the same AI and learn code do not show this ability near to the extent Rodney does. Despite having no voice, he is quiet a talker and will mumble his hands so to speak as he tries to figure out a problem or a strategy. He can send text/email with processor unit, but does not like to as this leaves him vulnerable to a cyber attack. Physical he can handle...Cyber he would rather just not deal with as it means no more him but still living if he failed.

Enhancement: Mechanical/technological. Basically what these scientist did was use a cadaver and took out anything that they thought would make it weak. The brains. Organs. Blood. Replacing it with both mechanical (a few joints needed replacing, making the bottom of the feet metal/steel toes) and technological (the central nervous system was replaced with wires, fiber optics (or equivalent if this time period has something better), and an AI unit with a learning code). The eyes were also replaced, the ears taken off and made invisible and the pain receptors removed. A weapon or two was added as well (his sharp nails and tasers located in his wrists). The whole theory behind his design was that a dead body can not feel heat, cold, pain, hunger or thirst. Neither can a machine (to an extent). So why not combine the two and get the ultimate warrior? Thus setting off the series of experiments with Rodney being their greatest achievement yet to date.

Other: Does not feel hot nor cold. Water can damage him if he 'drowns' so to speak, but can walk in rain just fine. Despite his chronological age of 5, he is as about smart as your average 17 year old if not a little more so. Is mute due to the science team forgetting about the vocal codes, but they do not see this as much of a defect so decline to fix it for the moment. (Especially since if they win, all of their units would just communicate by 'telepathic' messages anyway.)
Last edited by Tidesweep on August 15th, 2014, 4:14:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Wishlist: Any water creatures (especially turtles)

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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Rockfalcon »

I'm working on mine, too, and on the map :DD
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by Tidesweep »

We has a map~ Yay for map~
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Re: Hunt and Kill OOC

Post by ComanderSalmon »

Character Name: EX2 More commonly known as X
Age: 20 but he looks 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: X is short and slim Helps with his agility and speed which for him is one of the most important aspects of his body. he is 60% human body and 40% mechanized. X roughly Stands around 5'4 and his right eye is mechanical (Which will be explained in enhancement) X's Left eye is a deep blue . X has short Brown hair to keep it out of his eyes which he cant stand when it gets into his eyes. He also has a long nose that looks like has been broken several times in which it has. X wears A black pair of Boots (untied) along with Black army pants and a dark green T shirt. X has a Tattoo on the back of his neck with a Bar code and EX2 underneath it Just so he can be identified.

Personality: X doesn't have very many emotions mainly because he wasn't designed and created to feel emotions he was created to kill and murder. But what little emotions he shows he seems to be a good guy not Kind but not Cruel like others. If he is going to kill he will but His prey out of their misery before moving on. X is a Battle genius He is smart at setting Traps and keeping himself unseen Hidden. X is basically a lone wolf.

Enhancement: Lets Start With X's muscles they have been tampered with to make him stronger. By consonantly ripping his muscles then Regenerating his muscles at a Fast speed it allowed him to gain the strength he needed. It also increases his Stamina and agility They also replaced some muscles and Mechanized them. X's Mechanical eye is connected to a part of his brain That has been BioEngineered to allow him to calculate the trajectory of a Bullet calculating wind and other Factors. X's Lungs have also Been Engineered to Allow him to hold his breath longer Giving him a longer chance to shoot a target.

Gear: Since X has no weapons Built into him he rely's heavily on Weapons he Carry's. X has two guns a carbon Fiber Yalguzag sniper rifle that fires 7.62×51mm Rounds and a Mauser M712 . X also Carry's Rope, Fishing Wire, Scrap metal, and a couple other things up his sleeve.
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