One of the groups at my college decided to have a perler bead event one night to help students relax during final exams, so I made a luteus owl hatchling. Since the beads were left-over from past events we had fairly limited choices, but there were good colors for a reduced color-count luteus. I'd never made anything with perler beads before, and it was a lot of fun! This little guy took about 3 or 4 hours, using tweezers.
Sadly, I made this while at college and forgot to bring it back with me for break, so I only have a photo that I took with my phone. Since I'm not eligible to win anyway, it shouldn't matter that I don't have the piece of paper with my name and the year. Right now, he's propped up on a shelf keeping an eye on my room while I'm gone
If I can manage to buy or track down some old clay, I might try making something else too.
Luteus Owl w(OvO)w